| This club exceeds all expectations purely by its Supreme layout design, easy accessibility and hosts who know exactly how to welcome guests and give you service with a smile.
The dangerous curves event is by far the best event I have ever attended, more big buts than Orlando, Florida.
. The calibre of women were flawless n so many couples appreciated the single guys as the men wanted their greedy ladies to be served and satisfied . This culminated in a sex frenzied orgy in the spa area, every bed was utilized and with more beds than dss the club erupted into a debauchery of pandemonium!! Sex left right n centre!!!
It got to the point I couldn't work out who was with who, piles of luscious, voluptuous and heavenly bodies stacked up like am all you can eat buffet.
These girls went just big, they were stunningly beautiful n all looked like sassy bellas with glamor n spice rolled into one, especially with their puppy dog eyes and smooth silky skin.
Yes off course you should ask, but when you don't what hand is where and who's hand is what you just let yourself loose in the mayhem and fuckery!!! I just throw myself in and got more than I ever bargained for!!
This club has the magic recipe, there must be aphrodisiac scent in the air as I've never seen a club that can even come close to Rome 100 ad toga soiree.
Great music, great food , great facilities and great fun!!
My best club so far xxxxx
Date: 9 May 2022