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Britains weirdest voting group

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


Growing in size.

YouGov tracker: %UKIP voters saying in hindsight Britain wrong to vote Leave.

13 Sep : 1%

11 Oct : 2%

14 Nov : 2%

28 Nov : 3%

19 Dec : 3%

10 Jan : 4%

18 Jan : 4%

13 Feb : 4%

23 Feb : 4%

28 Feb : 6%

21 Mar : 7%

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

We haven't seen the half of it yet.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wonder what the figures are for people who voted to stay and are now glad we are leaving ?

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"I wonder what the figures are for people who voted to stay and are now glad we are leaving ?"

And specifically *glad* we are leaving. Versus "Oh well we are in this pile of shit that I don't want to be in, but given it is being forced upon us, let's get it over with quickly so we can start the process of repairing the damage as soon as possible".


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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 24/03/17 19:29:27]

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


Why would anyone be surprised that significant numbers of probably the most openly xenophobic and reactionary voter group in the UK would be slowly coming to regret the results of their actions as it dawns on them that all that is going to change is they are getting poorer as a result of brexit. Of course there will always be some who will claim it is worth it and that they are no affected by the UK leaving the EU, single market, customs union and ECHR. Of course when they find that they can no longer ignore the consequences of their action they will find someone else to blame because its never their fault.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Growing in size.

YouGov tracker: %UKIP voters saying in hindsight Britain wrong to vote Leave.

13 Sep : 1%

11 Oct : 2%

14 Nov : 2%

28 Nov : 3%

19 Dec : 3%

10 Jan : 4%

18 Jan : 4%

13 Feb : 4%

23 Feb : 4%

28 Feb : 6%

21 Mar : 7%


Not this Ukip voter. I'm still 100% glad the country voted leave and very much looking forward to Teresa May triggering article 50 on Wednesday.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"I wonder what the figures are for people who voted to stay and are now glad we are leaving ?

And specifically *glad* we are leaving. Versus "Oh well we are in this pile of shit that I don't want to be in, but given it is being forced upon us, let's get it over with quickly so we can start the process of repairing the damage as soon as possible".


Or it could be that Remain voters have now seen all of the Remain campaigns predictions of immediate doom, gloom and Armageddon never materialised when the country voted leave and they see that the Remain campaign (nickname project fear) was nothing more than a pack of lies. Remain voters were hoodwinked into believing there would be an emergency budget and that the country would go into recession, neither of which happened and the economy has been doing well since the country voted Leave. Incidently a recent poll said 64% of people just want to get on with Brexit now.

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

I do love a bit of comedy......

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"I do love a bit of comedy......"

Me too, was hilarious when Cameron resigned on June 24th 2016.

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By *anes HubbyCouple  over a year ago

Babbacombe Torquay

The great British public are such a fickle bunch, when it individually affects them they will cry foul and moan about their lot.....I've already had my "Don't blame me,I voted to remain" T-shirt printed by Vistaprint in readiness for the whinging ahead.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"The great British public are such a fickle bunch, when it individually affects them they will cry foul and moan about their lot.....I've already had my "Don't blame me,I voted to remain" T-shirt printed by Vistaprint in readiness for the whinging ahead.


Remain voters have been whinging for the last 9 months which has been more than evident on here. So when they continue to whinge after Brexit why will anyone be surprised. Whinging seems to be Remainers favourite hobby.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's going to be interesting to see how the talk & negotiations go from the start regarding this £50 billion bill the EU say we will owe.

On one hand the Lords have said if we get NO DEAL then we don't have to pay anything i think I've read , on the other hand I believe the EU have said negotiations won't start until we've paid up.

Going to be interesting from the get go

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By *xplicitlyricsMan  over a year ago

south dublin

"The great British public are such a fickle bunch, when it individually affects them they will cry foul and moan about their lot.....I've already had my "Don't blame me,I voted to remain" T-shirt printed by Vistaprint in readiness for the whinging ahead.

