| Visited BGHS at the weekend with a friend to meet some mutual acquaintances. Lovely people and spotless facilities there as usual, and most of the staff were very pleasant.
However, a bit of a downer was put on the evening by the way the senior member of staff spoke to one of my playmates after she took issue with my playmate’s moans from the group play bed.
Quite apart from the fact my playmate was definitely not the loudest person there by any stretch (there was another couple there enjoying themselves so maybe they got us mixed up?), standing at the doorway to the rest areas and shouting at us very bluntly to be quiet was a real passion killer both for us and for several other patrons,, and for the member of staff to then call us ‘disgusting’ several times in the space of a short conversation when we tried to defuse the situation afterwards was outright rude. To make the situation even weirder, a friend of mine downstairs at the time told me after they couldn’t hear a thing from the playrooms. Several other visitors to the spa at the time commented on how weird the incident was.
We completely understand BGHS is a naturist spa first and foremost, but having been there a few times now and seen regulars been extremely vocal in the play rooms with no issue, it was a bizarre thing to get told off for. And for a club that is supposedly about the freedom for expression of naked bodies and sexuality, speaking to paying customers in a manner that bordered on slut-shaming was pretty unpleasant and could have been upsetting for people with thinner skins than us.
Long story short, if patrons are enjoying themselves a little too much and staff would like them to keep it down, there are much nicer and more pleasant ways to do it than bellowing down a corridor at them or calling them ‘disgusting’. There’s now four people who aren’t sure whether they’ll be back.
Date: 24 February 2020