| This is a review of two halves, lol.
We visited Jaydees for the first time on the 2nd of Feb and had a really good night. On arrival, everyone was very welcoming and friendly. We got booked in and given a nice tour of the club, It’s a big place, easy to get lost in, lol. The hot tub was a fantastic place to sit and chat, away from the hustle and bustle. The bar area and dance floor are very sociable areas where everyone is friendly and happy. We absolutely loved the Jaydees shuffle that everyone did to Candy, by Cameo. It was proper old skool club stuff. Fantastic! We met old friends there and made some lovely new ones. It was a good night and we had fun.
Now the moans, sorry. It is a bit dated and run down, although there are lots of facilities available to keep everyone happy. We were careful to go on a newbie couples and single ladies night, as that’s where we are at the moment. There were only supposed to be about five ‘Jaydees gentlemen’ allowed in that night. However, we saw several single men being shown around, obviously because it was their first visit to the club?? Also, we were told that Jaydees gentlemen were all known to the club and well behaved. Well, I suppose everyone has different ideas about what well behaved means. Ok, they didn’t try to touch or join in, but we don’t consider following, loitering and creeping around on the prowl to be good behaviour. The couples only area that we were told about is very small and open. It even has a tv screen outside so that singles can watch, but it’s not needed because there were single men around the small arched entrance looking in. They might as well have been allowed in! The most off putting thing for us....and it was mentioned by others....was that to even get to the couples only area, we had to run the gauntlet of single men who were taking up all the seats in the bit leading to it! It looked like an all male waiting room when we went up the first time, although it did improve a bit later on. As for numbers of single men allowed in, we were told it would be about 5 when we phoned beforehand, but the number of single men there that night was well into double figures. Not good for a newbie couples and single ladies night! Still each to their own. Some couples like them there, I suppose. A lot of them left a lot to be desired in the manners department, though.
Overall, it’s a nice friendly club. The birthday cake was a lovely touch. Thank you. I don’t think we’ll be returning, though, unless they start doing a dedicated couples only night with no single men creeping around like sexual predators.
Date: 4 February 2019