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Palestinian girl released.....

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?"

You should learn more about this topic before posting up.

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By *od_AlmightyMan  over a year ago


obviously her actions are a protest designed to draw the attention of people around the globe to the situation regarding the occupation and settlement of land by the israel state beyond the israeli border. her method of protest is meant to get people, specifically in the west, to ask "what's going on?" .... and in the instance of the OP's thread, it worked a treat

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

You should learn more about this topic before posting up."

Why's that?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, "

I don't

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story,

I don't "

Neither do I .Should she be shot clem?As you say others have been shot for less .

Less of what?

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story,

I don't

Neither do I .Should she be shot clem?As you say others have been shot for less .

Less of what? "

Shooting her probably a bit extreme. Do you think the Israelis were wrong for imprisoning her? What do you think they should have done?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story,

I don't

Neither do I .Should she be shot clem?As you say others have been shot for less .

Less of what?

Shooting her probably a bit extreme. Do you think the Israelis were wrong for imprisoning her? What do you think they should have done?"

Assaulting an IDF soldier probably carries a 8 month sentence or more.As she got.Seems legit and within the law .

She did what she had to do.Resistance isn't always futile.Shell be the poster girl now for teenage boys and girls who are part of the resistance .I think her curly looks and western looks helped her with the media and probably prevented a harsh response from the state.If she was covered up and a strict Muslim .Her fate may have been worse.

My feelings are that she's a brave girl and good luck to her.

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story,

I don't

Neither do I .Should she be shot clem?As you say others have been shot for less .

Less of what?

Shooting her probably a bit extreme. Do you think the Israelis were wrong for imprisoning her? What do you think they should have done?

Assaulting an IDF soldier probably carries a 8 month sentence or more.As she got.Seems legit and within the law .

She did what she had to do.Resistance isn't always futile.Shell be the poster girl now for teenage boys and girls who are part of the resistance .I think her curly looks and western looks helped her with the media and probably prevented a harsh response from the state.If she was covered up and a strict Muslim .Her fate may have been worse.

My feelings are that she's a brave girl and good luck to her. "

Let's hope it brings about change in the occupied lands.

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


Down with this sort of thing!

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO "

She assaulted a memeber of the IDF and that deserves a nobel prize? By that idea I deserve a peace prize by stopping one of the mrs rages with chocolate.

Would you say the same if she punched a member of the queens guard?

She serve her time behind bars and be watched after then.

“Palestine” is controlled by Fatah that supports to terrorist groups and Hamas which Is a terrorist group. Yet you side with them? Think long and hard as is you do support Palestine, you support terrorists and should be placed on a watch list.

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO

She assaulted a memeber of the IDF and that deserves a nobel prize? By that idea I deserve a peace prize by stopping one of the mrs rages with chocolate.

Would you say the same if she punched a member of the queens guard?

She serve her time behind bars and be watched after then.

“Palestine” is controlled by Fatah that supports to terrorist groups and Hamas which Is a terrorist group. Yet you side with them? Think long and hard as is you do support Palestine, you support terrorists and should be placed on a watch list. "

That still doesn't give isreal the right to just take their land and treat the Palestinians the way they do. If it wasn't for the US backing them they would be in a lot of trouble

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO "

Quite right! Isn't that the stance of the alleged anti-Semitic labour MP's though? Surely its ok to be anti Israel without being anti Semitic?

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO "

Wow! The Nazi among us.

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

Why is any complaint about isreal always made out yo be anti-semetic or nazi. You do know you can dislike a countries behavior without hating them

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"Why is any complaint about isreal always made out yo be anti-semetic or nazi. You do know you can dislike a countries behavior without hating them"

Someone who incites every type of violence against Israelis, short of murder on here, is absolutely anti-Semitic, and should be reported to the Police as a racially motivated hate crime.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Why is any complaint about isreal always made out yo be anti-semetic or nazi. You do know you can dislike a countries behavior without hating them

Someone who incites every type of violence against Israelis, short of murder on here, is absolutely anti-Semitic, and should be reported to the Police as a racially motivated hate crime. "

He didn't say every type of violence he said "every type of action short of murder".If he had said every type of violence then you would be correct .I also think criticism of Israel is healthy.Its the belief in a global Jewish conspiracy that's unhealthy .

