| After missing the March n April BMFCit was Return of the Jedi..or shud I say DOCTOR.it started with a visit to Sally2012 hotel room Wer she was already dressed in her Police uniform, short skirt stockings n heels, I was finally introduced to London Bangers...fuck me, in my head I was saying hi nice to meet you but wat came out was " Wat The Fuck "..36 Double fucking G...Im not even a tit man but I was like Gareth Gates, pure stuttering.
On entry to the club Paul asks me if I can check FLIRTS temperature, he puts my stethoscope between her legs..with her looking so Hot n Sexy in her knickers and fantastic legs , I had visions of my Xtasia membership being revoked...smile n move on quickly that's the safest option..
Well HELLO, Everything I heard about this lady is true..DiamondsRForever is the first person I see dressed in her Air Attendants outfit n luggage case by her side looking like a sparkler..U deserved Best Fancy Dress costume by a mile and I'm sure u enjoyed all who congratulated you...
As I see this sexy lady eyeing me as she goes downstairs I follow her n her hubby n b4 I know it IV got my tongue deep in her sexy pussy, she tastes Devine, I spin her round and start pounding her from behind, she's enjoying herself n before we know it Wer joined by another bbc..added bonus is she's a scouser and a RED...
Upstairs i see the sexiest girl in the club...JULIE n Nick...Julie is dressed in a short sexy black dress, that shows off her amazing arse, great breasts and fantastic legs...we find a room n start playing her body is incredible...watching Julie squirt time n time again was magic, my face was covered the window on the silhouette room was being sprayed...
At the bar Julie still says her fantasy is to be spunked on her tits by 3 or 4 guys..I asked Tiger007, the other guy n girl never returned but both tiger and I teased her fucked her sucked and came all over her tits...
So the gang all pile BK to the 7th floor n after 30 min we break off into 2 rooms...our room has 3 girls n 9 guys..Sally2012 n London Bangers police station is full and the punishment is gonna be severe one after one the prisoners surrender. ....
Roll on JUNE....
Date: 13 May 2017