
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Stories and Fantasies > Cuckold in Cardiff

Cuckold in Cardiff

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter One

A small but significant proportion of men harbor a secret fantasy, they wish to have their wives fucked by more virile and better endowed men than themselves. Although it’s embarrassing to admit it, I am one of these men. The problem as I am sure you can all imagine is how to turn this fantasy into a reality.

My wife is very respectable when sober but can become rather frisky after a few drinks. She was a virgin when we met and although she had been out with a couple of guys, she had gone no further than some heavy petting.

To use the common terminology, I wanted to become her cuckold, and she was to be the hot wife, but how on earth was I going to achieve this outcome.

I could do what most men who have these ideas do, that is I could continue to fantasize about it, read on line stories that contain this subject matter and watch the countless videos available free on line that portray this topic.

That however was going to get my precisely nowhere, I needed to formulate a plan, I knew if I did not try and do something to make it happen it was never going to occur all by itself.

Now women reading this will think to themselves why on earth don’t I just sit down with my wife and have a sensible conversation about my feelings, explain how I feel and see what she thinks about it all.

Men on the other hand would rather have a limb removed than talk to their wives about something like this, most of us are cowards when it comes to discussing our feelings.

From the very early days of our marriage, it became apparent that my wife Rachel quite liked engaging in dirty talk after consuming a few drinks. Gradually and over a considerable period of time, I had managed to introduce some role playing into our love making but only when she was a bit tipsy. Bear in mind though folks, I could only ever do this when she was feeling no pain after several large glasses of wine. Whenever I attempted some role play when she had no alcohol inside her I would suffer for the following week.

It would not surprise me in the slightest if there are couples reading this that are in that exact same situation.

We had now got to the stage that most weekends I would take her out for a meal and a few drinks, come home and I would pretend to be different guys when we went to bed for a session together. Occasionally, prior to the love making, we would watch a couple of porn videos on my iPad, I tried to not make it obvious but I am sure she realized, I would tend to show her cuckhold films. These videos were all of a similar nature, the Cuck gets to watch his wife fucked by a virile well endowed bull, often a black bull, while he plays in the corner of the room with a below average sized thin little cock.

I thought we were making decent progress and I was well on the way to turning her into a hot wife, I had been having increasingly cuckold fantasies that involved her going out and being used by bulls then coming home and giving me all the details while I masturbated like a little sissy.

I was however well aware that there is a massive difference between a husband-and-wife role playing, and the wife actually doing something for real, but I thought at least I had made some progress.

When she was under the influence of alcohol, I had also talked about taking her dogging, this seemed to really get her juices flowing as I told her about pervy old guys reaching through our car window to feel up her big tits and put their hands down her knickers and finger fuck her slutty cunt. She loved this kind of role play when d*unk and she would get so excited as I made up more and more extreme scenarios for her to star in.

Unfortunately, next morning when she had sobered up, she would always say that last night was just a d*unken fantasy and that she would never do anything like that in real life.

My guess would be there are many guys on this site reading this who have faced a similar situation with their wife or girlfriend. The problem therefore is how to turn the role play into reality.

Now don’t get me wrong I was very grateful that my wife would indulge in this type of role play with me albeit only after a few drinks, I know lots of wives won’t even entertain mild role play let alone the kind of stuff I was subjecting my wife to. What did become obvious to me was that the more extreme I made the fantasies the hotter and wetter it seemed to make her and secondly the reason she would not want to do it for real was the fear of our friends, family and work colleagues finding out about it.

I was now at the point where I needed a plan to take things to the next level, as mentioned it’s a huge step to go from fantasy role play to doing things for real. I think the first step in making that move it to find out what is preventing one’s wife from making that transition.

I imagine the main reason many wives have about becoming a hot wife is other people she knows, friends’ family etc. finding out what she has been doing and so her reputation is trashed. It does not take a genius to work out a fairly simple solution to this problem and its one I have seen experienced swingers or cuckolds provide on various forums over the years.

The plan is simply to take her away somewhere that she is very unlikely to be recognized. I am sure many guys reading this have done the same thing. I used to do a fair amount of dogging back in the day, I would go to well-known dogging areas on the North Wales coast. Many couples I encountered would have driven down from the Liverpool or Manchester area for the evening, when I asked why they had driven so far wasn’t there dogging areas closer to home the answer was always the same. The wife would only do it somewhere where it was highly unlikely anyone would know her.

Unfortunately, when I had made this suggestion to my wife, she had immediately rejected it, she told me that it was all just d*unken fantasy for her and that she had no intention of ever doing anything for real.

Once again, I am sure many guys reading this will have had similar conversations with their wives and I am sure most men kind of give up at this point and just carry on with the role play in the forlorn hope that one day the wife will come around, knowing deep down however that she never will.

I’ve always been a devious bastard and was not prepared to settle for role play at least without at least making an attempt to make fantasy a reality for us both.

How to do it though was the problem, if I suddenly suggested we go abroad on holiday my wife is not stupid and would immediately smell a rat. I did however have an idea that would at least let us get away for a few days and would not arouse suspicion.

In the next chapter you will find out my idea and how it goes.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *oeKelly2003TV/TS  over a year ago


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By *exy n up 4 itCouple  over a year ago

western isles

Interesting and horny!

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *hynot3Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well written so far

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

More please

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By *anky677Man  over a year ago


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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


interesting that you say that a foreign beach holiday would be too obvious is it commonly known that wives often stray after tanning topless I thought it was just mine

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By *ton_maleMan  over a year ago


Please continue

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By *he roc2369Man  over a year ago

limerick birmingham

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


"interesting that you say that a foreign beach holiday would be too obvious is it commonly known that wives often stray after tanning topless I thought it was just mine"

I’ve chatted to many swinging couples over the years both on line and in the real world and many if not most had their first sharing experience whilst on a foreign holiday.

Was that where your wife first strayed?

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By *yes_erectMan  over a year ago


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By *ricky09Man  over a year ago


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By *rangemondayMan  over a year ago


Interesting, I wonder if women can understand why men, like myself, want to have this sort of relationship.

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


"interesting that you say that a foreign beach holiday would be too obvious is it commonly known that wives often stray after tanning topless I thought it was just mine

I’ve chatted to many swinging couples over the years both on line and in the real world and many if not most had their first sharing experience whilst on a foreign holiday.

Yes I think the flaunting herself topless made her excited and encouraged the guys to hit on her. At the clothing optional areas she could see lots of guys with much bigger cocks than mine and began t comment on it, i think it made her remember how good it can be to be fucked by a hung dude now and then

Was that where your wife first strayed?"

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By *om Bert2020Man  over a year ago

Jersey / Swansea


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By *eachlife49Man  over a year ago


I like it so far

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


This story, is extremely well written.

It's only a suggestion but in the next instalment, to enhance the tale further, could OP give an indication as to how respectable his wife is - a 'professional' person and/or a member of a parish/school/club committee - pillar of the community type perhaps?

Whether my suggestion is or is not taken on, I thank OP and very much look forward to the next segments whenever time allows him to post them in whatever way he wishes.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


Very interesting story here, looking forward to the next instalment

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By *lecom1Couple  over a year ago


I can relate to this

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Two

First of all folks I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this story and I am extremely please many of you seem to be enjoying it. Several guys have sent me pms telling me they have cuckold desires too but are too embarrassed to reveal this to their partners. Wives don’t be too hard on us guys, many of us find it very difficult to express our feelings.

I primarily write because I enjoy it but its good that other people seem to like my writing too, ArnoldZiffel wanted to know some more information about my wife so here are some more details about her and a little about myself.

We are a professional couple, middle class, both university educated although I scraped through with a second class honors while Rachel gained a first, she also went on to get a masters degree.

She is far brighter than I am but like a lot of highly intelligent people she can be a little naïve at times and occasionally lacks common sense. She is far more out going than I am, and does a lot of charity work in her spare time. She helps out raising money with the local Rotary club and yes Arnold she is a pillar of the local community.

And no folks I don’t know what on earth she saw in me either and although they have never said it I think her parents were mystified too why their daughter chose me when she could have had the pick of anyone she wanted.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, here is the next chapter.