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"Why is any complaint about isreal always made out yo be anti-semetic or nazi. You do know you can dislike a countries behavior without hating them

Someone who incites every type of violence against Israelis, short of murder on here, is absolutely anti-Semitic, and should be reported to the Police as a racially motivated hate crime. He didn't say every type of violence he said "every type of action short of murder".If he had said every type of violence then you would be correct .I also think criticism of Israel is healthy.Its the belief in a global Jewish conspiracy that's unhealthy . "

His intentions were clear, by the reference to the word "murder".

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO

Wow! The Nazi among us."

I think you need to learn the subtle but important distinction between Anti Semetism and Anti-Zionism and while you're at it learn a little more about the history of the middle East before you throw around pat answers. Hint: there are many Semites (Jewish people) who oppose Zionism /the Israeli States actions w.r.t to the treatment of the Palestinians.

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

"Why is any complaint about isreal always made out yo be anti-semetic or nazi. You do know you can dislike a countries behavior without hating them

Someone who incites every type of violence against Israelis, short of murder on here, is absolutely anti-Semitic, and should be reported to the Police as a racially motivated hate crime. He didn't say every type of violence he said "every type of action short of murder".If he had said every type of violence then you would be correct .I also think criticism of Israel is healthy.Its the belief in a global Jewish conspiracy that's unhealthy .

His intentions were clear, by the reference to the word "murder"."

Evidently not -as I deliberatly excluded murder from those actions I deemed as acceptable w.r.t Palestinian resistance to an illegal occupation?

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

"Surely its ok to be anti Israel without being anti Semitic? "

Yes exactly my point -it is really tiring to argue constantly with people that are always trying to conflate being anti Israel with being anti Jewish or heaven forbid "Nazi".

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By *eal_curves_is_backWoman  over a year ago


And that is my blocking done for today! )))))

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By *riefcase_WankerMan  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

" “Palestine” is controlled by Fatah that supports to terrorist groups and Hamas which Is a terrorist group. Yet you side with them? Think long and hard as is you do support Palestine, you support terrorists and should be placed on a watch list. "

The fact that you even put "Palestine" instead of just Palestine, marks you out as an ideological extremist, who would no doubt happily roll out those tired old arguments about "who was its king, where were its borders...it never existed yadda yadda yadda"

It's ironic (read: massively hypocritical) that for a nation and its supporters that spend so much time crying about how other people deny its right to exist, they have themselves not only denied Palestine's *right* to exist, but gone so far as to deny that it even *does* exist for an embarrassingly long time.

Whilst Hamas is listed as a terrorist group, and the IDF is not - they both should be. Terrorism is defined as sonething like the use of unlawful violence or threats of violence (particularly against civilians) to promote or achieve political or ideological objectives.

Undeniably that is what Hamas do. Equally undeniably, that is also what the IDF do. Extrajudicial assassinations, home demolitions, collective punishment...many of their actions are illegal. And at the governmental level this is continued - flouting international law, ignoring judgements handed down by the ICJ, building illegal settlements...

Yet you side with them?

There is not a clean and simple black-and-white answer to this situation. When both sides have done so much wrong, it is hard to say conclusively that one is in the right, but it's worth considering that many (including several esteemed members of our own government) considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist. That's no longer the prevailing view.

I'd be reticent about being quite so certain you're on the right side if history, given the numerous atrocities that have been carried out.

Incidentally - for those of an open mind and a passing interest in this topic, an interesting book to check out is More Bad News From Israel, which analyses the coverage and tone of reporting on the Israel/Palestine conflict. It's quite interesting how the stories are always couched in terms of Israel 'retaliating' to Hamas rockets or provocations, but never gives the context behind the Hamas attacks, which often were themselves a retaliation for a bombing or assassination etc.

If you have an open mind, it's an interesting read

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well put will .I can agree with much that you've said.

I believe a one state solution is the better solution and a two state solution will just postpone conflict to a later date .The Israeli government is interested in neither at present however governments change and eventually those in power will come to choose peace and reconciliation .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I haven’t read the story of this woman and her actions, but I do know a bit about what is going on in the Palestinian occupied parts of what most refer to as Israel.

