| After hearing very good reviews about BMFC and Penthouse Playrooms for a number of years, I was finally able to arrange a visit. As someone who’s been on the scene for over almost 15 years and values the lifestyle, I had high expectations. I had heard of Penthouse being such a good club, with well thought out play spaces and l was so excited to attend!
My initial thoughts were how welcomed I felt. One of the bar staff even went out of their way to make a special cocktail that isn’t normally on the menu. Prices are reasonable, with £9.50 for double Vodka and Red Bull and £4 for a Tequila. I didn’t initially see any security, but it was quiet when I arrived.
I have to also give a special shout out to Vix - such a cool dude! The club is lucky to have him.
So, this is the first club I’ve been to where you are not offered a tour of the venue, one thing I think is needed for all clubs. I will say, if you ask the manager nicely, he will show you his cock and the rooms, but I never told you that, as apparently that could get him in trouble. It’s a bit unprofessional and never happened in any clubs I’ve been to before. Think he thought because he had a big cock I would fxxk him there and then tut tut …
I have ADHD, I am a bit of a crazy lady; mega intense and very high energy. People think I am pissed when I am not. For this reason, I always make it known to new people I meet and new clubs, so I don’t get taken the wrong way. My personality is straight, direct and my mouth can be quicker than my brain sometimes (You know what they say about a quick mouth). I may have said that one of the bar staff were “Lar-de-Dar,” I didn’t mean any harm and I hope she didn’t take any offence to what I had said.
At some point in the evening, my shoe strap had snapped, whilst I was in the smoking area. I had to walk barefoot to find my friend and the locker keys. NOTE - Beware of the steep steps from the smoking area to the main club.
The club became very busy throughout the night. Good vibes, great music. However, later on in the evening, I felt I was treated unfairly by staff. I was informed by bar staff that I would no longer be able to purchase drinks from the bar and that this was a decision made by security. However, speaking with security, they said that the bar had refused to serve me. Hmm, two different stories.
Confused much? Let’s continue...
I know my ADHD can be mistook for being too drunk, and I am aware what it might have looked like when my shoe strap snapped, I took a little tumble. I didn’t make a scene and just ordered a Red Bull. The events that followed this moment left a sour taste in my mouth. For the remainder of the night, the security staff watched me like a hawk, and this quickly began to make me feel very uncomfortable. From then, I just wanted to go home, as my night was ruined and grew frustrated with being unable to do so. My friend was also getting frustrated.
Don’t get me wrong, I got chucked of a club 10 years ago for getting too pissed. What I cannot understand is, if there was an issue with me then why wasn’t I approached by security and asked to leave? Is that a safety issue for a single girl? Instead, the way I was treated and the intimidation I felt was uncalled for. I was followed around the club at every point whilst I was looking for my girl.
I continued to look for my friend for the locker key. I knew she would be in a private room and I would find her because when she plays, she is loud. She must have been having a break as she was quiet as a mouse. Vix, bless him, he was such a sweetheart. He could see I was getting frustrated and said he would go look for my friend. Vix, if you are on fab, hit me up. Again, the whole time security were following around, making me feel very awkward as all I was trying to do was get the locker key and leave.
Eventually, I gave up and went downstairs. I understood that the staff had a spare locker key, however they refused to open the locker. It took about 30 mins of me and my friend complaining for them to oblige. Again, all I wanted to do was just get dressed and leave. The whole time 2 security guards continued to watch me and my 5ft 1 self like a hawk.
What would like to understand is: how my locker, which I signed for at the start of the event ended up having someone else’s stuff in and mine and my friends stuff was just left out in the open on a bench for anyone to take. Hmmm, how the hell did that happen?? The staff continued to make me feel uncomfortable telling me it must be wrong number I’d given them. I knew what number the locker was, and they only believed me after they checked their paper records where you have the locker number and your name. Unfortunately, I did not receive a single apology from the staff for basically calling me a liar, again, so unprofessional. I still require the answers to how someone’s else’s stuff turned up in a locker that didn’t belong to them. Seems like that is a bit of a safety issue. Thankfully, my phone and my friends were in a separate locker, as I feel if we hadn’t done that, it could have been a different story.
There was also reports of the club having to escort me out or ask me to leave. I would like to point out that at no point was I asked to leave or escorted out. I wanted to leave of my own accord due to the treatment I was receiving, and the staff were not very helpful with my request.
This club and the staff aren’t a patch on the Midlands clubs. If anyone wants a recommendation, let me know as I’ve been to clubs all around the UK.
One of the reasons why the scene is my lifestyle, is because I am fully accepted and there is no judgement regardless of my personality. In all my years on the scene, I have never experienced the treatment I had from Penthouse Playrooms BMFC event. I would not recommend Penthouse Playrooms based on my encounter. I wonder if my face didn’t fit.
This review is an account of my experience at Penthouse Playrooms BMFC event. I would advise you to attend make your own mind up.
MWAH MS xxxx
Date: 19 September 2024