| Most people that have visited Partners and have got to know me are aware that the club is run as a business and not for the owner or staff's personal pleasure. I can assure everyone that we only have one club profile and we would never ever create and use false profiles intending to mislead anyone into believing the club is busier than what it actually is.
After reading the comments made by the previous Fab member I feel it is necessary to respond to her comments.
What she has failed to include in her review is the fact that she visited with the owner of another local swingers club. I told them that due to it being Easter weekend last weekend and another bank holiday weekend coming up next weekend that it was reasonably quiet with around 25 customers in attendance, the reply I received was that there was no-one in their club.
When they came to leave the club no complaints about any other customer or any of our facilities were made, however, the lady even though she was Asian herself did make some racist comments about not liking Paki's. These comments were ignored.
In her review she comments that the jacuzzi was cold, I can assure everyone that there was NOTHING wrong with any of our facilities with the Jacuzzi being at a lovely warm 34 degrees.
In today's climate with more and more private meets, home meets, hotel meets and other meets taking place it is becoming more and more difficult to entice people into visiting our clubs. I have even heard rumours that some brightspark has had a great business idea of opening another club in the area. My advice is to not bother it would be cheaper to burn your money.
My rant now over I would just like to add to the Asian lady that has left such an inspiring review, PLEASE don't visit Partners again as quiet as we were last Saturday night it's customers like you we can do without.
Date: 24 April 2017