The Palestinian people have been pushed towards the outer perimeters, and are being pushed further and further back by Israeli “settlers.”

It is a land grab, but it goes much further than that. Imagine if you will, that a group of hostile people came knocking one day. They throw you and your family out of your home, have it bulldozed, and then build a new home for themselves. You can’t ask your neighbours for help, because the exact same thing is happening to them. You end up moving further into what is left of Palestinian territory, and most probably a refugee camp.

Meanwhile extremists from the Palestinian side send a suicide bomber into Israel and kill a bunch of Israelis. Israel responds by sending helicopter gunships into Palestinian territory, where more often than not they will bomb the shit out of a refugee camp.

So, not only are you intentionally displaced and made into a refugee, there is a good chance you will be intentionally blown to smithereens.

The Zionist government of Israel, plus the many Zionist Occupational governments throughout the world have a lot to answer for.

A lot of non Zionist Jews agree that all of this is wrong. But their voices are drowned out by people like our very own Board of Deputies, the JDL and all the many powerful Zionist organisations worldwide.

I am not saying that it is all one way, but when you get soldiers shooting kids in the street for throwing stones, you should know that Israel’s reactions are way over the top. They won’t stop finding reasons to murder Palestinian people until none are left. It’s ethnic cleansing...

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

Well put peacehaven1966 -pity others couldn't do their homework before sprouting off gibberish

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


"I haven’t read the story of this woman and her actions, but I do know a bit about what is going on in the Palestinian occupied parts of what most refer to as Israel.

The Palestinian people have been pushed towards the outer perimeters, and are being pushed further and further back by Israeli “settlers.”

It is a land grab, but it goes much further than that. Imagine if you will, that a group of hostile people came knocking one day. They throw you and your family out of your home, have it bulldozed, and then build a new home for themselves. You can’t ask your neighbours for help, because the exact same thing is happening to them. You end up moving further into what is left of Palestinian territory, and most probably a refugee camp.

Meanwhile extremists from the Palestinian side send a suicide bomber into Israel and kill a bunch of Israelis. Israel responds by sending helicopter gunships into Palestinian territory, where more often than not they will bomb the shit out of a refugee camp.

So, not only are you intentionally displaced and made into a refugee, there is a good chance you will be intentionally blown to smithereens.

The Zionist government of Israel, plus the many Zionist Occupational governments throughout the world have a lot to answer for.

A lot of non Zionist Jews agree that all of this is wrong. But their voices are drowned out by people like our very own Board of Deputies, the JDL and all the many powerful Zionist organisations worldwide.

I am not saying that it is all one way, but when you get soldiers shooting kids in the street for throwing stones, you should know that Israel’s reactions are way over the top. They won’t stop finding reasons to murder Palestinian people until none are left. It’s ethnic cleansing..."

Oh yes. It's all the Jews fault, and they are now Hitler, and the Palestinians are blameless and lovely people.

And every terrorist suicide bomber in the West is Jewish aren't they?

The Palestinians are the problem in the West and the lunatics like Corbyn who call terrorist Palestinian groups his friends.

But carry on blaming Israel.

But remember - the next suicide bomber in the UK, France, or Belgium won't be Jewish.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I haven’t read the story of this woman and her actions, but I do know a bit about what is going on in the Palestinian occupied parts of what most refer to as Israel.

The Palestinian people have been pushed towards the outer perimeters, and are being pushed further and further back by Israeli “settlers.”

It is a land grab, but it goes much further than that. Imagine if you will, that a group of hostile people came knocking one day. They throw you and your family out of your home, have it bulldozed, and then build a new home for themselves. You can’t ask your neighbours for help, because the exact same thing is happening to them. You end up moving further into what is left of Palestinian territory, and most probably a refugee camp.

Meanwhile extremists from the Palestinian side send a suicide bomber into Israel and kill a bunch of Israelis. Israel responds by sending helicopter gunships into Palestinian territory, where more often than not they will bomb the shit out of a refugee camp.

So, not only are you intentionally displaced and made into a refugee, there is a good chance you will be intentionally blown to smithereens.

