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May in the West Midlands

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By *oi_Lucy OP   Couple  over a year ago


Oh my god... even more of a car crash! Here she is in the West Mids yesterday.


forward to 26 minutes in to the press questions.... even Laura Kuenssberg is having a pop at her now.

"Elections test our leaders, don't they? Isn't the emerging truth of this campaign that is it showing you as a leader to be weaker, rather than stronger? Don't you think voters want more from you than just attacks on Jeremy Corbyn and a re-heat of the speech you gave when you moved in to number 10 nearly a year ago?"

May's response was basically "strong and stable, strong and stable... waffle strong and stable".

Every single other reporter question was basically "Why are you so shit?". Apart from the Daily Mail, which of course couldn't attack her and as she hadn't said anything worthy of anything positive to say asked if she thought BA should still be the flag carrier airline after fucking up it's IT.

Even the Telegraph had a pop at her asking: If everything depends on getting Brexit right, why have you been out campaigning and not preparing for negotiations and do you think it was irresponsible to hold an election.

Oh and she mentioned the 'coalition of chaos' and with labour 'propped up' by the SNP and Libdems. I guess she might this morning have wished she hadn't said that looking at the recent polls!

Today she is down the road at Bath at a factory there. Her team called ahead to ask the staff's political leanings before she came along lol


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By *wingtolifeCouple  over a year ago

who knows

funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may gets into power again

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By *utandbigMan  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again"

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess "

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She is a laughing stock in the eu and she wont get a good deal as she already have said a no deal is good, that shows the intelligence of her lol.

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By *anesjhCouple  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened. "


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By *oi_Lucy OP   Couple  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened. "

You really do have little grasp of reality don't you? 'Corbyn's mini militant cult' has 'warmed to Corbyn'. Really?! Do you want to re-read what you wrote again and see if you can work out the absurdity of it?

hint: If they are his cult, why do you think they would need to 'warm to him'?

Denial won't get you very far. Whether he wins or not, I think it is pretty clear he has had a massive swell in support in the last month and May has had her lead pretty unequivocally slashed.

Would you seriously have thought a few weeks back that Nigel Farage would have been saying positive things about him? I think he is about as far outside a Corbynite echo chamber as I could think.


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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened.

You really do have little grasp of reality don't you? 'Corbyn's mini militant cult' has 'warmed to Corbyn'. Really?! Do you want to re-read what you wrote again and see if you can work out the absurdity of it?

hint: If they are his cult, why do you think they would need to 'warm to him'?

Denial won't get you very far. Whether he wins or not, I think it is pretty clear he has had a massive swell in support in the last month and May has had her lead pretty unequivocally slashed.

Would you seriously have thought a few weeks back that Nigel Farage would have been saying positive things about him? I think he is about as far outside a Corbynite echo chamber as I could think.


The only ones with little grasp of reality are the Corbyn supporters on here. Deluded beyond belief if you really believe he is going to win this election.

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By *oi_Lucy OP   Couple  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened.

You really do have little grasp of reality don't you? 'Corbyn's mini militant cult' has 'warmed to Corbyn'. Really?! Do you want to re-read what you wrote again and see if you can work out the absurdity of it?

hint: If they are his cult, why do you think they would need to 'warm to him'?

Denial won't get you very far. Whether he wins or not, I think it is pretty clear he has had a massive swell in support in the last month and May has had her lead pretty unequivocally slashed.

Would you seriously have thought a few weeks back that Nigel Farage would have been saying positive things about him? I think he is about as far outside a Corbynite echo chamber as I could think.


The only ones with little grasp of reality are the Corbyn supporters on here. Deluded beyond belief if you really believe he is going to win this election. "

Fail. Lack of reading comprehension.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My money is on a coalition. I like that hes gambling on turning up at the debate last minute.Very canny tactical move.

Could go either way.He's going balls out and playing for the win.Respect. Still voting Green though.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

the news is not that corbyn might win an election .... the news is that mrs maygabe's campaign has colapsed and she might lose the election which she chose to call in order to strengthen her mandate .... but it's having the opposite effect and she might well end up with a hung parliament, where she might find she can't form a working government, because every party will want to distance themselves from her except ukip ... but she will distance herself from them .... then she has to give the leader with the second biggest vote the chance to form a government.

it's all to play for

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Shes a liability wont answer questions wont meet joe public and no wonder she wont do debates she would get slaughtered ,just a pity they wont let nicola sturgeoun join in brexit talks as she is by far the strongest and most honest of all party leaders

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By *utandbigMan  over a year ago


"funny that i just watched the edited version juat before.

shes a liability and she has no groundings to stand.

she has done sweet fa on campaign trail, she dodges questions like she has no need to answer them.

she is practically giving the election to jeremy on a plate.

and were as fucked as americas trump if may

gets into power again

What a joke she is avoids answers I couldn't believe it she has to remember this is a election not about brexit if she Carrys on like this it will be bye bye

Seems like mist of the country are warming to Corbin

What a bloody mess

No It's just Corbyn's mini militant cult called momentum who have warmed to Corbyn and that's all. You are in your own echo chamber and you can't hear any other voices. Labour got spanked in the local elections just a few weeks ago and will do so again on June 8th. As for the polls predicting a hung Parliament well that was also predicted for Ed Miliband's Labour at the general election in 2015 and look what happened.

You really do have little grasp of reality don't you? 'Corbyn's mini militant cult' has 'warmed to Corbyn'. Really?! Do you want to re-read what you wrote again and see if you can work out the absurdity of it?

hint: If they are his cult, why do you think they would need to 'warm to him'?

Denial won't get you very far. Whether he wins or not, I think it is pretty clear he has had a massive swell in support in the last month and May has had her lead pretty unequivocally slashed.

Would you seriously have thought a few weeks back that Nigel Farage would have been saying positive things about him? I think he is about as far outside a Corbynite echo chamber as I could think.


The only ones with little grasp of reality are the Corbyn supporters on here. Deluded beyond belief if you really believe he is going to win this election. "

. I don't think we're saying Corbin will win but may had lost st all respect because she's not interested in the ge just rabbits on about Brexit

Watch now it's number 3 the polls will have got it wrong again

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