| Just read the review about Xtasia being ok, but their profile update talks about a fun time in the foam. A bit of a contrast.
I would say that if this was your first visit, then you should always consider a second. A foam party is far different to any of the other events that xtasia holds. We personally love xtasia, and have done the foam party once as an experience but probably will not do it again.
We would say that of all the clubs we have visited, and we have visited many! Xtasia is one of the clubs that is getting it right. It is current, in touch with 2015 and is attracting the next generation of swingers. After all, clubs need new blood to make them a proper sustainable business.
Xtasia indeed has a nightclub look and feel. This is one of the selling points for the club and in our experience of going up and down the country, many people (especially the younger crowds) love the concept of going to a swinging club that replicates your high street club but with a twist.
They find it far more sexy to see guys looking dapper with some smart clothes, and the ladies dressed to impress. This adds to the mood that clubs that are strip down to a towell lose. Granted when everyone is in a towell, the "action" as some people say, can happen quicker. But xtasia adds a different mood to the night, coupled with the right music to get you in a sexual mood.
For this reason, I would disagree and state that xtasia is in fact a "swinging club", an award winning one at that. What people need to remember is that swinging is 2015 is very different to what it was 5, 10, 15 or more years ago. It is a diverse lifestyle with a shared element of a liberal culture.
Totally respect you might find different clubs cater for your needs. But we will say that Xtasia is without doubt one of the better swinging clubs in the UK that ever evolves and brings to the swinging world some fantastic events, themes and nights such as the regular Urban Night, Phukt (the most happening event) and the new Shush night (demonstrating the club is ready to evolve).
Date: 4 May 2015