Oh no, please not a war between Midlands clubs again!! These two do nothing but praise a club in Stoke, and slate the other clubs who are doing well all around them. We are at Xtasia nearly every other week at the moment, and the club is really doing well under Paul and Flirts guidance. Numbers are well up, just look at the guest lists on the Clubs Forum for FFFF (which is free entry) and PHUKT which is a paid event. Nearly every night we attend is getting busier weekly, and serious money is being spent on the place monthly. They’ve only just finished some lovely new showers, with associated body driers, as well as spruced up the outside of the club. It’s certainly not struggling!
As for illegal drugs, the club operates a door check, and all bags are scrutinised on entry, for alcohol and drugs. The club policy is zero tolerance, and we have seen people escorted from the building when caught in the past. Kamagra may be a no no, but it’s not a Class A drug, and we’ve bought Viagra at other clubs in the area quite openly in the past. Really do think these obvious malicious reviews do nothing for the club scene, or for a specific couples credibility.
Date: 18 August 2014