I do lots of on-line completions and not because I am very smart it’s just a numbers game, I do so many I often win. Most of the prizes I win are a waste of time, I just like winning them but occasionally I win something decent.

A few years back I won a short city break to York for a few days. I could wait until I won something similar but it could easily take years to happen or indeed it might never happen again but an idea came to me one evening. I looked through my old competition files, I still had the paperwork from the York break prize I had won. I am fairly handy with computers and have access to colored laser printers in work and so I knocked up a fake letter stating I had won a short break prize. Even though I say it myself it was virtually impossible for anyone to spot this was a fake letter and not the genuine item. My wife would not be easily fooled however and so I ensured I paid equal attention to the envelop, I even mocked up a business reply service image onto it. If I had simply hand written our address on the envelop my wife would have spotted it was a fake a mile off. Unfortunately, I was over confident and forgot one important point, we will find out later in the story what that was.

The question was which city to choose, York again was out of the question as my wife would immediately think that was too much of a coincidence, the obvious choice was Cardiff. When we were courting, we had gone there for a few days and that was when I had taken her virginity. It seemed an appropriate place for her to experience some different cock for the first time in her life.

Arrangements were made and I told the wife the prize I had won, we both booked some time off work and looked forward to our short break. She swallowed the prize story completely, as I said it was not unusual for me to win prizes and I left the mocked-up letter open on the kitchen table for her to scrutinize.

For a couple of weeks, I ensured we did not go out on the weekends I made the excuse we were saving money for the Cardiff trip. I told her the prize covered accommodation and breakfast only so we would have to pay for everything else and the hotel we would be staying at was very expensive.

As part of my plan, I deliberately chose an expensive hotel, several reasons for this. One was the more expensive it was the more likely my wife would want to go away, after all we all like free stuff and if that free stuff is normally very expensive then we like it even more.

Secondly, I wanted somewhere that would have very few families staying there. My rough plan was we might find a wealthy business man in the hotel bar who could chat up my Mrs. He would not be doing that if his wife and kids were in the hotel with him.

Finally, although we are not poor by any stretch of the imagination, both we and our family and friends would not typically be staying in a hotel that cost not far off a thousand pounds a night. The chance therefore of coming across anyone we know staying in that hotel would be very small indeed.

In addition to my wife worrying about being recognized if we ever went dogging or swinging other obstacles, she had brough up in the past included.

(1) Catching something nasty off the guy or guys.

(2) Encountering some kind of weirdo in a dogging car park somewhere.

(3) Being threatened with physical violence.

(4) Being coerced into doing things she really didn’t want to with the threat of being exposed if she did not comply.

I think I had successfully alleviated her concerns somewhat by providing solutions to the above objections here is the plan I came up with hopefully addressing the above and also her main worry of being recognized and family finding out what she had been up to.

If anyone reading this has encountered similar concerns being expressed by their wife/girlfriend feel free to use some or all of these ideas. Additionally, if you have any suggestions to help solve these problems, please feel free to post up your ideas in the thread.

The hot wife conversion plan.

(a) Take wife away for a few days to somewhere she is very unlikely to be recognized.

(b) Always carry plenty of condoms and insist any guys wear them with wife.

(c) When dogging have large heavy torch hidden under car seat to use as weapon if needed.

(d) Both of us need to be comfortable with the guy or guys she is going to have fun with if either of us are not sure we stop immediately.

(e) If wife says no about something she means no and I stop what ever is going on straight away.

(f) Explain to the wife the current law regarding coercion and that law enforcement now take this very seriously and anonymity is preserved.

So, there we have a rough outline of a plan, as I said previously, I’m a devious bastard but sometimes the best laid plans don’t always work out as expected. In the next chapter we find out if all my planning and scheming is successful.

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By *ig daddy 1969Man  over a year ago


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By *lkNhungMan  over a year ago


well written

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *eeman1Man  over a year ago


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By *rowsing86Man  over a year ago

North west

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By *assionatepoetsCouple  over a year ago


Following with interest

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago



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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Three

We had a nice relaxing drive down to Cardiff on the A470 stopping half way down for a sumptuous pub lunch. We arrived at our destination about an hour and a half later, Rachel was extremely impressed with our Hotel, as was I, neither of us had ever stayed in such an expensive establishment.

We freshened up, had a nose around Cardiff shopping center came back to the Hotel showered and dressed for dinner. The food was amazing in the restaurant but extremely expensive, just as well we had been saving our pennies for the last couple of weeks.

Most of the other dinners in the restaurant were accompanied by their work colleagues but I did happen to notice one guy sitting at a corner table by himself. All through our meal I was surreptitiously looking for likely candidates who might be able to seduce my wife.

Virtually every guy I thought might have a chance had at least one other person with him, the one guy sitting alone in the corner was not her type at all for the following reasons. He was much older than us, probably late 50s possible even older, rather a threatening looking face but above all he was grossly overweight.

Both my wife Rachel and myself are naturally slim but we also take care of our health by exercise and sensible diet most of the time. Looking across at this very large man I don’t think he had ever been in a gym in his life and normal sized portions of healthy food would be totally anathema to him.

After our meal Rachel said she was very tired and was going to bed, I tried to persuade her to have at least one drink at the hotel bar but she was adamant so I told her I was going to have a swift one and would see her in the room shortly. She told me she would likely be fast asleep and not to wake her when I came in, like most of us Rachel does not like to be awoken once she is fast asleep.

I have to admit I was a little disappointed I had hoped to get Rachel a little merry, take her up to our room and commence our role play, get her really worked up and perhaps the next night we might be able to bring someone back from the bar with us.

I ordered a drink and once again while standing at the bar scrutinized the patrons to see if there were any likely candidates to participate in my dastardly plan. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to have company, however just as I was finishing my drink a voice to the right asked

“Fancy another, what you drinking?”

I turned and immediately recognized the man as the fat guy who had been sitting alone in the restaurant, I was a little disappointed because he was the least likely candidate I had seen all evening. I tried not to show my displeasure and told him what I was drinking, in a way I was sort of glad of the company as I did feel rather lonely standing by the bar drinking by myself.

As the guy ordered a couple of drinks I looked him over once again, I had only seen him sitting down and had now realized just how tall he was. I’m just over 6ft, but his guy towered over me by at least 6 inches. In addition to be grossly overweight he also had a massive frame, as he passed me my drink his hand was enormous, probably twice as big as mine.

I tried to estimate his weight, must have been well over 20 stone, one punch off this guy could easily kill a normal sized individual. I was not surprised he was alone, most women would be scared stiff of his giant.

I couldn’t help but wonder if his genitals were in proportion to the rest of him, I don’t know why but I rather suspected they would be.

We struck up a conversation and despite his massive physical size and his rather unpleasant looking features I found him extremely easy to talk to. It wasn’t long before I had bought him a drink too and we had retired to a quiet area of the bar and were sitting down at a table.

He didn’t give me many details as to his occupation other than he owned several successful businesses, and by the way he was expensively dressed and the watch and jewelry he wore I had no reason to doubt him.

I don’t think I had ever met anyone I had felt so at ease with so quickly, I felt as though we had been friends for years. He asked me if the lady he had seen me with was a work colleague I told him no she was my wife, but she had been tired after the drive down from North Wales.

He asked me what we were doing in Cardiff during the week, was it a business trip or social visit. To this day I still don’t know why I did it but I ended up confessing all. I told him about the pretend prize I won and why I wanted to get Rachel away from home.

He then told me something extremely surprising he said that he had seduced many a man’s wife in the past and if I wanted he was fairly sure he would be successful with my wife.

I thanked him for the offer but told him I didn’t think he would be my wife’s type, I didn’t mention it was because he was so fat as I did not want to offend him and possibly end up with a black eye.

He then told me something absolutely amazing, he explained that when he looked at a woman he could tell with a very high level of accuracy if he had a chance to bed her and if he chatted to her for a few minutes he would know for sure if she would soon be moaning on the end of his cock. I thought at first he was having me on, but he spoke so sincerely I think he was telling me the truth. Having said that there are many people who are delusional and live in their own little fantasy world and I did wonder if that might be the case with this chap. He may well believe what he was telling me but it could still be a load of bollocks.

