| Really disappointed as was looking forward to meeting the lovely group I'd been talking to via telegraph. Loved the decoration and was excited waiting in the queue chatting.
Asked on entry whether i was dressed down enough. See through top, knickers, stockings. Told yep was fine but the guy at the door.
Had a quick cigarette outside, went up to the bar to be looked up and down by older barmaid, no hello or smile, just "this is a dress down club" I explained I knew that and had checked i was ok. To be told id "go shopping in that". I def wouldn't without a top undeneath.
Never felt so judged and unworthy. Only my 3rd club to visit.
I went to changing rooms, after walking past multiple people in robes, bigger more covering and cotton ones than my top.
Took top off and just not comfortable anymore. Vibe just ruined so I just wanted to get out as feeling as if im not good enough to be there.
Difficult enough as a SF attending things alone, not knowing anyone, when adding a new place, being bigger and body conscious (I know everyone is).
I don't think I'll be going back sadly, even tho heard so many good things.
Date: 28 January 2024