| I attended the party last night (16th May)at Radlet for the third time. Firstly I was shocked and appalled to find the hostess and her daughter standing outside the gate waiting to take your money, which made us girls feel very uncomfortable.
Once in I was surprised at such a small amount of people, baring in mind it was just before midnight.
But being the quiet ladylike, classy female I am, I tried to mingle with the few people that were present, but there were quote a few women having "dry sex" on the dance floor. So we made our way back to the kitchen where the night only deteriated thanks to the hosts screaming, abusive manner to me when I happened to remove my phone from my bag.
I am only contacted by BMFC by text not email, so when she came over and SCREAMED AT ME LIKE A FISHMONGERS WIFE saying I should know not to use my phone there, I politely explained that I don't receive emails and had no idea. That wasn't good enough for her. She continued screaming at me and belittling me in front of everyone in the kitchen. But through all that I remained composed because I am a LADY.
People came up to me to see if I was ok, and said how disgusting it was for a host who obviously suffering from lack of attendance, should yell at a guest in such a manner. When all I was doing was sitting quietly on a stool while Drucker guests were swearing and falling about around me.
She ruined the evening not only for me but friends, and also people in the kitchen who heard her yelling at me, and consequently we left, leaving the house with approx 20 people in it.
Needless to say I will NEVER be going to any BMFC parties again, as there are plenty of parties where you are welcomed and treated with respect.
Date: 17 May 2015