The Zionist government of Israel, plus the many Zionist Occupational governments throughout the world have a lot to answer for.

A lot of non Zionist Jews agree that all of this is wrong. But their voices are drowned out by people like our very own Board of Deputies, the JDL and all the many powerful Zionist organisations worldwide.

I am not saying that it is all one way, but when you get soldiers shooting kids in the street for throwing stones, you should know that Israel’s reactions are way over the top. They won’t stop finding reasons to murder Palestinian people until none are left. It’s ethnic cleansing...

Oh yes. It's all the Jews fault, and they are now Hitler, and the Palestinians are blameless and lovely people.

And every terrorist suicide bomber in the West is Jewish aren't they?

The Palestinians are the problem in the West and the lunatics like Corbyn who call terrorist Palestinian groups his friends.

But carry on blaming Israel.

But remember - the next suicide bomber in the UK, France, or Belgium won't be Jewish.


I didn’t mention the West, I was talking about Israel and the displacement and murder of Palestinians by Israelis. But accusing the Palestinians of terrorism outside of Israel is bunkum. They are not involved in ISIS, indeed ISIS don’t even support the Palestinians.

So the “next suicide bomber in the UK, Belgium or France,” will not be Palestinian, guaranteed.

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By *eedsandyMan  over a year ago


Another apologist.

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

" “Palestine” is controlled by Fatah that supports to terrorist groups and Hamas which Is a terrorist group. "

oh much like the ANC was under Apartheid? Ever wonder why Reuters and the Associated press guidlines forbid their reporters from using the word "terrorist"?

"The fact that you even put "Palestine" instead of just Palestine, marks you out as an ideological extremist, "

Talk about pots calling the kettle black, I'm interested in how this is any different to the use of terms such as "Western sahara" or "Ukraine"? I would have thought that the quotation marks are there to indicate that they do not have autonomy over their rightful territory.

"It's ironic (read: massively hypocritical) that for a nation and its supporters that spend so much time crying about how other people deny its right to exist, they have themselves not only denied Palestine's *right* to exist, but gone so far as to deny that it even *does* exist for an embarrassingly long time."

Either this is a double irony that you are blind to or you really enjoy non squiters?

"Terrorism is defined as sonething like the use of unlawful violence or threats of violence (particularly against civilians) to promote or achieve political or ideological objectives."

see my point above and remember that Nelson Mandela was once dubbed a terrorist by none other than Margaret Thatcher yet I see no mention of any of these terms being applied to Apartheid era government ministers in South Africa despite their illegal destabilising incursions into Mozambique, Angola and Zimbabwe?

"Yet you side with them?"

non sequiter time again is it? I suggest you look at the statistics for innocent deaths caused by the IDF before pointing fingers at the Palestinians many of whom don't support Hammas or suicide bombing.

"but never gives the context behind the Hamas attacks, which often were themselves a retaliation for a bombing or assassination etc.

If you have an open mind, it's an interesting read"

Yes I have read it along with many other texts but I try not to pull quotes out of context and would suggest that if you really want to start understanding the dynamics that you at very least start reading about the history of the region from the imposition of the State of Israel on the Palestinian territory circa may 1948. Starting with the The Israeli army massacre of at least 70 villagers at Al-Dawayima in October of the same year -then talk to me about context!

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By *riefcase_WankerMan  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

" “Palestine” is controlled by Fatah that supports to terrorist groups and Hamas which Is a terrorist group.

oh much like the ANC was under Apartheid? Ever wonder why Reuters and the Associated press guidlines forbid their reporters from using the word "terrorist"?

The fact that you even put "Palestine" instead of just Palestine, marks you out as an ideological extremist,

Talk about pots calling the kettle black, I'm interested in how this is any different to the use of terms such as "Western sahara" or "Ukraine"? I would have thought that the quotation marks are there to indicate that they do not have autonomy over their rightful territory.

It's ironic (read: massively hypocritical) that for a nation and its supporters that spend so much time crying about how other people deny its right to exist, they have themselves not only denied Palestine's *right* to exist, but gone so far as to deny that it even *does* exist for an embarrassingly long time.

