| After reading the review posted below with the rating "Avoid" I feel obligated to respond due to what I feel is misleading and unfair information given by the author.
Most people that attend Partners either on an occasional visit or as regulars do know who I am, and I feel sure that the majority of these people would NOT consider that I come across with a tough attitude, or in fact with any attitude other than friendly or helpful. As for learning "people skills" I would be the first person to apologise if I felt I had unwittingly upset someone or I thought someone was not pleased with the way I had treated or dealt with them. OK admittedly I do not suffer fools easily but I can honestly say that I treat everyone with the same amount of courtesy and respect.
Now I would like to address the actual review that was posted.
On Sunday 2nd Feb at 7.52pm
(CCTV recorded) I admitted a couple into the club, this couple were known to me due to previous visits. Knowing this couple as I did I apologised (YES apologised) due to the jacuzzi being out of action. I explained the engineers had been at the club till 11pm on the previous Friday to fit a new pump but unfortunately were unsuccessful and couldn't do anything till Monday.
Again I apologised (YES again) and after being told What a shame, we love using the jacuzzi, I offered the couple £5 off any subsequent visit for which they thanked me. At 8.22pm (CCTV recorded) the couple came to reception and informed me they were leaving due to they were unhappy the jacuzzi was not working, I again apologised (for the THIRD time)and owing to them only being in the club for 30 mins I was happy to give them vouchers value £20 to use on their next visit. YES I did say that the money they had paid had gone through the till and had to be accounted for,and I did honestly think my offer of vouchers to pay their next admission was fair, they DID have the option of not coming in when told the jacuzzi was out of action. After I was informed they preferred cash back so they could pay admission to another club whose jacuzzi WOULD be working, and that I was at fault because I should have informed everyone that the jacuzzi was out of service I gave them their cash back. I told him, In hindsight YES we could have informed everyone of the problem, but we DIDN'T, so once again I apologised,
(let me see, 4 apologies so far)
The jacuzzi and pool at partners run 7 days a week 24 hours a day and from time to time YES we do experience breakdowns and maintenance problems, thankfully 99% of our customers realise and accept this.
(Thank you everyone).
Another thing mentioned in the review refers to an injury on a previous visit again relating to the jacuzzi. It is alleged that an injury had been caused by a broken bolt protruding for the light fitting in the jacuzzi. My recollection of the incident was that I was approached by the customer informing me there was a broken bolt protruding from the light in the jacuzzi and that he had scratched his foot on it, I was asked why I had not sawn the bolts off so they didn't protrude, using my best "people skills" I explained that originally this is what I had done but it had made the bolts sharp and could potentially cause someone an injury, leaving the bolts as they were wasn't an ideal situation but at least there wasn't any sharp edges, and again applying my best "people skills" I did enquire very politely why would someone WANT to put their foot on the jacuzzi light in the first place.
Now finally, and I apologise for going on but there is at least one other occasion that myself and the author of the review have not seen eye to eye, and to my shame and embarrassment on this occasion I did NOT use my best "people skills" in fact I was void of any skills whatsoever, I DO admit to using a little strong language towards the gentleman due to him adjusting the tuning on one of the T.V's in a private room. When I questioned his reasons for adjusting the T.V he replied "well it's OK for me to adjust the T.V's in Chameleons", in fact, they appreciate and thank me for my help. Needless to say I didn't thank him but I did fully apologise
(at least once) for my very uncharacteristic outburst.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my "fair" version of the events mentioned in the "avoid" review and although we cannot please everybody all the time, you can be assured that, Myself, Dave and ALL staff members at Partners will always endeavour to treat and speak to all our customers with the utmost courtesy and respect.
Thank You
Clive Partners
Date: 17 February 2014