| review time after 5 mths attending,, we think of this club as sue,s mothership,i think she even built it herself,youv got rachel who whistles you aboard as you walk nervously in but she soon puts you at ease,then theres bob and mark in the boiler room(dungeon)they say they have houses but im sure they live in a cupboard down there,then theres gillian derek and clare,(cabin crewe)3 fantastic and friendly people always there for a chat, then theres DJ dean (entertainments manager)spinning out the tunes,great bloke, then the regulars,john kal shaun and not forgetting the lovely pauline(pol) who i think was there when sue built it and will still be there if it ever falls down,we are realy enjoying our nights there and thank u all for making it what it is, xx june and steve xx
Date: 24 March 2015