Either this is a double irony that you are blind to or you really enjoy non squiters?

Terrorism is defined as sonething like the use of unlawful violence or threats of violence (particularly against civilians) to promote or achieve political or ideological objectives.

see my point above and remember that Nelson Mandela was once dubbed a terrorist by none other than Margaret Thatcher yet I see no mention of any of these terms being applied to Apartheid era government ministers in South Africa despite their illegal destabilising incursions into Mozambique, Angola and Zimbabwe?

Yet you side with them?

non sequiter time again is it? I suggest you look at the statistics for innocent deaths caused by the IDF before pointing fingers at the Palestinians many of whom don't support Hammas or suicide bombing.

but never gives the context behind the Hamas attacks, which often were themselves a retaliation for a bombing or assassination etc.

If you have an open mind, it's an interesting read

Yes I have read it along with many other texts but I try not to pull quotes out of context and would suggest that if you really want to start understanding the dynamics that you at very least start reading about the history of the region from the imposition of the State of Israel on the Palestinian territory circa may 1948. Starting with the The Israeli army massacre of at least 70 villagers at Al-Dawayima in October of the same year -then talk to me about context!"

Ummm...I don't think you've read my post properly...

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

"I haven’t read the story of this woman and her actions, but I do know a bit about what is going on in the Palestinian occupied parts of what most refer to as Israel.

The Palestinian people have been pushed towards the outer perimeters, and are being pushed further and further back by Israeli “settlers.”

It is a land grab, but it goes much further than that. Imagine if you will, that a group of hostile people came knocking one day. They throw you and your family out of your home, have it bulldozed, and then build a new home for themselves. You can’t ask your neighbours for help, because the exact same thing is happening to them. You end up moving further into what is left of Palestinian territory, and most probably a refugee camp.

Meanwhile extremists from the Palestinian side send a suicide bomber into Israel and kill a bunch of Israelis. Israel responds by sending helicopter gunships into Palestinian territory, where more often than not they will bomb the shit out of a refugee camp.

So, not only are you intentionally displaced and made into a refugee, there is a good chance you will be intentionally blown to smithereens.

The Zionist government of Israel, plus the many Zionist Occupational governments throughout the world have a lot to answer for.

A lot of non Zionist Jews agree that all of this is wrong. But their voices are drowned out by people like our very own Board of Deputies, the JDL and all the many powerful Zionist organisations worldwide.

I am not saying that it is all one way, but when you get soldiers shooting kids in the street for throwing stones, you should know that Israel’s reactions are way over the top. They won’t stop finding reasons to murder Palestinian people until none are left. It’s ethnic cleansing...

Oh yes. It's all the Jews fault, and they are now Hitler, and the Palestinians are blameless and lovely people.

And every terrorist suicide bomber in the West is Jewish aren't they?

The Palestinians are the problem in the West and the lunatics like Corbyn who call terrorist Palestinian groups his friends.

But carry on blaming Israel.

But remember - the next suicide bomber in the UK, France, or Belgium won't be Jewish.


You really are an isreali apologists they can do no wrong because they are fighting brown people. You do know the the state of isreal was only created because of the treatment of Jews in Europe before and during the war. Sure they weren't even going to give them part of Palestine at all they wanted. Look up proposed Jewish states these in clue the Uganda plan, Madagascar and British Guinea. Imagine if someone said that their holy book (fairytales in my opinion) said that Britain belonged to them because it was written down 3000 years ago would you be happy to be displaced and let these people just keep moving you out? I don't think so... But that is exactly what happened to the Palestinian/Arab population after ww2.

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

"Ummm...I don't think you've read my post properly..."

Quite possibly -I was feeling ranty after my previous post -I may have picked up on some of the text in the wrong way but it's sometimes hard for me to tell the difference between quoted text and what the poster has said because I tend to view the forums as stripped back plain text (through a web plugin) so that it is safe for work -again apologies if I have misconstrued your point

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I haven’t read the story of this woman and her actions, but I do know a bit about what is going on in the Palestinian occupied parts of what most refer to as Israel.

The Palestinian people have been pushed towards the outer perimeters, and are being pushed further and further back by Israeli “settlers.”

