| We have been coming here since the Arousals days, mainly for the monthly bi night and we’re delighted when we saw the renovations and improvements that had been made by the lovely new owners. The club has retained the best bits from the old club - the myriad of play spaces and dark corners, the mezzanine play area (our favourite part) but have created an amazing dungeon space, couples toom, bisexual snug to name a few, as well as investing heavily on the dance floor area (amazing light show), a very classy bar area and lots of seating under a huge glitter ball. The staff are amazing - Emz is usually in the centre of the party which is great to see, but they are all brilliant and good to see Drake and Tina maintaining continuity for us old timers! Oh and a top class resident DJ and Artist!
They have carried on the tradition of the 3rd Sat being the bi night and it has potential to be bigger than ever. And deserves to be. The low cost local accommodation and transport routes make this a great weekend-away option for pretty much anyone in the U.K. (and beyond). It is rare to find a monthly club based bi night on a Saturday - let alone one so close to airports, motorways and hotels, we hope as many as bi or trans folk possible find the chance to visit and see what they have done here.
This event has always been a party where there is lots of action (inc bi male play, which is rightly front and centre) for those that want it, but newbies and more reserved folk are not put under any pressure (any newbies want to know more just drop us a line). And its always a great mix of bi ccouples, bi singles - including bi curious guys and t-girls. It never feels that one group outnumber others so it had a good balance and that cant ve said about all bi nights elsewhere!
In a nutshell, we loved Arousals but being honest it was a tier 2 club - not one that came to mind immediately to the wider scene. The changes are brilliant, the new team is amazing and it really is a tier 1 club now in every way and I suspect its reputation will be increasingly growing further after people visit. And quite rightly! Roll on the 18th :)
Date: 5 September 2021