
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Scotland > Double Standarda

Double Standarda

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Unfortunately have seen a lot of this, especially from women, they meet a guy, like him and then get bitchy towards other fems that are I'm contact with them.

Get a life ffs, this is a swinging site not match.com!!

(disclaimer-am sure guys do it too but have seen more women doing it via chat rooms, profile or profile status!)


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well said steve,,

too many peeps on fab think this is a dating site,,,its a sex site ffs!!!!

chat meet shag,,,,shimples!!

if you wanna meet married men,,,do it,,if you dont ,,dont,,,not up to anyone on here to judge others...

jeeze stop all the crap please

auds xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

TBH im not sure where a forum post like this is going .... whilst I appreciate what your saying as it is clearly directed at someone in particular wouldnt it be best to have that conversation with her and leave it at that. If the person in question comes into forums and reads it im sure her version of events would be different as there are always 3 sides to every story.

That aside I am of the opinion if folk stopped listening to he said/she said/they said and met who they wanted when they wanted things would be so much simpler. x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well said tracy xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Totally agree with you here Tracy to much, he said she said crap site has turned in to one massive bitching site no longer fun ,Good luck to all and happy swinging

Pleasurer xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Pmsl... had a wee chuckle when I read this thread... prob the reason I keep my friends list hidden, as bitchiness tends to creep in to all things...

Agree with Auds, this is a sex site and is to be enjoyed... I certainly wouldn't expect any fem friends I see, to be exclusive to me!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

dont you reckon? It wasnt me she mailed.....and I dont have a gripe....just seen it all to often and well withing my rights to air my views publicly if I wish....ok if it helps I will repost it as a question

"What do you make of folk who judge married peeps yet its ok to meet them and be their FB's"

I dont think my post is any less worth being on here than most....

Didnt know there was the Post Polis.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Am No Sure About Post Polis Cherry..

BUT, I wouldnt Mind Taking Down Your Particulars ...Corrrfff

Buboo ...lol xx

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

"dont you reckon? It wasnt me she mailed.....and I dont have a gripe....just seen it all to often and well withing my rights to air my views publicly if I wish....ok if it helps I will repost it as a question

"What do you make of folk who judge married peeps yet its ok to meet them and be their FB's"

I dont think my post is any less worth being on here than most....

Didnt know there was the Post Polis."

I think ppl in glass houses shouldnt throw stones ppl should judge themselfs before they judge others too many on here want to stick their ore in and in my opinion to many low lifes with no lifes who constantly judge ppl in here but as u said said cherry one rule for them and one for the rest of us .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

if someone post something on a forum your always gonna get diffrent oppinions,,if you dont want it,,,,dont post?

everyone has an oppinion thats called freedom of speech.

auds x

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"TBH im not sure where a forum post like this is going .... whilst I appreciate what your saying as it is clearly directed at someone in particular wouldnt it be best to have that conversation with her and leave it at that. If the person in question comes into forums and reads it im sure her version of events would be different as there are always 3 sides to every story.

That aside I am of the opinion if folk stopped listening to he said/she said/they said and met who they wanted when they wanted things would be so much simpler. x"

* nods *

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"dont you reckon? It wasnt me she mailed.....and I dont have a gripe....just seen it all to often and well withing my rights to air my views publicly if I wish....ok if it helps I will repost it as a question

"What do you make of folk who judge married peeps yet its ok to meet them and be their FB's"

I dont think my post is any less worth being on here than most....

Didnt know there was the Post Polis."

To be honest, then I can't understand why you felt the need to post what someone else said in someone else's mailbox and as I don't know if those were the exact words used in the mails I have taken your first post off.

Your re wording of your post is much better though but as it i now in the middle of the thread you might want to start it again.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"if someone post something on a forum your always gonna get diffrent oppinions,,if you dont want it,,,,dont post?

everyone has an oppinion thats called freedom of speech.

auds x"

I totally agree with you. I like differing opinions hence why it is called a forum. I am airing my opinion and did not shoot anyone down for not agreeing with me. I was told my post shouldn't be here? Freedom of speech as you said an all that........

Please let's get back to the topic peeps. If you don't like my post don't pass comment unless you have an opinion on thee actual topic. C;)x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm at a loss as to why you are all getting yer knickers in a twist here. It doesn't matter were the idea of my post came from. Doesn't everyone have to have an idea from somewhere. Is it ok then to post about "wots the worst thing someone had mailed you" or "get this mail today from a guy" copying and pasteing. Or better still the ones who want a name and shame post. I have merely posted about a topic which is all too familiar on this site. Never once mentioning a name. Could it be because I am not flagging off a guy who mailed me but going against the "sisterhood". Don't take it too seriously it's all. Bit of fun peeps. Cmon get a life. Difnt know when I posted it was gonna be so controversial x know wot the powers that be f@@king delete it. The next time I post I shall make it a clique "say something nice about person above aka the post whore attention seekers"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Am No Sure About Post Polis Cherry..

BUT, I wouldnt Mind Taking Down Your Particulars ...Corrrfff

Buboo ...lol xx"

Ooooh er mind the cuffs then

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Anno ...Ahll probably forget them ..jeez

Buboo x

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo


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