Remain voters have been whinging for the last 9 months which has been more than evident on here. So when they continue to whinge after Brexit why will anyone be surprised. Whinging seems to be Remainers favourite hobby. "

And misunderstanding and misrepresenting the facts seems to be the brexiters favourite pasttime too

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


Straw poll in the pub tonight.

5 voted leave.

5 still want to leave.

People's opinions respected as was the result. Wednesday will soon be here.

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

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By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now. "

And don't then forget the 14 and 15 year Olds... Oh and then there's the 12and 13 year Olds....

And one of out daughters is having a baby in June, so that little new born should be able to vote.... .

Wonder if you'd be saying 16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote if they felt the other way?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Straw poll in the pub tonight.

5 voted leave.

5 still want to leave.

People's opinions respected as was the result. Wednesday will soon be here."

stuff Wednesday; Tuesday will be the far better day

more important decisions will be made Tuesday

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

And don't then forget the 14 and 15 year Olds... Oh and then there's the 12and 13 year Olds....

And one of out daughters is having a baby in June, so that little new born should be able to vote.... .

Wonder if you'd be saying 16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote if they felt the other way?"

Funnily enough my son's school, 12-16 year olds, held a mock referendum on the day and it was 85% leave . But I'm sure they all knew what they were voting for and peer pressure doesn't affect how kids vote does it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now. "

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Was it not Nigel Farage who said if it's 52-48% it's not over? He had a point! The referendum was flawed from the start. It was not fully thought out or implemented! Firstly it's was only advisory - 1st mistake. The 72% turnout was considered a good result - they should have insisted on a minimum turnout of say 85% which may have got some of the 7m who couldn't be arsed to vote. They should have said 60% was the winning line - then there is a clear majority no one can argue the result. Any lies made by either side should have been dealt with immediately - in business you commit fraud you get punished - same should have happened here. Someone in their 80's is probably not going to be affected that much - So what about a 17yr old having a vote? Unfortunately it's too close a result and I doubt if the country will ever reunite? Time will tell.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Was it not Nigel Farage who said if it's 52-48% it's not over? He had a point! The referendum was flawed from the start. It was not fully thought out or implemented! Firstly it's was only advisory - 1st mistake. The 72% turnout was considered a good result - they should have insisted on a minimum turnout of say 85% which may have got some of the 7m who couldn't be arsed to vote. They should have said 60% was the winning line - then there is a clear majority no one can argue the result. Any lies made by either side should have been dealt with immediately - in business you commit fraud you get punished - same should have happened here. Someone in their 80's is probably not going to be affected that much - So what about a 17yr old having a vote? Unfortunately it's too close a result and I doubt if the country will ever reunite? Time will tell."
Nigel Farage took the result with good Grace when he thought we had lost !

Why can't remain do the same ?

The referendum was a mess but mainly because the the main party's didn't want it and also they didn't give it s lot of thought as they thought we could never Vote to leave !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?"


Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?.

Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?"

On the other hand hasn't the School leaving age now been raised to 18 ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?.

Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?

On the other hand hasn't the School leaving age now been raised to 18 ?"

in Scotland you can both leave school and also get married, brighter more advanced kids .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now. "

No worries. If Brexit is a massive cock up and the country does go completely tits up, and quality of life goes the opposite way, rather than following the trend of getting better, then in a decade or so we'll vote to go back in to the EU, or whatever it has become. Or we'll join some other trade block.

Young people and those currently aged 40-50 will learn from it, grow up having to skimp and save, potentially health and social care will decline in quality and people will experience the physical effects that non-objective change can bring, without foresight and planning.

The British people will learn something they needed to remember from 70-80 years ago, respect, humility and rational thought, and it'll probably be for the better.

Of course my gut which says Brexit will only make the rich richer, or change very little could be wrong. It could be a success. In which case fair enough. Or the EU might crumble.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?.

Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?

On the other hand hasn't the School leaving age now been raised to 18 ?

in Scotland you can both leave school and also get married, brighter more advanced kids .



Oh yeah the gretna green thing from years ago.

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By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?.

Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?"

And you can't join the army and fight in combat at 16.

Legally drink alcohol? Oops! 18!

Drive? Oops! 17...

