
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Virus > More than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20

More than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20

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By *J OP   Couple  over a year ago


For those that don't think Schools are a major source of covid19 transmission more than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20



I've read posts on here where fabbers literally swear schools are hardly effected by covid19 and dimiss other posters who have explained the huge effects of covid19 and isolating has had on schools local to them.

Its heart breaking what some of these children are going through and the effects will be long lasting.

Especially as until recently when anti vaxxers become the new target for the hate and blame mob its was students and pupils who were the target for a lot of the blame.

I hope things are properly considered this time for those children sitting exams in 2021.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm not in England but my 2 eldest are currently in isolation as of Friday, due to a positive case in a pupil who travels on their bus

Second time for my eldest who had to isolate for 14 days back in October due to a positive case in his year

And its only a small secondary school of around 700 pupils

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"For those that don't think Schools are a major source of covid19 transmission more than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20



I've read posts on here where fabbers literally swear schools are hardly effected by covid19 and dimiss other posters who have explained the huge effects of covid19 and isolating has had on schools local to them.

Its heart breaking what some of these children are going through and the effects will be long lasting.

Especially as until recently when anti vaxxers become the new target for the hate and blame mob its was students and pupils who were the target for a lot of the blame.

I hope things are properly considered this time for those children sitting exams in 2021.


I know they've scrapped exams for 2021 in Wales already

Not sure what the English government are up to in that regard

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

Our local secondary has just sent the whole of year 11 to work online for the rest of the term. Apparently there's been so many varied cases in individual classes that the disruption was higher to keep having groups of kids/staff coming and going. It easier and less disruptive to just go online. Source: member of teaching staff I'm friends with.

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"For those that don't think Schools are a major source of covid19 transmission more than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20



I've read posts on here where fabbers literally swear schools are hardly effected by covid19 and dimiss other posters who have explained the huge effects of covid19 and isolating has had on schools local to them.

Its heart breaking what some of these children are going through and the effects will be long lasting.

Especially as until recently when anti vaxxers become the new target for the hate and blame mob its was students and pupils who were the target for a lot of the blame.

I hope things are properly considered this time for those children sitting exams in 2021.


I know they've scrapped exams for 2021 in Wales already

Not sure what the English government are up to in that regard "

The English Government is hell bent on the exams taking place, unchanged.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"For those that don't think Schools are a major source of covid19 transmission more than one in five secondary pupils in England missed school last week, wc 19.11.20



I've read posts on here where fabbers literally swear schools are hardly effected by covid19 and dimiss other posters who have explained the huge effects of covid19 and isolating has had on schools local to them.

Its heart breaking what some of these children are going through and the effects will be long lasting.

Especially as until recently when anti vaxxers become the new target for the hate and blame mob its was students and pupils who were the target for a lot of the blame.

I hope things are properly considered this time for those children sitting exams in 2021.


I know they've scrapped exams for 2021 in Wales already

Not sure what the English government are up to in that regard

The English Government is hell bent on the exams taking place, unchanged."

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

I read that there's 1600 secondary school pupils isolating at the moment.

My own have each had 2 x 14 days of being away. The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. What a terrible thing to say to kids whose education has been disrupted so much. Thinking of giving that cunt a call.

What I want to know is why aren't teachers on the top of the list for vaccination? They have a problem with staff shortages atm.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I read that there's 1600 secondary school pupils isolating at the moment.

My own have each had 2 x 14 days of being away. The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. What a terrible thing to say to kids whose education has been disrupted so much. Thinking of giving that cunt a call.

What I want to know is why aren't teachers on the top of the list for vaccination? They have a problem with staff shortages atm."

Education seems to have been low priority through all of this I would have thought teachers should be near the top of the list for vaccinations and children priorities for these rapid tests but no it seems

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By *J OP   Couple  over a year ago


"I read that there's 1600 secondary school pupils isolating at the moment.

