| Thank you Festival of Fun for delivering the best weekend of the year.
Thank you the weather gods for sending us the sunshine, we couldn’t have asked for better.
Thank you to the small group camped next to my caravan who welcomed me alone (my partner was a day late) on the Thursday night. One of you got excited about the brewery on my T-shirt. All of you included me in the drinks that evening. Most of you didn’t believe my partner existed.
Thank you VA management for opening the bar on the Thursday, first time this has happened. It gets earlier every year. Give it a few more years and we’ll be starting the festival on Tuesday.
Thank you Mistress Tessa for torturing that poor chap. The pleasure on her face while inflicting pain was hot. I couldn’t watch the second session, the pain is too much for me, even though I wasn’t the victim.
Thank you to the excellent Friday band. Watching a band from in a hot tub was a first to me. The party was rocking by the end.
Thank you to the young single lady who has been on my hotlist for fours years with no contact. We had a nice chat but it was obvious that there was no mutual interest. You can stay on my hotlist.
Thank you to the delicious slim blonde lady who seduced me while the band was playing, her partner right next to her. You know who you are. I don’t know why you picked me but I’m glad you did. We still have unfinished business.
Thank you VA for the themes. Nobody quite knew when to wear sporting gear, or gold/silver/bronze, but it didn’t matter. It was a chance to dress up and the costumes were a sight to behold.
Thank you to the Awesome Coffee van. The coffee was delicious.
Thank you to the chap who introduced my partner to another fuck-it list item in the hot tub. No we are not going to Le Boudoir however much you big it up.
Thank you to the young lady who confessed to nipple-envy in the hot tub. It was lovely getting to know you much better. I had a lot of fun and I think you did too.
Thank you to the vision in blue from another continent who greeted me with a very enthusiastic “Hi, how are you?” early morning by the showers. You intrigued me all Saturday as I wondered whether/how we knew each other. Stupidly I had forgotten chatting to you and your younger partner as we headed for bed the night before. Glad we chatted again the next day – all cleared up when I heard your accent. Hope we can meet again.
Thank you to the Saturday band. The set list was remarkably similar to the Friday band’s, but you presented in your own style and delighted the crowd. Yet again watching from the hot tub – I highly recommend it.
Thank you to our lovely friend who knew we were coming but didn’t tell us you were. It was a pleasant surprise to catch up with you. We have met at other clubs but never here before.
Thank you Mistress Emma for your demo. Entertaining as ever. Nobody got a rod down their penis this year, quite a relief.
Thank you to all the characters. We have been to FoF a few times now and it’s great to meet you each year. You’re all outrageous, and I love it. We’ll be remembering a few new ones this year.
Thank you to so many of you for being naked. I’m a terrible perv (aren’t we all) and I love to see naked bodies large or small.
Thank you to one more young lady who turned me down in the nicest way on Sunday. I totally understood that your “maybe” meant no. You still liked your hair being played with and we still chatted quite a while after that. Nice kisses too. I hope we meet again to chat some more. You know who you are.
Thank you to all our neighbours. That means everybody. Hundreds in a small field. Whether it was a full conversation or just a hello, it was brilliant to meet you all.
Thank you to the VA staff. You worked tirelessly to keep us all happy and I never heard a complaint.
Thank you to Jules for creating the VA.
Thank you VA! We’ll be back next year.
Date: 5 August 2024