I asked him if he was kidding, he assured me he was not and he in turn asked me did I usually confide in strangers like I had with him. I had to agree I certainly found him very easy to talk to and that I had never spoken to anyone in the real world about my fantasies, I did however tell him I had shared this kind of thing with lots of guys on line anonymously.

He then told me he was going to drain the spuds and did I want to accompany him, it took me a moment to realize what he was on about, then I agreed and followed him to the toilet adjacent to the bar.

It was not a trough type urinal, but separate individual units, the big fella went to use one and I thought it inappropriate to go to the one right next to him and instead went to one a couple of units away from him.

We were the only people in the toilet and although there was faint music playing via a hidden speaker in there, I could still hear the sound of him unzipping and starting to urinate. I did likewise. After a while we both finished and I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was now shaking his cock dry.

I don’t know if he could tell I was sort of spying on him as he then turned towards me and wiggled his cock at me while saying.

“Well what do you reckon, do you think this would be big enough to satisfy your mrs?”

Although his cock was not even semi hard it was huge, probably bigger than mine when I am fully erect.

“Jesus, that’s a monster how big does it get when it’s hard?”

“Would you like me to show you?”

He didn’t wait for an answer having probably guessed correctly that yes, I did indeed want to see how large his appendage would become.

He slowly started to stroke it and it rapidly began to expand to its full glory as the blood came flooding in, within a few seconds it must have been close to its maximum expansion.

At a rough guess it must have been around 10 inches and nearly as thick as a base ball bat, it was a beauty I had never seen one this big in real life only in porn videos.

Waving it vigorously in my direction the big guy said

“Is that big enough for you, do you think your wife would like this thrusting up her?”

I told him my wife had a fairly tight pussy and I doubted she would be able to take something that big inside her vagina, he assured me that he had never failed to get it up any woman he had tried and that it would just take a little longer with some women than others.

“Would you like to touch it, maybe feel how big and hard it is?”

How could I resist such an offer, how many of you reading this would not want to feel up such a fantastic specimen. I walked over the handful of steps to his urinal and was about to grasp hold of his penis when I heard someone coming through the outer door of the toilet.

I immediately sprang back to my original urinal and pretended to be finishing urinating, the big man did likewise and then a couple of business men entered, laughing and joking with each other.

We all exchanged hellos then washed up and went back to the bar.

Up until now we didn’t even know one another’s names, I introduced myself as Dave and my wife’s name was Rachel, his name was Charles, he said he hated being called Charly, and wanted me to just use Charles.

We continued chatting conspiratorially in a corner table out of ear shot of the other patrons. Even though Charles was extremely easy to talk to and very engaging I decided to lay my cards squarely on the table and be as honest with him as I could without unnecessarily upsetting his feeling.

“Look Charles, I really like you and find you extremely easy to talk to and although I don’t quite understand it I feel as though we have been friends for years but I have to be totally honest with you and tell you I don’t think you have any realistic chance of bedding my wife you are not at all her type.”

I wanted to tell him he was probably at least 6 stone overweight but even then, he would not be someone my wife would find attractive but I did not want to upset him.

“Look Dave, I know exactly what you mean by not being her type, I have heard the exact same thing from many husbands over the years. I understand you are too polite to say it but what you really mean is that I am too fat for her to find attractive and I absolutely agree with you. I am never going to seduce a woman by how I look, but in less than an hour if we had not been disturbed, I would have had you on your knees sucking my big cock in that toilet. I can do the same kind of thing to most women, I am not sure how I can do it but I have always been able to get people of either sex to do what I want them to.”

I wasn’t convinced, and told him so but he said he just needed some time alone with my wife and he was fairly sure he would shortly have his large cock buried deep in my wife’s married pussy.

The crude language he used caused my penis to stiffen slightly and I had to adjust my position in the chair.

“I get the impression your wife is a nice kind hearted sole, highly intelligent but slightly naïve would I be correct?”

I told him he was, but wondered just where he was going with this train of thought. He continued

“Would she be the type of person who would pick up an injured sea gull at the side of the road and take it to the nearest vet or RSPCA office?”

I confirmed to him that this would be a very likely thing for her to do as she had done it in the past.

“If you and your wife were to come into the restaurant here tomorrow evening and your wife saw you waving at me sitting on my own in the corner what would she say?”

“She would obviously ask how I knew you and she might ask if your wife or work colleagues are with you.”

“That’s what I thought, so what would her reaction be if you told her that I was alone here and had been living in the hotel for a few weeks due to a trial separation from my wife, which is true by the way.”

“She would probably ask me what you were like and did I think it would be ok to invite you to join us for dinner.”

“Bingo, that’s exactly what I thought she would do, lets arrange a time for all this to happen and even if nothing sexual comes of it I can guarantee you will have a good time, as you have no doubt realized I am quite good company and I think I will have you both in tears with laughter with some of the stories I will regale you with.”

In the next chapter we find out if Charles’s plan will work out as smoothly as he imagines.

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By *oyager77Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is really starting to get good! The art of seduction!

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


Many thanks Dave for the added information about Rachel and for the intriguing latest chapters of the story. A more unlikely seducer than Charles would be hard to find and your story is all the better for that.

Looking forward to the next instalments with great anticipation.

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


This is great

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


" A more unlikely seducer than Charles would be hard to find."

Exactly, it would be a rather dull tale if Charles was tall dark and handsome with film star good looks, there would be no fun in that would there as it would be too simple and straight forward.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


Keep it up

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By *portbilly1976Man  over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


More please

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By *rads1972Man  over a year ago


Well written. Looking forward to how this goes.

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By *ohnny4playMan  over a year ago


Following this with interest

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


"Well written. Looking forward to how this goes. "

Next chapter will be posted early tomorrow morning. Perhaps some couples could read it together in bed and hence start the day off with a bang

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago



Looking forward to reading

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Four

I can’t believe how well things have gone, everything has turned out exactly as Charles envisioned it would, we have had a cracking meal with Charles in the Hotel restaurant and he has been regaling us with amazing and extremely funny stories of his many adventures.

Turns out that he has three ex wives and it may well soon be four as he doesn’t think the trial separation is going to result in him being invited back into the family home. He showed us pictures of his wives and I have to say they were all drop dead gorgeous, he went on to confess that he was at fault for the break ups of all his previous marriages and was responsible for the current separation too.

He admitted that as well as having an unsatiable appetite for food he had a similar appetite for sex and just could not stay faithful to one woman. It was not a love thing it was just pure sexual desire, he said he still loved all his wives dearly but they could not put up with his infidelities.

I thought my wife would not take to someone like this who had cheated so much on his ex wives but she appeared enraptured by the stories he was telling us about the tricks he had pulled in order to get a little bit on the side.

At times we were both nearly in tears with laughter at some of his antics I think if he wrote a book about it all it would be a best seller and a film would make a fortune.

Towards the end of the meal my wife excused herself and went to the ladies room.

I immediately quizzed Charles on what he thought of my wife and did he think he would have a chance of bedding her.

“Your wife is absolutely stunning but I don’t think she realizes just how beautiful she is, she lacks a little confidence when it comes to her appearance.”

I agreed and said I had told her repeatedly how gorgeous she is but she doesn’t believe me and things she is just attractive at best and perhaps just slightly above average.

He went on to say

“I am almost certain I can get her moaning on the end of my cock tonight but I just need five minutes or so alone with her to be absolutely sure, when she comes back excuse yourself and nip to the toilet and when you return if I offer to buy you both a drink at the bar I will be fucking your wife tonight. If I excuse myself and say I’m off to bed due to needing an early start tomorrow morning it will mean I have no chance with her.”

When my wife returned I did as requested and excused myself and proceeded to the toilet, my head filled with all kinds of mixed emotions. I felt a bit of a twat setting my wife up like this but I was also extremely excited at the prospect of her being fucked by a guy who sounded like a far more capable lover than myself.

