| Paid the club a visit on a Monday, called first to see if the club was in fact open as the added meet event on here was a bit ambiguous, stating "...midday : 6pm..." but was reassured it was indeed open to midnight, as usual.
During a guided tour for some new-comers bar staff hinted at me, in a nice enough way, for not complying fully with one of the many signs surrounding the downstairs wet area. When I took my own defence by questioning the interpretation of said sign I was told that, "Bruce won't be very happy with that!" Now, I don't know who Unhappy Bruce is, and never met anyone introducing themselves as Bruce on this particular night, but luckily the nice couple in the Jacuzzi could enlighten me to this and told me that Bruce is the current manager of the club, apparently he is a "short guy, ex-army, has a certain way of saying things", they told me. Further adding that he is good at making a safe and inclusive environment for women visiting the club on their own, as the female half of the couple would sometimes do.
However, the mind still boggles as to how Unhappy Bruce otherwise invigilates the many signs, for example, how does he know who showers before getting in to the Jacuzzi?
Anyhow, this was also a first for me with regards to there not being a single, single guy visiting the club. This didn't detract from my overall pleasant and relaxed visit to the club, just an observation as I can't say that has ever happened to me before.
As always, this is a club that wins on the slightly more select members visiting and the nice interior design, both adding to the otherwise relaxed atmosphere.
Date: 3 April 2018