| Another great night at Cupids. Quite a few sexy couples in on the Couples/Single Females only night, so fast becoming the place to be for some midweek fun to get over the hump.
Only criticism, which is not directly to the club, but what we found disappointing is that this is a couples/single females night for a reason. There was a fuck buddy couple in and the guy clearly had his own agenda and was often wondering off and being, there I say it, quite slimy. I know this doesn't bother some people but from our experience it will bother quite a lot, especially people who aren't into fuck buddy couples. We aren't adverse to them, but would say that we would find it better if they actually stuck together as a couple.
I know single females sometimes like being escorted to a club for whatever reason and totally understandable but the lady (who looked upset) was also at fault to let this happen. It would be far better if you want escorting to a club to go on a mixed night.
As the impression was that this guy was there completely for his own agenda and try his luck, which wasn't appreciated as it does affect the dynamics of the typical couples night.
I know a club has challenges to police this and again this isn't an attack on what is a fantastic club but wanted to raise some awareness as we'd hate this to manifest and ruin what is a great night of the week, which has potential to get bigger and better.
We look forward to our next visit.
Date: 8 April 2016