| God I love this club. I don't drive and it's a bit of a pain for me to get to, but it's the one I go to most regularly. That says a lot. I could say that the facilities are great, it's well kept and kept up, but I won't. What I will say is this. The staff really, genuinely give a shit. That's not damning with faint praise, that's the honest truth. Most clubs, they'll look after you more or less. SX... they're part of the community too, and include you in theirs. It's a club for all of the swinging community in its glorious, sometimes polarising diversity (not one where TVs or MM activity are merely "tolerated"). If you put in a little effort you'll be included, either by the staff or by regulars who want to keep up the positive community vibe that brings us back. (yes even if you're a single guy!) They have so got your back - above and beyond what I'd expect of a club. And from what I've seen and heard, they're mindful of disability and are truly inclusive. That's bloody huge and not something you can say of most clubs. I wish it were close enough to be my second home. I am at home here.
Date: 7 February 2020