I was slightly concerned that I could be opening a pandoras box, perhaps she might want to be wife number five for Charles, I thought this was highly unlikely and because we live hundreds of miles apart I doubted we would see him again after our trip.

I was so nervous I couldn’t pee while standing at one of the urinals and was worried someone might come in and think there was something wrong with me. I switched to one of the stalls to give myself some privacy and contemplated what I really wanted to happen.

One part, a small part I must concede wanted my wife to remain faithful to me and tell Charles to sling his hook, but another and far larger part of me wanted her to submit to him completely and to be given the best fucking she has ever had.

I was so wrapped up in these confusing thoughts I did not realise how much time had passed and when I returned I had been away for nearly fifteen minutes. Charles made some joke about how long I had been and this immediately relaxed me. He then suggested we retire to the bar and he would get some drinks in.

I very nearly shouted for joy, all my careful plans were coming together and it looked like my mrs would very shortly become a hot wife.

As we left for the bar Charles looked at me and gave a sly wink, once again I felt a bit of a cunt setting my wife up in this way but I also thought I had come this far I had to go all the way now as it was too late to back out.

We had a couple of drinks, Charles insisted on paying for them all, not that surprising really as he knew he would soon be pounding Rachel like there was no tomorrow. Once again Rachel excused herself and disappeared off to the ladies room.

I was desperate to know how things had gone with her when I had been in the gents. Charles did not go into much detail he just told me Rachel knew the score and she was all set for him to go back to our room with her but she did not want me present when the action took place.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this, on one hand I wanted to watch the action and also protect Rachel incase Charles got too rough but on the other hand I didn’t want Rachel to be nervous with me watching her and perhaps preventing her from really letting herself go with him.

Charles then said when Rachel returned he was going up to the room with her and I was to stay in the bar until he came back. It is extremely difficult to describe the feelings I experienced as he gave me these instructions. Any cuckholds reading this will know exactly what I mean, it was a mixture of guilt, betrayal and excitement, my imagination was running wild as to what my wife and Charles might get up to.

My wife came back a couple of minutes later and did not say a word, she didn’t even look at me her eyes were focused on Charles the entire time. He got up and said see you later to me and then he and my wife headed for the lift up to our room.

I downed the remainder of my drink and went to the bar to get another. The bar man a guy in his 50s who had also been there the night before went and got my usual before I asked then whispered conspiratorially.

“Charles going to be entertaining the lady shortly I see, she your wife or work colleague?”

I was so embarrassed I didn’t know how to answer him, but eventually managed to whisper

“She’s my wife.”

“Don’t worry” he said “your secret is safe with me, Charles is quite the operator I have seen him bed many wives over the years, your mrs is going to have one hell of a good time. I don’t think I have ever heard a wife complain about him, most want a repeat performance. How long are you staying for?”

“Were staying for a few days.”

I felt both relieved and worried about this information, I had already pondered earlier in the evening that I could be opening Pandoras box, and it sounded like my Rachel might never be quite the same person again.

I didn’t like the look of the bar man, I had caught him checking out Rachels arse a couple of times while we had been in the bar, it wasn’t so much he was looking at it, it was more the way he looked. I got the feeling that he thought he would have a chance with Rachel, but I knew a creepy little fucker like him would stand no chance.

The coming days would prove how wrong I was!

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By *otplaying4nowWoman  over a year ago


Love this x

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By *ee42Man  over a year ago


Fantastically written can't wait for the outcome..

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By *seitMan  over a year ago


Mmmmm so horny

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

OMG. I can relate so much to this. This happened to us in Greece where my wife fancied one of the Greek waiters. When the restaurant closed they both went to our room while I finished a few at the bar. The rest as they say is history.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *angtidy42Couple  over a year ago


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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


Another superb instalment....leaving us all gasping for more.No mean achievement; well done Dave.


p.s. this isn't coming to Netflix soon, by any chance, is it?

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By *ndiiiMan  over a year ago

Paisley Scotland

Another great chapter leaving us gasping for more!!!

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By *eeman1Man  over a year ago


Getting so horny

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *litlicker77Man  over a year ago

Dirty old town

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago



p.s. this isn't coming to Netflix soon, by any chance, is it?


We’re currently in pre production meetings at the moment. I’ve been told as the writer I can sit in on the auditions for the female lead role

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By *ed hot PokerMan  over a year ago


Well written, excellent story and build up. Look forward to more

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By *ove2pleaseseukMan  over a year ago


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By *orny guysMan  over a year ago



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By *litlicker77Man  over a year ago

Dirty old town

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By *M1712Man  over a year ago


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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *iilboyCouple  over a year ago


Love this story can not wait for the next chapter thanks for posting

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago



p.s. this isn't coming to Netflix soon, by any chance, is it?

We’re currently in pre production meetings at the moment. I’ve been told as the writer I can sit in on the auditions for the female lead role"

..."sit in"?... hopefully it's on the casting couch ...so you can watch - but not touch, of course. I think Amanda Redman would play the female lead very well indeed.

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By *uriouscpl4954Couple  over a year ago


Amazing thread. Can’t wait for more.

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By *Sweet94Couple  over a year ago


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By *aitingstillMan  over a year ago

East of Cork

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By *oobyLewCouple  over a year ago

South Cheshire

Excellent story

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By *luv2flirtCouple  over a year ago


Great story telling

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By *orks Randy MANMan  over a year ago


Awesome story

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By *lippy02Man  over a year ago


Looking forward to more on this. Very good.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *orsetMale34Man  over a year ago


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


Fab story

More please

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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Looking forward to coming chapters.

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Five

I had a quick glance at the time when my wife and Charles had left the bar and probably due to nerves, I kept checking the time every 5 minutes or so. I was so full of energy I considered going for a brisk walk but then I worried I would not know if Charles had been down to the bar to inform me he had serviced Rachel and I could return to our room.

Time seemed to really drag, all kinds of images were flying through my mind, I wondered have far she would go with him, would she suck his big cock, would he lick out her juicy pussy. How many times would he fuck her, would he be gentle and loving or rough and demanding. I had never had anal sex with my wife on the odd occasion I had hinted at it she had swiftly shot me down in flames. I pondered would she give up her arse to Charles if he asked for it. I think to be perfectly honest with you guys I wanted him to use all her holes. I had put a lot of time and effort into setting all this up I wanted her to have the full hot wife experience.

I checked my watch for the umpteenth time, it was almost as though time had slowed down to a quarter of it’s normal speed, I felt like I had been sitting waiting in this bar for Charles to return for days. In reality it was just under 2 hours when Charles sauntered in with a big shit eating grin spread all across his face.

He came over and asked me if I wanted another drink and before I could answer he had gone back to the bar and ordered beverages for us both. He spent a couple of minutes chatting to Stevo at the bar and once or twice they both looked over at me and had a good laugh. It was so humiliating knowing they were talking about me and my wife and what Charles had probably just done to her, but strangely I was getting off on this humiliation and began to get an erection.

I really didn’t like the bar man, he had been been on duty both nights I had been to the bar and although he seemed friendly, I sensed an undercurrent about him. He seemed rather a sly individual who would be nice to your face but couldn’t wait to talk about you behind your back. He had been hanging around the reception area when we first arrived at the hotel and I caught him checking out Rachels assets several times. I got a little fed up the way he was staring at her arse, so I looked directly at him and he just gave me a slight smile and casually looked away.

“So how did it go, was everything ok?”

“Wow what a woman Rachel is, she was a little shy and repressed to begin with but I soon brough out that inner slut that women usually keep hidden most of the time.”

“Can you give me any details, what exactly did you do to her, did she enjoy it?”

I had so many questions I wanted to ask Charles I was hoping he would give me all the gen in minute detail, instead he held up his hands in mock surrender.

“Hold your horses there young Dave I will let Rach give you all the juicy stuff all I will say is that after a bit of gentle persuasion she really let herself go, and don’t tell her that I told you this but”

There was a brief pause and Charles looked around just to ensure there was no one within ear shot, this was just for effect as there was no one close enough to catch what was being said. He wanted to make me sweat a little with anticipation of what he was about to tell me. He was experienced enough to understand the dynamics of this situation and knew that I would find a little teasing a bit of a turn on.

