| I should have known it wasnt going to be a great night when it was clear that the owner thought we were lying about being a couple, just because we travelled with singles :/ , 5 to ten the club suddenly became dead, ho hum, we were in good spirits so decided to stay, my partner foolishly decided to look at the dj set up, he did not touch it, held his hands up and apologised, but the abuse that followed was ridiculous, he was called a petulant child, even though he wasnt the one screeching a la peggy mitchell stylee to "get out of her club " we were ordered to "put our clothes on" even though we remained fully dressed as we arent sheep and didnt feel comfortable dressing down when it was dictated, her parting shot was "get back to blackpool where we belonged"....we live 40 miles in the opposite direction! This wasnt our first visit to the club, the time before there was more action in an oap's bingo hall aswell, its a shame for the place as we like the layout and style, but even if we were allowed back in would never tread foot in the place again, ps whoever is about to message me giving me abuse as they have done to a fellow reviewer crack on, my finger eagerly hovers over the block button
Date: 24 October 2014