| We’ve been many many times and always had a nice time and felt comfortable. Tonight we went with some friends. Me and hubby headed to couples room. There was one other couple in but we didn’t play. We were just enjoying ourselves. Two separate guys entered the viewing room on two separate occasions and were knocking on window to attract our attention which we just tossed off as the typical single guys and didn’t worry to much about it.
We carried on m when the door opened to the couples room to find a host showing people around - whilst they didn’t come in she was saying this is the couples room you can only go in with partners etc. the guy she was then showing around (we assumed to be a single at this point),started cheering saying like ‘oh go on son, that’s amazing and generally being loud and brash’. I’m thinking like what the fuck!!! Absolutely not the way to behave in a club at all!!!!
Then he shouts over to others he was with saying ‘here come and look at this!!!’ Then to the host, ‘show these, show these, looks at that!’ And basically just jeering and acting like immature knobs.
I think our frustration came that the host should have, in my opinion, challenged the guys and said that’s not how it works and that’s not how you behave here. I’d have even gone so far as to say I would have asked them to leave and refunded them. Instead they were continued to be shown round the club.
We later discovered that they were in fact 2 couples on their first club visit, (poor women being with guys like that), who also had their mobile phone with them yet still weren’t asked to leave, just to go and put phones away, despite the fact that the rules are clear EVERYWHERE!
With our fun rudely interrupted and feeling rather miffed we left the couples room. I found the host and explained my frustrations politely. She understood and did then at this point have a word with them but I think this did little to quell their rude and immature behaviour. Just completely put us off and has made me wonder if I’ll bother visiting again or maybe just need to choose the night better.
Date: 27 August 2022