“When she was on her third or was it her fourth orgasm, she confessed she had never had so many orgasms in one night, they had never been so intense and she hoped I would give her a lot more before your little holiday was over.”

OMG, I thought to myself, was this what I really wanted, I wasn’t sure, I think it was but I prayed Rachel wasn’t thinking about leaving me for Charles. That would serve me right, but all this was just supposed to be a bit of fun I didn’t want it to risk my marriage.

I think Charles twigged by my expression what was worrying me and he provided some much needed reassurance.

“Don’t look so concerned Dave, I’m not planning to make Rachel wife number five, this is strictly a sexual and physical thing no love involved, Rachel understands this she knows the score and provided you are sensible and don’t act like a Dick about it, I should be no threat to your marriage. Additionally, Rachel is now well on the way to becoming a hot wife and that’s what you wanted isn’t it? You treat her well, with respect, and she will be happy to remain with you.”

I think he could still tell I was conflicted and so he continued.

“Listen Dave, Rachel has now changed she is not the same woman she was a couple of hours ago, I have unlocked something deep within her that she had kept hidden from you, in fact from everyone including herself. You need to accept that otherwise your marriage will be in trouble. Over the next few days she wants to explore all kinds of sexual activities, I will leave her to provide you with the details of those.”

This was a hell of a lot to take in and process in such a short period of time, I could not blame Rachel or Charles for that matter this was all down to me. I had wanted this and it looked like I had got what I had fantasised and masturbated about for a very long time. I hope it would not lead to Rachel and I splitting up. I had worried in the past about setting something like this up, that it might lead to us getting divorced. When I read a lot of the cuckhold stories on line, its concerning how many of the guys that have gone down that route have ended splitting up from their partners.

We had a couple more drinks and I was quite merry when Charles said he was calling it a night, he was staying on the top floor in one of the executive suites, god knows how much that must cost a night, and he remained in the lift when I got off at my level.

I approached our room with some serious trepidation, how was Rachel going to react, would she be angry with me, would she blame me for what had happened. If Charles was to be believed it sounded like she’d had a really good time but would the guilt now be setting in and I might suffer the consequences.

I inserted the key card and opened the door as quietly as possible, I am not sure why, but I did not want to come in like a bull in a China shop, I virtually tip toed into the room, trying to work out what exactly I would say to her. I of course wanted to hear all the dirty details but if she was not in the mood for sharing then I would have to be extremely careful not to annoy her and fuck things up. Even though I had more drinks than is customary for me I still had all my wits about be and knew I needed to be extremely careful with Rachel at this moment. If I miss read the situation right now, I might mess everything up and blow my chances of being married to a hot wife.

As it turned out nothing happened, it was all a massive anti climax, Rachel was fast asleep and gently snoring when I entered our room. I considered waking her but fortunately common sense prevailed and I remembered she does not like me waking her at the best of times and I am sure after what it sounded like Charles had put her through, she would need her beauty sleep.

I had a shower, got into bed and assumed I would be awake for hours thinking about what had just taken place, the room stank of sex and I was certain I could smell both male and female ejaculate.

Amazingly I fell asleep within a couple of minutes I assume it must have been the alcohol I had consumed. We both woke up roughly the same time next morning, I could tell straight away she was in a good mood. Tune in for the next chapter when Rachel tells me just what had gone on in our room the night before with Charles.

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By *an4Fun121Man  over a year ago


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By *mbeMan  over a year ago


What a great adventure. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *eeman1Man  over a year ago


Can’t wait to hear

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By *nexpectedExplorerMan  over a year ago


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By *tonyxxxMan  over a year ago


Looking forward to hearing what happened

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By *eachlife49Man  over a year ago


Chapter 6???

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


The sense of anticipation for Rachel's account of her hours with Charles is palpable.

I am always intrigued as to the reasons ladies allow their 'Bulls' (I think that's the word) to take liberties that are strictly off limits to their long term partners. Time (or in this case Dave) will tell as to what Rachel may or may not have surrendered to Charles.

Of course, if any of you avid readers of Rachel & Dave's gripping tale want to message me with your own experiences of this subject, please do. I am the epitome of discretion and would never divulge something told in confidence.

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By *ove2pleaseseukMan  over a year ago


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By *ardiffmilkmanMan  over a year ago

near you

I love the suspense

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By *onkeyman72Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 06/12/22 04:57:14]

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By *onkeyman72Man  over a year ago


Fantastic read , look forward to more

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Six

I was dying to ask her to spill the beans about what happened with Charles the previous night but I managed to contain myself and played it cool, I thought I would wait for her to bring up the subject even though I was desperate to hear all the juicy details.

“Morning Dave” She greeted me, and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

“I’m going for a quick shower then I will come back to bed and give you a blow by blow account of last nights events, you don’t fool me by trying putting on your too cool for school act, I can tell your filthy little mind is desperate to hear what went on in here last night.”

I should have realized by now that Rachel is far too sharp for me to pull the wool over her eyes regarding my feelings, I couldn’t wait to hear her account and how she felt about the entire thing.

One thing was troubling me though, I could sense Rachel was annoyed with me, I wondered if Charles had told her I had set her up for all this, I hoped not otherwise the next few days could be hell for me.

When she emerged from the bathroom she was totally naked and still a bit damp from the shower, she jumped straight into bed but not before I noticed some marks on her body.

“What are those marks on the top of your tits and down on your lower belly?” I enquired

“I think I have a couple on my arse cheeks too, you can take a look in a minute and tell me, but if you hold your horses and be a little patient all will be revealed.”

Rachel then made small talk for a few minutes I knew what she was up to, she was deliberately dragging it out making me wait for the dirty details, knowing that the frustration I was suffering was adding to my excitement. All the while though I could detect this sort of undertone in her, she definitely was not please with me about something.

“Right enough of the chitter chatter Dave, I think I have prolonged the agony enough it’s time you heard all about my little romp between the sheets with Charles.”

At last I thought, it’s about time I heard about everything that had taken place. Rachel was still not finished and had more hoops for me jump through, she asked

“Dave, would you mind making us some coffee in the machine over there, my mouth is really dry and I have so much to tell you I think I might not get through it all without something to drink.”

Boy oh boy she was really milking all this wasn’t she, I was sure once I had made her some coffee, she would have another chore for me to complete. She had me just where she wanted me, I was so desperate to hear what she had got up to, I was willing to carry out any task she requested.

I made us both a cup of coffee and was about to get back into bed with her when she said.

“Sorry to mess you around Dave but can I have a bit more cream in mine.”

I knew just what cream I really wanted to give her but I complied with her request and went over to the coffee machine and poured some more cream in her coffee.

The frustration in me was building and building and I was starting to get close to blowing my top and shouting out for god sake tell me what happened. But I knew Rachel was enjoying teasing me and I realized I would have to play along with it and eventually she would tire of this little game and reveal to me what had happened.

I handed her the coffee and played the role of a dutiful waiter.

“Is the coffee to your taste madame?”

“Not really Dave, it’s got a rather strong and bitter taste.”

“It has to be top quality Rach, clients that come to a place like this and pay the massive room rates would not put up with cheap coffee.”

“I realize that Dave, but one gets used to ones favorite coffee, isn’t there a Costa coffee shop just along the road from our hotel, I noticed it yesterday.”

“Christ Rach I’m not even dressed you don’t expect me to go and get you a coffee from there do you.”

“Don’t be such a pussy Dave, just slip on a pair of jogging pants, trainers and a polo shirt and you will be there and back in less than five minutes. Can you get me my usual coffee and cake please, and don’t sulk, when you get back you will hear the most exciting tale of your life.”

Under protest I did as she requested and got us both a coffee and cake from the local Costa, I was back in around five minutes, having ignored the lift and sprinted down and back up the stairs to our room to save time. It’s surprising how fast one can run when there is a horny story at the end of ones journey.

We drank our coffees and ate our cakes in more or less silence, I was pretending to be annoyed about having to go out, and she seemed to be looking around the room with a disapproving look on her face.

