| Wat a fantastic night.. Markstone and I strolled in like John Wayne & Clint Eastwood - Pimped up to the 9,s..Found Flirt n wished her a happy birthday...
Then miss Sophisticated took me in the room put her hubby in the corner then teased,sucked n fucked the life out of me..
I then went to Miss 55 room, wow her Ass, Legs n Tits are absolutely incredible...I think she was feeling the Pimp outfit but not my 5 carrot gold chain..After a few hrs I finally shot like John Wayne, it got Messi..
Inside the club I couldn't believe how many sexy ladies were still slitting it out til the end..
As we say : If you can't hear, You must feel...I said look there is too many getting in that lift- anyway I got the next one and the sexy blonde from Leicester was not holding back at all..90 min later goin to get some fresh air I hear voices coming from the lift..damn they bin stuck all this time, eventually out at 04:30.
I go to say by to Sally, I don't Kno how she does it but the white guy needs a bigger tool box for his pounding hammer- no wander he opey the door nacked..U and Ben must destroy some pussy down south...
I got well n truly fucked , I left westbromwich walking sideways like a bloody CRAB !!!!!!
Date: 15 September 2018