| We are one of those who have held out to ensure our first Club visit was to Swindon Swingers. The passion the guys have for the venue is apparent from the moment you arrive and their approachable and friendly demeanour feeds through to all who attend. Friendly faces wherever you turn, happy to chat whether for a minute or longer and always supportive and encouraging for a Newbie couple like ourselves.
The venue itself is spotlessly clean, although getting your bearings in its labyrinthine play area can take a while - although every wrong turn can also be a fun turn too ;-)
We can't compare and contrast to other venues, but to our mind, Swindon has set the bar very high and we WILL be back for more!
We loved the free flow approach and there was no pressure to play. We did, though, and enjoyed the couples that came into the room to do what they did while we did what we did - next time we'll make sure to invite one (some?) of them to join in!
We have saved the best until last however. Gloria doesn't just deserve a whole paragraph to herself but really a whole review. To say she is the magic ingredient would be an understatement. A sparkling personality, a cheeky, wicked glint in her eye while being 100% professional and attentive all night long. Nothing is too much, or too little, whatever you need, she's there. From the very second we said hello, it felt like we had known her forever and we knew we were in the safest of hands.
All in all, a very sexy night, with VERY sexy people.
Date: 7 April 2024