| Had an interesting visit there last Friday. Had heard bad and good things.
Speak as you find, friendly staff, clean carpets etc, we thought we were in for a really good night.
That is where it ends. The Hot Tu was nice to start with, but the stench of eaw sewrage was a bit overwhelming, in fact, there was no chlorine smell, but the raw sewrage. Actually stunk of raw sewrage after leaving the place. Then, we heard a couple speaking about how bad the electrics were in the place.
Although it was not a couples only night, we do expect a bit of respect from the single males. Some were great fun, but there was a few darting around the place looking for action and releaving themselves everywhere. Some would not let you be and insisted on releaving themselves in the bar, and even drooling at the mouth.
Sorry, but that's how it was the night we went there.
Make up your own minds, but we were not impressed at all. Darlaston for us in the future.
Date: 13 February 2011