It is a land grab, but it goes much further than that. Imagine if you will, that a group of hostile people came knocking one day. They throw you and your family out of your home, have it bulldozed, and then build a new home for themselves. You can’t ask your neighbours for help, because the exact same thing is happening to them. You end up moving further into what is left of Palestinian territory, and most probably a refugee camp.

Meanwhile extremists from the Palestinian side send a suicide bomber into Israel and kill a bunch of Israelis. Israel responds by sending helicopter gunships into Palestinian territory, where more often than not they will bomb the shit out of a refugee camp.

So, not only are you intentionally displaced and made into a refugee, there is a good chance you will be intentionally blown to smithereens.

The Zionist government of Israel, plus the many Zionist Occupational governments throughout the world have a lot to answer for.

A lot of non Zionist Jews agree that all of this is wrong. But their voices are drowned out by people like our very own Board of Deputies, the JDL and all the many powerful Zionist organisations worldwide.

I am not saying that it is all one way, but when you get soldiers shooting kids in the street for throwing stones, you should know that Israel’s reactions are way over the top. They won’t stop finding reasons to murder Palestinian people until none are left. It’s ethnic cleansing...

Oh yes. It's all the Jews fault, and they are now Hitler, and the Palestinians are blameless and lovely people.

And every terrorist suicide bomber in the West is Jewish aren't they?

The Palestinians are the problem in the West and the lunatics like Corbyn who call terrorist Palestinian groups his friends.

But carry on blaming Israel.

But remember - the next suicide bomber in the UK, France, or Belgium won't be Jewish.


In peace's post he said it's not my one way. I thought it was informative and gave a different point of view. But your response sounds like marketing slogans and defensive.

Why are Israel's actions justified?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?"

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago. "

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic."

Let's say criticising Corbyn is ageism, criticising Mandela is racist, criticising Theresa May is sexist. Then let's love in a great politically correct world.

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By *riefcase_WankerMan  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"Ummm...I don't think you've read my post properly...

Quite possibly -I was feeling ranty after my previous post -I may have picked up on some of the text in the wrong way but it's sometimes hard for me to tell the difference between quoted text and what the poster has said because I tend to view the forums as stripped back plain text (through a web plugin) so that it is safe for work -again apologies if I have misconstrued your point"

I think you may have...

I'm definitely *not* advocating for Israel or the IDF.

I do believe Israel has a right to exist; I think the stain of anti-Semitism has been a blot on the European landscape since waaaay before Adolf and chums turned up, so I recognise the need for a safe haven.

However, I think the actions of its government are actually counter-productive to that and make Israel (and the world in general) less safe rather than more so, because they are so frequently wrong - both ethically and in the eyes of international law.

I think the ultimate ideal would be a truly democratic one-state solution with some kind of reconciliation as occurred in South Africa...but I don't see it happening in our lifetimes, nor our children's, nor their children's...

There are too many people too deeply entrenched in ideology for there to be any progress, and despite our mealy-mouthed utterances in the West, I don't believe there is any real inclination or desire for peace in the Middle East. We pay it lip service, but actions speak louder than words...

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By *tirluvMan  over a year ago

the right frame of mind -London

"Ummm...I don't think you've read my post properly...

Quite possibly -I was feeling ranty after my previous post -I may have picked up on some of the text in the wrong way but it's sometimes hard for me to tell the difference between quoted text and what the poster has said because I tend to view the forums as stripped back plain text (through a web plugin) so that it is safe for work -again apologies if I have misconstrued your point

I think you may have...

I'm definitely *not* advocating for Israel or the IDF.

I do believe Israel has a right to exist; I think the stain of anti-Semitism has been a blot on the European landscape since waaaay before Adolf and chums turned up, so I recognise the need for a safe haven.

However, I think the actions of its government are actually counter-productive to that and make Israel (and the world in general) less safe rather than more so, because they are so frequently wrong - both ethically and in the eyes of international law.

I think the ultimate ideal would be a truly democratic one-state solution with some kind of reconciliation as occurred in South Africa...but I don't see it happening in our lifetimes, nor our children's, nor their children's...

