| I've enjoyed many wonderful events at this terrific venue - Remix, Swindon Social - but last night was my first Wicked. Oh, my word. Stunningly fantabulosa. These astonishing guys couldn't throw an ordinary party if their lives depended on it. I don't know where they find the energy, dedication, attention to detail, humour and all of the other ingredients necessary for such an outstanding happening. Yes, it helped that they attracted a gorgeous crowd of unfailingly lovely people. Yes, by far the greatest contribution to my complete enjoyment was being accompanied by a truly lovely lady, who justifiably drew the unqualified admiration of everyone she encountered. But. But. G, O and S, my friends... Oh, chaps, you did it again. Every time, bewilderingly, you manage to create something that outshines your previous extravaganza. See you again soon, long may you thrive. Thank you.
Date: 6 March 2022