“Dave, I can’t begin to give you last nights details while our room is in such a state, it looks like a bomb has hit it, would you be a love and do a quick tidy up, I can see dirty underwear on the floor and I am not sure where Charles put them, but there must be several used condoms lying around somewhere.”

Rachel looked right at me, smiled and then winked as she said the phrase used condoms, the bitch was really turning the knife, but I absolutely loved all this teasing. It was frustrating me to hell and back, but the excitement and anticipation of what I was about to hear was driving me insane with desire. I was glad that Rachel had ensured Charles used comdoms, she is on birth control but that’s not 100% and Charles is such a stud if he has some kind of STD then Rachel should stand far less chance of catching it.

My cock had been semi erect from the moment I had awoken this morning, I wondered if Rachel would mind if I masturbated while she told me her story, I thought it best to play it by ear. Perhaps let her get a fair way into the events of last night before I started to tug the old truncheon.

I tried to a do a quick rush job of tidying up the room but Rachel would have none of it, she warned me if I wanted to be told all the preceding nights events then I need to clean up the room thoroughly. I went back to my task with renewed vigour, and in the process found four extra large condoms. Each one had copious amounts of cum in it, my four largest orgasms ever would still produce less semen than the contents of one of these condoms. Charles is such an incredible bull, wish I had been blessed with his assets but we all have to accept our place in the sexual hierarchy of human relations. I have to face up to the fact I’m a cuck and make the best of it.

It must be great being a bull, having a cock and balls like Charles and being able to produce so much semen, but I knew my place, I was just an average guy when it comes to the sex department. Guys like Charles are extremely rare and average joes like me just have to hold our hands up and admit we can’t compete between the sheets with men like him.

I was finally starting to lose patience with all this and was close to telling Rach enough was enough, I think she realized I had had enough and apologized.

“Sorry Dave, for being such a bitch but it was so funny seeing you run around for me like an excited little puppy, but it’s time to get serious, go over to the dressing table open the top draw and take out the envelop inside.”

A cold chill seemed to descend across the room, looking at Rach I could see she was deadly serious and in no mood for arguments, I did as instructed, and removed a large envelop from the draw. I was fairly sure the undercurrent I had been sensing in her since she had wokeen up this morning was about to come up to the surface. Something wasn’t right and I am sure you married men reading this will understand exactly what I mean when you know your wife is annoyed with you but you don’t know yet just why that is.

On the front was written Dear Dave in my wife’s beautiful hand writing she always uses a fountain pen when hand writing anything. I looked across at Rachel and I could tell from the expression on her face, this was not a joke and I almost certainly was not going to like what I was about to find.

I opened it up and withdrew an A4 piece of paper that had been folded in half, I opened it up, it was totally blank.

“What the fuck Rach, what the hell in going on, what’s this all about?

“Notice anything Dave?”

“Of course not Rachel, it’s just a blank piece of paper, what am I supposed to notice?”

“Oh you think your so clever Dave, and I must admit you had me fooled for a while, the work you did on the letter from the company announcing the prize you won was outstanding. You even went to the trouble of printing a QR code on the envelop so that it would look as though the Post Office had scanned it and so leave no post mark, but it’s the little things Dave the little things.”

“Have you lost your fucking mind Rachel I haven’t a clue what you are talking about, would you mind explaining to me what is bothering you”

I tried to say this with far more confidence than I felt at that moment, I had a nasty feeling about all this, I was pretty sure Rachel was about to tell me she had some how found out what I had been up to and I was in one hell of a lot of trouble.

In the next chapter I find out I am not as smart as I think I am, as my wife says it’s the little things that catch us men out and women are fucking brilliant at spotting those little things.

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


Dave, have you ever thought of going into the torture business?......talk about leaving your audience hanging....

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By *ed hot PokerMan  over a year ago


Does that mean we won't find out what went on behind the closed doors?

Good story though , very well written.

I'd be surprised if you don't write a best seller soon

Keep it up

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I can relate to this. I am a cuck to a black girl who fucks a much older man on a regular basis. It really turns me on knowing they are together but she really strings me along without telling me much until I am ready to explode and then only tells me small parts of the puzzle. So annoying and yet so horny.

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


"Dave, have you ever thought of going into the torture business?......talk about leaving your audience hanging.... "

No I am far too much of a softie to get into all that, Stevo the bar tender on the other had would be ideal

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


"Does that mean we won't find out what went on behind the closed doors?


Don't worry all will be revealed but this reminds me of the old joke about the two bulls. Most people will have heard it before but never the less as a reminder.

An old bull and a young bull are at the top of a hill looking down on a herd of cows grazing in the valley down below.

The young bull says let's run down there so we can each fuck one of them cows.

The old bull replies, no lets walk down so we can fuck them all

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


"I can relate to this. I am a cuck to a black girl who fucks a much older man on a regular basis. It really turns me on knowing they are together but she really strings me along without telling me much until I am ready to explode and then only tells me small parts of the puzzle. So annoying and yet so horny. "

Sounds like your living the dream mate you should write a story about your experiences with her, perhaps get her to contribute and give us her perspective on the cuck, hot wife thing.

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By *_revMan  over a year ago


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By *eeman1Man  over a year ago


I need to know lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think we should wait until this story is finished. Don't want to tred on anyone's toes so to speak.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its got me HARD

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By *eanasmustardMan  over a year ago



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By *ony 529Man  over a year ago


Mmmmm oh yes please xx

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By *ifunlover69Man  over a year ago


Beautifully crafted! Well done.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Excellent story. So looking forward to the next instalment

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


"I think we should wait until this story is finished. Don't want to tred on anyone's toes so to speak. "

Mebbe you could get Charles' number from Dave and then do a crossover story?

Seriously though, in your own time, I for one, would very much enjoy hearing how Nikki cucks you & who with.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That sounds like great fun. We also could meet Charles on a break if the op is OK with it.

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By *idscouple7778Couple  over a year ago


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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


brilliant stuff

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By *orks Randy MANMan  over a year ago


Love it

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By *ischiefManaged69Couple  over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter seven

Rachel told me to open the draw next to the one I had just been in, this too contained a large envelop with my name hand written on it. I took a quick glance at my wife and she had that determined, don’t fuck me around look on her face. For the last few minutes I had been getting that feeling in the pit of my stomach, you know the one that tells you, your about to be found out over something and are going to be in very deep shit.

I tried to hide my unease by employing a typical male defense mechanism, I feigned being in a temper and muttered under my breath that Rachel had gone bonkers while tearing open the envelop.

This one contained the mocked up letter I had forged announcing the hotel break in Cardiff prize I had allegedly won. I held it up and looked over at Rachel, who stared back with disdain.

“Do you still not get it Dave?”

I now raised my voice and tried to portray far more confidence than I really felt.

“For fucks sake Rachel have you lost the plot or something what am I not getting as you put it.”

I had now opened the two top draws of the dressing table, Rachel indicated I was to open the last one on the left. Inside was yet another envelop with my name on it.

“Rachel this is getting absolutely ridiculous why don’t you just tell me what I am missing or I am going to be opening envelops for the rest of this holiday.”

My wife knows me well and I was sure she knew I was pretending to be angry and in reality I was extremely worried as to where this was all heading.

I opened the third envelop and inside was the real invitation I had when I won the short break to York, Rachel must have searched through my records to obtain it. Not a difficult task as I keep them in date order.

“I’m going to help you out Dave, as I think we will be here all day and you still won’t realise the simple mistake you made.”

She then told me to ignore the writing and images on the contents of the last two envelops but instead to focus on the sheets of paper themselves, how do they compare, what was their look and feel.

Oh shit I thought to myself I think I could see where she was heading now. I inspected all three sheets of paper in detail and I knew I was in big trouble. The blank sheet and the paper sent by the real company were exactly the same. They were a very good quality thick paper with a very bright white finish. The bright finish ensures that colored lazer images really stand out from the paper.