My own have each had 2 x 14 days of being away. The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. What a terrible thing to say to kids whose education has been disrupted so much. Thinking of giving that cunt a call.

What I want to know is why aren't teachers on the top of the list for vaccination? They have a problem with staff shortages atm."

How the hell can a head teacher say to students this year of ALL years if you don't get good grades in your mocks you will have to leave??

I mean wtf? Why? All I can think of is he is trying to protect his ofsted rankings??

Either way I'd be speaking to my local paper about running a story on that.


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By *eatrice BadinageWoman  over a year ago

In a Sparkly Dress

But its not because of large coronavirus transmission, that report says that only 0.2% was down to positive cases, the rest was down to potential contacts.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But its not because of large coronavirus transmission, that report says that only 0.2% was down to positive cases, the rest was down to potential contacts."

Read that too. Confirmed cases are very low in number but schools feel they have no choice to send whole year groups home as a precaution. And actually, if 1 in 5 are at home for a couple of weeks, it means that 4 in 5 are at school, and that's better than everyone trying to home learn.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 29/11/20 22:16:04]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. "

For kids already in year 12 there is no lawful way the school can force them out based on exam results. You can find an article on this from a solicitor called Simpson Millar. Google 'Year 12 students asked to leave because of exam results'

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Testing positive but nobody dies it’s almost like it’s a pretty standard virus that the immune system of 99.97% of people can overcome

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By *j48Man  over a year ago


A pathetic over reaction to a strong flu..

People die of pnumonia every day, mostly caught in hospitals...

It's the same and those outside the 24 hour a day exposure get a cold

Time to wise up to this bulshit

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"I read that there's 1600 secondary school pupils isolating at the moment.

My own have each had 2 x 14 days of being away. The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. What a terrible thing to say to kids whose education has been disrupted so much. Thinking of giving that cunt a call.

What I want to know is why aren't teachers on the top of the list for vaccination? They have a problem with staff shortages atm.

How the hell can a head teacher say to students this year of ALL years if you don't get good grades in your mocks you will have to leave??

I mean wtf? Why? All I can think of is he is trying to protect his ofsted rankings??

Either way I'd be speaking to my local paper about running a story on that.


I know, I was fuming when he told me. You're probably right about your Ofsted comment though. I need to talk to some other parents!!

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

"The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave.

For kids already in year 12 there is no lawful way the school can force them out based on exam results. You can find an article on this from a solicitor called Simpson Millar. Google 'Year 12 students asked to leave because of exam results'"

Thank you, I will take a look at that x

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By *j48Man  over a year ago


"I read that there's 1600 secondary school pupils isolating at the moment.

My own have each had 2 x 14 days of being away. The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave. What a terrible thing to say to kids whose education has been disrupted so much. Thinking of giving that cunt a call.

What I want to know is why aren't teachers on the top of the list for vaccination? They have a problem with staff shortages atm.

How the hell can a head teacher say to students this year of ALL years if you don't get good grades in your mocks you will have to leave??

I mean wtf? Why? All I can think of is he is trying to protect his ofsted rankings??

Either way I'd be speaking to my local paper about running a story on that.


I know, I was fuming when he told me. You're probably right about your Ofsted comment though. I need to talk to some other parents!! "

Fine the school for not accepting your childen into class...

Demand they prove he or she was unfit to attend

Worth a go..

Fight back, if enough people do this bollocks will end

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By *pursChick aka ShortieWoman  over a year ago

On a mooch

Our whole school is closed this last week, with one week to go. Two teachers tested positive so that put all teachers as close contacts so school had no option but to close, with some children isolating if taught by those two teachers in the previous 48 hours. To date no children have symptoms, so no tests have been carried out.

Other than that this term, we’ve had a group of 20 sent home for four days after a pupil tested positive, after their parent had tested positive.

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By *pursChick aka ShortieWoman  over a year ago

On a mooch

"But its not because of large coronavirus transmission, that report says that only 0.2% was down to positive cases, the rest was down to potential contacts."

