| We (two single ladies) visited Partners as part of a tour of some Manchester clubs at the beginning of February.
What a difference. Where Cupids was taken care of and looked good, Partners was dingy and horrible. We arrived and we wasn’t even asked our names. He charged us £5 each to get in when I was emailed beforehand to say it was free for ladies on that particular night. He briefly showed us the very dingy locker room and the wet area. No one showed us around upstairs. Lucky another customer showed us round upstairs. It was all very tacky, not well maintained, weird doors everywhere, wasn't sure what was what. I didn’t want to sit anywhere, let alone lie anywhere. The dungeon had some lovely furniture but there was no room to swing a cat…or a flogger. Apart from the lady, no one else spoke to us. There didn’t appear to be any membership or ID for guys. There were quite a few young guys and young couples in. Once we finished looking round, we got out of there as fast as we could. The evening was still young so we went back to Cupids!
I know others like Partners, but it wasn't for us. We won't be back.
Date: 28 February 2016