The paper I had used for the fake prize invitation was just basic bog standard A4 office printer paper, whilst not the cheapest it was nowhere near the quality of the other two. When compared side by side the difference between the cheapo paper and the expensive ones was plain to see.

Fuck, fuck, fuck I said to myself how could I have over looked something so simple, it had never entered my head that I would be caught out by what paper I used. I had been concentrating so much on ensuring the papers contents were perfect I never considered what paper I should use.

Rachel then explained when I had left the fake letter out on the kitchen table she had picked it up and casually read it while drinking a coffee and eating some toast and was about to put it back in its envelop when she suddenly realized something didn’t feel quite right. She wasn’t sure if it was the texture of the paper or how heavy it was or that it was a rather dull white but something didn’t feel right, the paper felt and looked cheap.

She wondered why would a company that must have paid out thousands of pounds for two people to stay in a luxury expensive hotel in Cardiff scrimp on the paper they would use to send out the prize details.

She then searched my records and quickly found the prize details about the York trip and confirmed to herself that they had indeed used expensive paper to issue the invitation.

Then she compared my mock letter with the real one and rapidly came to the conclusion that although the company name and a few other details had been changed it was obvious that the Cardiff prize letter had used the York letter as a template.

I tried to get myself out of this mess, I am usually quite good at this, I suggested that perhaps the company had been taken over or had changed its name but still used the basic template for its letters and maybe to cut costs in these hard times they no longer used such expensive paper. I think this was the last straw for Rachel, she spoke really quietly which is a danger signal I had learned over the years to be very weary of.

“Dave, how long are you going to keep up this charade, you have been caught bang to rights, be a man and own up to your deceit. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me what you did, and don’t come up with any more bull shit about company take overs and cost cutting crap.”

I was frantically trying to come up with something but nothing was coming to mind, I also had a nagging suspicion that Rachel had more proof than just the paper and similar template useed on both letters.

I briefly considered trying to brazen it out but thank god my nagging suspicion halted me from digging myself any deeper, instead I just looked down at the floor and didn’t say anything.

“Lucky for you, you didn’t try lying your way out of this anymore Dave otherwise I would have cut your balls off. A few days before we came down to Cardiff you went swimming with a couple of your mates and left your work lap top in the lounge, do you remember”

I gave a slight nod of my head but kept my eyes fixed on the floor in front of me.

She continued.

“I logged in to it and quickly found the Cardiff letter you had composed. I also found several drafts you had created until I assume you got the look you were after. I could see the times and dates you were working on the document, you spent several days working on it.”

“How could you get into my lap top, it’s password protected, your making that up.”

“Dave, I know you inside out, it took me three attempts to guess your password, frankly I was surprised it took that many I expected to gain access at the first or second guess.”

I slumped down in a chair adjacent to the dressing table, a beaten man, all the fake anger had dissipated but I had one more card to play. It had worked in the past, I put on my most humble and sorry face, looked down at the floor once again and began to mutter an apology. All in the style of a little boy that had been caught by his mother with his hand in the cookie jar.

As you all have probably guessed it didn’t work.

“Don’t you try the little boy lost look bull shit on me Dave, I know it’s just an act, I’m sure it worked on your mother when you were a kid but you’re a grown man now and I’m your wife.”

I began to say something but she cut me off.

“Don’t say anything, here is how this trip is going to go from now on, I am about to give you all the details from last night, and you can wank your little dick while listening if you want. However you will not be fucking or touching me the entire time we are in Cardiff, and if any of your weak watery cum lands on me you will have to lick it off. If you don’t agree then you can forget about ever finding out what happened last night and we will check out of the hotel and go home right now.”

What would you guys do in this situation, I felt I didn’t have a choice, Rachel was deadly serious in what she was saying and I knew if I did not agree we would be back on our way home within the hour. I was about to acquiesce but she held up her hand to stop me speaking and continued.

“There’s more Dave, Charles opened up a whole new world for me last night, I am going to be his play thing for the next few nights, he is going to introduce me to all kinds of things and people but you will not be part of any of them. I will give you the details about what has happened either later that night or more likely next day, but you will not be with me to see any of it. I want to remind you that you started all this, it was all your idea I never agreed to any of it and then you went behind my back and calculated and schemed your way into trying to get what you want. Well, I can tell you Dave, be careful what you wish for, last night was the best sex I have ever had and it has changed me, if you like it has liberated me and I intend to explore my sexual limits with Charles and others completely. I hope you don’t live to regret what you have started.

Well, I only have myself to blame for all this, Rachel was absolutely correct I had manipulated her into this situation and now things were completely out of my control and I was along for the ride. I suppose part of being a cuck is not really having any control and accepting whatever sexual exploits your wife gets up to.

Finally in the next episode Rachel gives me chapter and verse of her time spent with Charles, she also provides more details about some of the things she plans on getting up to during our time here in Cardiff.

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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By *ason7754Man  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *otplaying4nowWoman  over a year ago


Omg, this is amazing! x

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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *uietbloke67Man  over a year ago

outside your bedroom window ;-)

Well written

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By *ony 529Man  over a year ago


Please continue so looking forward to the outcome

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By *orsetMale34Man  over a year ago


Need to know how Charles used her

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By *andyel73Man  over a year ago


Amazing the best on fab

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


Hope we get the details

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well written sir.

Keep putting pen to paper.

I'm getting up early tomorrow, in more ways than one. Can't wait

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By *eeman1Man  over a year ago


Look forward to hearing what she gets up to

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By *ichaelG76Man  over a year ago


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By *ippa 63TV/TS  over a year ago


Riveting more please.

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


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By *isterGreyMan  over a year ago


Damn it was like I wrote it myself.

90% of that rung true my mine and my partners relationship and what I'd like her to do.

Will the next part be real or fantasy?

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By *tephens11Man  over a year ago


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By *ancelot1633Man  over a year ago


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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago


" "

Very enjoyable update Dave. I was half expecting Rachel to pull off a latex face mask to reveal herself as Jessica Fletcher or even Lieutenant Columbo...such were her detective skills.


p.s. I've bought a box of Mansize Scotties ( ok it's bog roll really, I'm a skinflint) for the next filthy chapter where Charles is in charge

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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


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By *D123Man  over a year ago

Kings Heath and Estepona

Gets better!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago



( ok it's bog roll really, I'm a skinflint) for the next filthy chapter where Charles is in charge"

By the time this story ends one roll is not going to cut it, your going to need a pack of 12 minimum

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


Chapter Eight

“Dave, you can get back into bed with me while I give you all the details, and you can wank your little dicklette if you want, but remember if any of your nasty cum lands on me your licking it off like the dirty little cucky boy we both know you to be.”

Shit, I thought to myself how on earth did Rachel learn this type of language she must have been doing some reading up on the cuck lifestyle or reading some cuckhold stories I assumed.

I was about stand up from the chair and make my way over to the bed when Rachel stopped me.

“Hang on there a minute Dave, before you get in here with me we need to talk.”

Oh fuck, the four words no husband ever likes to hear their wife say ‘we need to talk’.

“Dave I am not sure you quite realize how serious the state of our marriage is in at the moment, you have lied and plotted to get what you want with virtually no consideration to my feelings.”

I nodded in agreement with her statement, couldn’t deny it really could I, thought best not to say anything and let her continue.

“Things are not going to be the same as they were you have to realise that Dave, last night has changed me in ways that I am not really sure about but I intend to become this so called hot wife that you cucks seem desperate to be married to. What I really want to know though is why didn’t you discuss bringing another guy into our marriage instead of all this subterfuge.”

As I had been sitting in the chair, head bowed stealing the odd glance at Rach to see if there was any softening in her features I was searching for a way to perhaps lessen my guilt. I knew I would not completely be able to get out of trouble but as my wife was speaking I noticed an opportunity and I grabbed at it like a drawning sailor grasping a bit of drift wood.

“One of the reasons Rach, was I thought you would hit the roof and be really mad at me, do you remember in our first year of marriage you caught me watching porn and you didn’t speak to me for a week.”

Do you readers think that worked?

No, your right it didn’t!