There are too many people too deeply entrenched in ideology for there to be any progress, and despite our mealy-mouthed utterances in the West, I don't believe there is any real inclination or desire for peace in the Middle East. We pay it lip service, but actions speak louder than words..."

Totally agreed -again apologies for my bout of Schizophrenia earlier

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic."

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic"

I think it's sarcasm. But my sarcasm radar has gotten worse since I moved to Amsterdam.

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By *imiUKMan  over a year ago


"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic

I think it's sarcasm. But my sarcasm radar has gotten worse since I moved to Amsterdam."

It was sarcasm as far as I'm concerned. Ref "anti Semites" in the Labour Party....

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic"

By your logic, where is my commentary on how israel is portrayed in the media, a defence of double standards? I'm defending no-one.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Perhaps you should show some respect op and say her name.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic

By your logic, where is my commentary on how israel is portrayed in the media, a defence of double standards? I'm defending no-one. "

You don't need portrayal in the media. The un declared it an illegal invasion, Israeli troops were standing on her parent's land, she, a 15yo. "attacked" them (your words not mine) by thumping on their body armour bare handed and the troops obviously wernt injured., all this after her brother was shot in the face.

People like yourself want it all your own way unfortunately

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Forgot to say.. No she's not a hero, just fed up of being oppressed by an invading force i suppose.

I just hope a two state solution can come about and end killing on all sides fingers x'd

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Forgot to say.. No she's not a hero, just fed up of being oppressed by an invading force i suppose.

I just hope a two state solution can come about and end killing on all sides fingers x'd"

A 2 state solution isn't the best option it's a terrible option a one state solution is far better in the long term.

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


"We all know the story, i dont get why we're being led to believe she's some kind of hero? Shes been attacking Israeli soldiers for a while to provoke, surely she deserves getting locked up? People have been shot for less! What's going on?

As i understand it, the Israeli troops were on her parents property, in palistine, illegally invaded by Israel under United Nations law, umpteen years ago.

Cheers. As far as i can make out, Israel can do what they want, and if you say its a bad thing you're anti Semitic.

Your defending double standards. Jewish colleague of mine is anti semitic too then, by your logic

By your logic, where is my commentary on how israel is portrayed in the media, a defence of double standards? I'm defending no-one.

You don't need portrayal in the media. The un declared it an illegal invasion, Israeli troops were standing on her parent's land, she, a 15yo. "attacked" them (your words not mine) by thumping on their body armour bare handed and the troops obviously wernt injured., all this after her brother was shot in the face.

People like yourself want it all your own way unfortunately


Which way is that ?

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By *LCCCouple  over a year ago


"Forgot to say.. No she's not a hero, just fed up of being oppressed by an invading force i suppose.

I just hope a two state solution can come about and end killing on all sides fingers x'd A 2 state solution isn't the best option it's a terrible option a one state solution is far better in the long term. "

How about 3 states? 4 states? 5? More the merrier?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The Jewish hard left and the Jewish hard right in goverment both agree on a one state solution is preferred over a two state solution .

Unification is the answer not more division.

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

"The Jewish hard left and the Jewish hard right in goverment both agree on a one state solution is preferred over a two state solution .

Unification is the answer not more division. "

So it's only the Jewish that get to decide??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The Jewish hard left and the Jewish hard right in goverment both agree on a one state solution is preferred over a two state solution .

Unification is the answer not more division.

So it's only the Jewish that get to decide?? "

Those in the West Bank and gaza don't have Israeli citizenship or have the right to vote.Of course within annexed areas of the West Bank they are Israeli citizens .

However there are arabs who vote within Israel and there are a few members of the kinesset who are arabs also you have the Druze who are labelled as arabs yet consider themselves a separate ethnic group.

In a one state solution all will get to vote and power would be shared.

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

"The Jewish hard left and the Jewish hard right in goverment both agree on a one state solution is preferred over a two state solution .

Unification is the answer not more division.

So it's only the Jewish that get to decide??

Those in the West Bank and gaza don't have Israeli citizenship or have the right to vote.Of course within annexed areas of the West Bank they are Israeli citizens .

However there are arabs who vote within Israel and there are a few members of the kinesset who are arabs also you have the Druze who are labelled as arabs yet consider themselves a separate ethnic group.