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By *assage_MusicCouple  over a year ago

South East

"The head of year for year 12 told them in an assembly Friday that if they don't get good grades in their mocks they will have to leave.

For kids already in year 12 there is no lawful way the school can force them out based on exam results. You can find an article on this from a solicitor called Simpson Millar. Google 'Year 12 students asked to leave because of exam results'"

You are absolutely right:low grades can never be used as a reason for expulsion.

Breaking the discipline can.

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By *assage_MusicCouple  over a year ago

South East

"[Removed by poster at 29/11/20 22:16:04]"

Stopwriggling, off topic but I can't message you. Would you mind sending a private message? We exchanged some correspondence previously on an old profile.

Thank you

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By *hatawasteMan  over a year ago


How many times do people need telling on here ? this is NOT about how many people who die you need to stop thinking like that .

Of course that is happening but it is not the reason people have to isolate and take precautions ... its about how many people get ill and add extra burden on the health service block up hospital beds that would have been used for other reasons and increased demand on other services too .. that in turn causes a bottleneck effect accross the whole country as far as emergency services are concerned .... not sure why people cant see this simple fact? find the whole ' not enough people are dying ' line a bit tiresome now frankly :/

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By *j48Man  over a year ago


"How many times do people need telling on here ? this is NOT about how many people who die you need to stop thinking like that .

Of course that is happening but it is not the reason people have to isolate and take precautions ... its about how many people get ill and add extra burden on the health service block up hospital beds that would have been used for other reasons and increased demand on other services too .. that in turn causes a bottleneck effect accross the whole country as far as emergency services are concerned .... not sure why people cant see this simple fact? find the whole ' not enough people are dying ' line a bit tiresome now frankly :/


And the Nhs response when someome has symptoms? Take paracetamol and stay at home..

Hardly a pandemic to concern ourselves with..

The panic and fear peddled since day one has caused the problem. The BIG problem as a result of hiding away for nigh on 8 months so far, with at least another 6 to come, has yet to be faced


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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Op. Is that 20% of the pupils infected last week, or were they absent for various reasons? It wasn't clear from your post which covered many things

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By *inky_couple2020Couple  over a year ago

North West

"Op. Is that 20% of the pupils infected last week, or were they absent for various reasons? It wasn't clear from your post which covered many things "

Absent for all reasons but the majority is due to large groups being sent to isolate after 1 or 2 positive tests. Depending on how schools have divvied up bubbles, 1 positive test can send over 200 kids into isolation.

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By *J OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Op. Is that 20% of the pupils infected last week, or were they absent for various reasons? It wasn't clear from your post which covered many things "

All I did was post the BBC Headline and link as the source.

If you click the link its breaks things down further including secondary and primary school rates.

It also shows how attendences have been slowly falling through Oct and then what seems a faster decline after the half term.

To answer your question it will related to all absences I would imagine. Pre covid would be around 95‰ so of the 22% of non attendees roughly 5% would be for non covid related reasons.


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By *hatawasteMan  over a year ago


"How many times do people need telling on here ? this is NOT about how many people who die you need to stop thinking like that .

Of course that is happening but it is not the reason people have to isolate and take precautions ... its about how many people get ill and add extra burden on the health service block up hospital beds that would have been used for other reasons and increased demand on other services too .. that in turn causes a bottleneck effect accross the whole country as far as emergency services are concerned .... not sure why people cant see this simple fact? find the whole ' not enough people are dying ' line a bit tiresome now frankly :/

And the Nhs response when someome has symptoms? Take paracetamol and stay at home..

Hardly a pandemic to concern ourselves with..

The panic and fear peddled since day one has caused the problem. The BIG problem as a result of hiding away for nigh on 8 months so far, with at least another 6 to come, has yet to be faced


its not farsical .. I suggest its esential because so many peopel just cant follow a few simple rules .. Intereasted to hear your argument that says we shouldnt?

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