| We attended Liberty Elite for the City Slickers opening night......this was our first time for both events......
We arrived and rang the doorbell and were let in to a small entrance way....there was a chap in front of us who was mistakenly being booked in even though he had already booked and paid .... we waited....
We were on the City Slickers guest list so were asked to fill in a form for Liberty Elite.... while doing this the doorbell rang and we were asked to open the door!!....yes of course and all that yet we were paying guests not doormen or greeters....the gentleman who came in was informed that it was a private party night so it would cost him £80....he declined and left, so much for selective clientele, guest list etc....it's not....it's if you are willing to pay you can attend.
As we entered the venue we were offered a glass of champagne, canopies at the bar were pointed out to us, help yourselves and left to get on with it......we stood looking around awkwardly and I said (not for the first time) I wanted to go....upon which Bob appeared and said he would show us around after we had finished our one glass of complimentary champagne.....
The Spa is lovely, roomy and clean... in fact the overall impression was clean, ample equipment yet lacking on restraints...take your own.
We were not requested to shower before entering the hot tub and the one shower is situated up stairs by the bedrooms....perhaps taking out one of the toilets in both the gents and ladies and putting a shower in instead would be more convenient? (I understand that there are en suite rooms yet not all clientele book a room)....
We were looking forward to the 'Burlesque Show' as were a few others.
We quickly realised that a good portion of the guests were in fact employees who were attending and were regaled with the usual "last night was fantastic"....."last night there was a great crowd"....etc etc....not sure if anyone else hears this over and over again in clubs...it's always "last night", "last week".....ho hum....and here's us in the here and now with no time machine......how disappointing...
The bar does not advertise it's prices and they happily charge to your locker key (£10.00 deposit for locker key which you get back when you give the key back or the money is knocked off your bill) no itemised receipt is given at the end of the night...hmmmm. Most hotels give itemised bills....
Anyway, the "Burlesque Show"..... lovely couple, took each others outer clothes off and twizzled around with fire sticks...a most effective way to keep oneself clean shaven.....danced a little bit while wiping fire up legs and arms ....all very nice, went on for roughly 10 mins including the music going off twice....and that was your Burlesque Show....we paid £60 for that.....
We were led to believe there was a resident DJ.....erm.....there WAS a chap stood there for a bit yet it didn't seem to help with the backing track for the Burlesque and in fact the music did well and played continuously when no one was watching it or standing anywhere near it....quite happily looping away on it's own :)
We went into the Spa for a relax and to get on with our own fun and WHERE THE HELL ARE THE CONDOMS??????
This venue does not appear to supply condoms.....there were no sign of any condoms, a condom machine or anything...weird and not fore warned.
We ended up eating the buffet out of boredom.....
We feel the event was highly overrated, both City Slickers and Liberty Elite....The one act Burlesque Show provided by City Slickers...the only elite thing about L.E. is how much they charge....
For what we paid for this night out (including our hefty bar bill lol) I would rather have had a weekend away.
The people we spoke with were lovely and we did have a good laugh yet that had very little to do with either hosts.
All in all we found this something of nothing and now know that we will not do this again... once bitten and all that..... we need time to grow our wool back as we were well and truly fleeced.....the talk did not match the walk....
Date: 6 August 2016