In a one state solution all will get to vote and power would be shared.


Or they could just give back the land they stole (annexed) and both agree to not Interfere with each other

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The Jewish hard left and the Jewish hard right in goverment both agree on a one state solution is preferred over a two state solution .

Unification is the answer not more division.

So it's only the Jewish that get to decide??

Those in the West Bank and gaza don't have Israeli citizenship or have the right to vote.Of course within annexed areas of the West Bank they are Israeli citizens .

However there are arabs who vote within Israel and there are a few members of the kinesset who are arabs also you have the Druze who are labelled as arabs yet consider themselves a separate ethnic group.

In a one state solution all will get to vote and power would be shared.

Or they could just give back the land they stole (annexed) and both agree to not Interfere with each other "

It seems the least likely option.If another war started it would be annexed instantly.There are third parties in this who would make sure another Arab/Israeli war will happen .

The two major issues regarding reconciliation are Jerusalem and gaza.Solve them and everything will be easy.

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By *riefcase_WankerMan  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

There will never be peace until the Right of Return issue is settled. Palestinians will never give up on it, and Israel will never grant it.

Ergo there will never be peace

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They Israeli goverment will one day make peace .Its the only long term option open to them

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By *riefcase_WankerMan  over a year ago

Milton Keynes

"They Israeli goverment will one day make peace .Its the only long term option open to them"

You reckon?

A population that lives in a constant state of fear is a population that is far easier to manipulate and control...

I think the Israeli government is pretty happy with things as they are tbh. Having the threat on their doorstep gives them far nore freedom to do as they please

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By *lem-H-Fandango OP   Man  over a year ago


Trouble is they all believe that they've been chosen and created by God. The only people who will go to heaven, or paradise. So each believes the other "less worthy". They haven't woken up, smelt the coffee, and released we're only here to fuck, eat ,shit , make money for someone then die.

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By *ocketman99Man  over a year ago


Israel is a apartheid regime guilty of inhumane treatment of a population!!they are guilty of an illegal occupation of land that they have no right in occupying! Their soldiers are guilty of cold blooded murder - yet face no punishment, yet all this time successive UK and US governments support and defend them and refuse to impose sanctions which they deserve! That is not criticism of the Jewish population, it is a criticism of the Israeli government!

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By *rFunBoyMan  over a year ago


"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO

Quite right! Isn't that the stance of the alleged anti-Semitic labour MP's though? Surely its ok to be anti Israel without being anti Semitic? "

Is it anti-Semite, anti-Israel or just plain simple objection to the activities against people who deserve better?

I have nothing whatsoever against Israel or its people but wholly and strongly object to the injust and inhumane treatment dished out against defenceless others and minorities within its own borders.

It seems very quickly that any criticism of policy or behaviour is claimed as anti-Semitism. Seem a quick and convenient way to hold people off from trying to obtain justice.

Cherie Blair being one example.

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By *ocketman99Man  over a year ago


"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO

Quite right! Isn't that the stance of the alleged anti-Semitic labour MP's though? Surely its ok to be anti Israel without being anti Semitic?

Is it anti-Semite, anti-Israel or just plain simple objection to the activities against people who deserve better?

I have nothing whatsoever against Israel or its people but wholly and strongly object to the injust and inhumane treatment dished out against defenceless others and minorities within its own borders.

It seems very quickly that any criticism of policy or behaviour is claimed as anti-Semitism. Seem a quick and convenient way to hold people off from trying to obtain justice.

Cherie Blair being one example."

Firstly, I have absolutely noting against the ordinary decent people of Israel or the Jewish population of the world.

However the way the Palestinians are being treated by the Israeli regime is criminal, and the fact that the constantly edit forceably people from their homes in Gaza to make way for settlers is downright criminal!

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By *airy_HettyWoman  over a year ago

Greater London

"Until Israel stops the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and treating their citizens with the contempt of an Apartheid state, there will never be any action outside of murder that I would consider unwarranted. This girl deserves a Nobel prize -IMHO "

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By *airy_HettyWoman  over a year ago

Greater London

Wonder what the zionists on this page would have said about aparthied SA.....

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