“Don’t try one of your silly little tricks to get out of this Dave, I’m not going to let you deflect some of the guilt off your shoulders onto mine. You did this, no ifs no buts so no more bull shit, stop being a coward and be honest with me or our marriage will be totally on the rocks.”

Damn, blown it again, I have to admit she is right I am a coward, I completely mis read the situation once again, time to come up clean with her I think, or as clean as a scheming bastard like me can be.

“Sorry Rach, OK your right that wasn’t the real or perhaps main reason for my deceit, there was no one overriding concern for my lies but a combination of things I was worried about.”

“Like what Dave?”

“I was worried you might tell friends and family what I wanted to do.”

This was a genuine concern, I didn’t think she would rush and tell her mum and dad, but I was worried she might tell her two closest friends that she has known since primary school. From experience if you want to keep something secret you don’t tell anyone, because virtually no one can keep some salacious gossip to themselves.

“I’m not that stupid Dave, I know something like this would need to be kept strictly between us, I wouldn’t even tell Carol and Sue.”

(Carol and Sue are the two girls I just made mention to).

“I was also worried that you might lose all respect for me Rach, I have read on forums about guys sharing their wives and the wife going off with one of her lovers.”

“Yes, I think that is a genuine concern Dave, I doubt that would happen but I suppose there are no guarantees are there. Listen if we want to make this work you need to promise me no more lies. You need to discuss with me what is on your mind and we need to work out together how we move forward.”

I stole another quick glance at my wife and she looked a lot less threatening than she had a few minutes ago, things were starting to look up.

“Men can be really dumb sometimes, if after one of our role playing nights you had discussed in a calm sensible manner the next morning what you wanted to happen I would not have shot you down in flames Dave, I may even have been more open to the idea than you realise.”

To tell you the truth guys, I find this very hard to believe I had mentioned something like this to her in the past and she always said she liked the role play but wouldn’t want to do anything for real. I thought this was not the time to bring that up however and I once again just agreed with her, she was starting to soften and I did not want to rile her up again.

“Right Dave, jump back in here with me, but remember no more plans and secrets from now on just be honest with me.”

I must have covered the short distance between the chair and bed in less than a second lol, Rachel then asked me.

“Do you want the short abridged version leaving out a lot of my thoughts and feelings but including the dirty stuff that I know you really want to hear, or would you like the entire nine yards leaving nothing out.”

Now I suspect a lot of men would opt for the short version and quickly get to the sexual content and under different circumstances that’s what I would probably go for too, but I knew I was on thin ice here. I guessed that my wife wanted, perhaps needed to relate all that had happened so I wisely chose the extended version.

“I’m glad you wanted to hear it all Dave, I think I need to tell you how I felt throughout the entire episode.”

I asked Rachel would she mind if I played with my penis while she told me her tale, fortunately she said she didn’t mind, but to make sure it didn’t touch any part of her.

“When I discovered your underhanded dastardly plan, I searched both your lap top, and mobile to see if you had made any arrangements to meet up with some sleazy guy in Cardiff, but could find no evidence of that.”

I explained I had thought about it, but was worried if I found someone they might tell her what I was up to.

“On the first night here, I didn’t go to the bar on purpose, it wasn’t that I was tired, it was to give you an opportunity to put your plan into action. I had no intention of doing anything with anyone but I was looking for an opportunity to teach you a lesson. I wasn’t entirely sure how I would do that but this was all new to me and I was just playing it by ear really.”

I explained to her that all the guys I thought she would find attractive seemed to either be with work colleagues or accompanied by their wives. I had noticed Charles was by himself but I didn’t think she would find him attractive.

She agreed and said his size and rough looking features would put most women off but once she got talking to him she had found him extremely interesting and charismatic.

I asked her

“When I went to the toilet and left him with her what had he said that made her want to go to our room with him?”

“He simply asked me if I fancied spending some time alone with him either in our room or his.”

“Wow Rach, I didn’t think it would be that easy for him to get you into bed.”

“I don’t think you understand Dave, remember at this time I knew exactly what was going on and although I didn’t have a firm plan assembled in my mind, my intention was to try and teach you a lesson. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do, I wasn’t intending to sleep with Charles but once we were alone in the room I was going to explain to him I knew what you had been up to and as he was a man of the world I was going to ask him how I could punish you for your lying.”

I have to admit I had been wondering how on earth Charles had got my wife to agree to go to our room with him so quickly, I should have known Rachel was wise to my little plan.

“So what happened once you got to our room with him.”

“As soon as we got in he started to approach me I assume to give me a kiss but I held my hands up and explained the entire situation to him.”

“What did he say, was he annoyed, weren’t you a little worried he could get nasty?”

“No, he told me he had got a feeling early on that I knew exactly what you were up to, and he said he had been in a couple of similar situations in the past, he asked if I wanted him to leave in which case he would do so straight away. Or would I like a cup of coffee and we could have a little chat to see how I felt about everything.”

“I’m assuming you had a coffee and a chat.”

“Yes, he told me that if I wanted he could pretend he had slept with me just to wind you up, or if I preferred he could promise me probably the best sex I had ever had. He told me he was an experienced and accomplished lover, he had the stamina and equipment to satisfy most women and he detected in me hidden depths of passion that were begging to be released.”

“Sounds a bit naff.”

“Yes, well saying it to you now it does, but at the time it most certainly did not.”

“So, you obviously chose to go to bed with him, what happened next?”

“Don’t be so impatient Dave, all will be revealed. He also told me something that I hadn’t realized about myself, and I’m damn sure you haven’t realized either.”

Tune in for the next chapter to find out what neither of us had recognized in my wife and also all the dirty and depraved things she got up to with Charles in our hotel room.

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By *ilkynmyzzyCouple  over a year ago


Absolutely brilliant, can't wait for the next chapter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *r and Mrs S99Couple  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *abrina59TV/TS  over a year ago

submissive land

Look forward to more

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By *rgasmdonorMan  over a year ago


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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago



( ok it's bog roll really, I'm a skinflint) for the next filthy chapter where Charles is in charge

By the time this story ends one roll is not going to cut it, your going to need a pack of 12 minimum"

It's been a while so I better buy Andrex for soakage.

Keep it up Dave, at this rate & quality you'll get a Fooker Prize nomination

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By *_revMan  over a year ago


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By *antyhoseMan  over a year ago


Very well written and a riveting read! Keep going, please

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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago



Keep it up Dave, at this rate & quality you'll get a Fooker Prize nomination"

I see what you did there, nice one

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By *eterinpantiesukMan  over a year ago


Nice work

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By *iquor247Man  over a year ago


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By *andyel73Man  over a year ago


Love your work

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By *ichaelG76Man  over a year ago


Ah man.. hand again and arrrghhhhh

I feel like him haha

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By *andi_mmfCouple  over a year ago


great story!

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By *ed hot PokerMan  over a year ago


"Ah man.. hand again and arrrghhhhh

I feel like him haha"

Agree, keeping us hanging too

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By *opa SandsCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 08/12/22 17:58:52]

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By *eachlife49Man  over a year ago


Chapter 9

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By *issdanielleroseTV/TS  over a year ago


Loving this lol

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By *usie pTV/TS  over a year ago


This story is really brightening my evenings this week.I look forward to the next episode.

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By *rnoldZiffelMan  over a year ago



Keep it up Dave, at this rate & quality you'll get a Fooker Prize nomination

I see what you did there, nice one "

I try; some say I should be....tried and sentenced

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By *_new_memberMan  over a year ago


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By *iBtmGuyForFunMan  over a year ago

north county dublin , Lusk

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By *ancelot1633Man  over a year ago


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By *otplaying4nowWoman  over a year ago


Amazing! x

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By *ornybarMan  over a year ago


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By *luegreen OP   Man  over a year ago


As we have nearly reached the thread limit I have started a new one and posted chapter nine there. The new thread title is the same as this one just with Part 2 written at the end of it, hope you all enjoy it as much as you appear to have liked this one.

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By *ifunlover69Man  over a year ago



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By *ot manMan  over a year ago

long eaton


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By *iscoman7771000Man  over a year ago


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By *lymouth nice guyMan  over a year ago



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