| In this highly addictive lifestyle of ours The Playgrounds for me have always represented high class and high quality and after initial communication I was extremely flattered, privileged and honoured to have my request of my attendance at there NBN theme night at Arousals granted.
Unlike anything we have come across before, their parties only gather an audience of genuine attendees by way of your golden ticket only being accepted by way of being verified putting you safe in the knowledge that you'll only be in the company of true genuine playmates.
Now onto our evening at the NBN night at Arousals. The theme was Lady In Red, quite ironic really as upon arrival the greeting and welcome that each and every guest received was pure red carpet, so warm, friendly and attentative.
The club itself was an Alladins Cave of endless lustful opportunity sporting a vast array of dark corridors, subtlety and tastefully lit playrooms, crevices crying our out for the company of sexually intoxicated party goers, a large and well spaced out social area for getherings, small talk and introductions as well as a dance pole, an orgy room and of course the staple to any club night that I am lucky enough to attend, the glory holes, such is the diversity and creativity of this very well thought out, well planned and well executed club I was overcome by the endless array of activity available that I never got round to sinking to my knees and pleasuring with my mouth.
The atmosphere was seductive and sensual with soft music that just lingered in the air at the perfect volume as not to dampen the horniest of proposal or conversation.
What makes or breaks these events however is not the location or anticipation but of course the crowd, a specially selected blend of the most beautiful of creatures from the scene, hot men stood, some single but full of respect or adorned to there beautiful wives or girlfriends seeking there next fix of fantasy whilst flawless TV's and TS's totted around in there killer heels and eye catching and horn inducing outfits, this night was like being a child being invited overnight into the candy shop to gourge and feast on a banquet that would satisfy there sweetest of cravings.
And the only reason this all happened at Arousals on the NBN night for me, the glue that binded it all together, the source of the intentisity that oozed and echoed throughout every corner of the club was down to the behind the scenes commitment, hard work and drive and tenacity to make this iconic night a success was down to the amazing team of The Playgrounds, there desire and passion not only matched but superceded that of its eclectic mix of party goers.
Date: 16 February 2020