| Can’t fault this place ! It’s truly amazing, incredible, perfect , spot - on, and just outright fantastic! I spend quite a lot of my time here even though I love a long way away and requires me to travel a lot. This place has litwtally become like a second home to me lol and my chill out pad haha !/ thw facilities at this establishment are second to none, the staff are the friendliest and nicest that I’ve ever came across at any club ever bwgorw ? It’s absolutely sotlwsslu clwan, thw layout is perfect in just about every way, with a large swimming pool, amazing hot tub ( yea I spend a lot of time in that hot tub relaxing ahha, sauna, a social room, witch pool table, places to sit and chat, big tv with porn showing, a big pool table, etc, lots and lots of play rooms which are of various sizes and including private ones where pwoplw can lock the doors to big ipn orhy: gang bang rooms. Personally I like to make use of the group/ orgy room most of the time but I have also a few times used the private ones. The staff at this place are so friendly and nothing is ever too much trouble- they really are the nicest team of people who I have encounterd at any club that I’ve been to. This place gets a fab/ fabulous from me . Anybody who says any diffwrwnt is not getting a true picture if how amazing this place w really is, and probably isn’t making good use of the incredible facilities !
Date: 3 August 2024