| In review of your comment below to be fair neither of us was going to comment but as you feel the need to hurl abuse in peoples inboxes and then block them yet just another example of your outstanding service we felt it only right ....
Firstly - Tailgate & trespassing, interesting choice of an adjective; if that was true then why is it when we went to the changing rooms we was followed by yourself and handed 6towels ( whilst each couple was at there locker ) with said keys you asked how many couples and I personally stated to yourself in clear ENGLISH 3 :-) 2 mf and 1 mm If it was an issue things should have been resolved there and then. That being said and your action, leads one to believe that you were happy for us to proceed. Typically the tour would follow then after.
- In-terms of the id, as the host did send a message out to remind people to have them. All three couples had their id's on them. As we wasn't asked to produce them upon entry, & only to produce money we presumed that's your standard code of practice amongst others of your high standards.
If the said GENTLEMAN had come in with a couple of what you have said is a busy night (begs to differ) how did they get passed a lock door which you buzz them in once they pay, how did they manage to run up tabs at the bar with no locker key isn’t it the said locker key number you give to behind the bar.
And are you really trying to suggest you neither any of your staff knew we were there from our entrance at 10 pm till when you came up to my freinds fog horning asking for another entrance fee to be paid at 2am come on now....
Back to your statement of “the lady freind kicking off “ let me just inform you that definitely was not kicking off just simply voicing my opinion of someone trying to take the blatant mick ....
Do also note that my review did actually rate you ok in no form did I disrespect your club I mean I could of mentioned a lot but chose not to, but that’s now gone to a AVOID and of course like any orther club in the country you expect people to pay the bill for entrance and drinks consumed the argument was should they be paying twice ????
One last thing as for which club has a open door policy for people just to walk in unchecked well clearly yours :-) as clearly from your statement we managed to walk through a lock door which you and your staff buzz people in not showing any of you I’d, even through we were newbies collected towels and lockers keys all by ourselves ran up a bar tab with no bar number and then Just proceeded to walk out .... lol pull the orther one ....
I simply suggest you do what you said you was going to do in the first place do your inspector act and check your cctv then come back with the real story...
anyhow as I have now been informed your not even the owner I refuse to have or indulge in any more tit tat with yourself if the owner would like to take up any of the comments I have raised then do tell him to feel free and get in touch till then case closed unless it’s your apology for being in the total wrong.
Finally reviews are left by attendees, It is our right to review a place weather good or bad .. Purely as an aid, so defending your action rather than taking heed. Adds room for question. Mwah xxx
Date: 25 April 2018