Get a mortgage? Oops! 18.

Get a credit card? Oops! 18.

And don't parents still have legal parental responsibility over their children until 18 in many circumstances?

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

And don't then forget the 14 and 15 year Olds... Oh and then there's the 12and 13 year Olds....

And one of out daughters is having a baby in June, so that little new born should be able to vote.... .

Wonder if you'd be saying 16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote if they felt the other way?"

Good point about all these people affected by this huge decision but unable to vote. That is why the ultimate decision, in two years time should be a free, secret ballot in Parliament.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

From age 16 you can:

Leave school

If you are 16 between 1 March and 30 September you can leave after 31 May of that year. If you are 16 between 1 October and the last day of February you can leave at the start of the Christmas holidays in that school year

Leave home

Without your parent or guardian's consent

Get married

Enter into a civil partnership

Consent to lawful sexual intercourse

Get a full-time job and pay National Insurance

Get the National Minimum Wage

At the rate for 16 and 17 year olds

Get a skin piercing, without parental consent

Under 16s need to be accompanied by a person with parental rights and responsibilities, who gives written consent to a piercing

Apply for a 10-year passport

Be legally responsible for babysitting

Buy a pet

Enter into a legally-binding contract

If you are under 16, you can also do this if the contract is usual for someone of your age and its terms are not unreasonable

Get access to adoption records

If you are adopted

Record a change of name officially

Without parental consent

From age 16 you could:

Be prosecuted in the District, Sheriff or High Court

Under 16 you can be prosecuted in either the Sheriff Court or High Court, but only on the instructions of the Lord Advocate

Be sent to a Young Offenders' Institution

From age 16 you must:

Pay a full fare on buses and trains

Unless you have a concession card

From age 16 you can:

Consume beer, wine or cider

With a meal in a restaurant

Hold a licence to pilot a glider

Hold a licence to drive a moped

Buy National Lottery tickets and bet on the football pools

Buy Premium Bonds

Consent to medical treatment

If you are under 16 you can also consent to medical treatment if you are capable of understanding the nature and possible consequences of the procedure and treatment

Join the Armed Forces

Army, Navy and Air Force (most trades)

Not as an officer

Need parental consent (if under 18)

Can apply from 15 years 9 months

Stand for election as a Community Councillor:

16 is the recommended minimum age at which you can stand for election as a Community Councillor

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Why would anyone be surprised that significant numbers of probably the most openly xenophobic and reactionary voter group in the UK would be slowly coming to regret the results of their actions as it dawns on them that all that is going to change is they are getting poorer as a result of brexit. Of course there will always be some who will claim it is worth it and that they are no affected by the UK leaving the EU, single market, customs union and ECHR. Of course when they find that they can no longer ignore the consequences of their action they will find someone else to blame because its never their fault."

I don't know anybody who voted out, who now wishes they had voted remain, actually everybody who I know who voted out, can't believe we haven't yet got on with it

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

Age for voting for the Scottish Independence Referendum is 16

if you are old enough to get married, live on your own, work and pay taxes then you are old enough to vote

is it 18 in England?.

Technically,You cant get married until your 18 although with your parents permission i think you can at 16?

And you can't join the army and fight in combat at 16.

Legally drink alcohol? Oops! 18!

Drive? Oops! 17...

Get a mortgage? Oops! 18.

Get a credit card? Oops! 18.

And don't parents still have legal parental responsibility over their children until 18 in many circumstances? "

You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Alistair Campbell tweeted about a group of 16-17 year olds he was talking to yesterday in a Derbyshire school . There was one out of more than a hundred in favour of brexit.

As he said, they are having their future stolen.

But in two years they will be eligible to vote. They should have had a vote now.

And don't then forget the 14 and 15 year Olds... Oh and then there's the 12and 13 year Olds....

And one of out daughters is having a baby in June, so that little new born should be able to vote.... .

Wonder if you'd be saying 16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote if they felt the other way?

Good point about all these people affected by this huge decision but unable to vote. That is why the ultimate decision, in two years time should be a free, secret ballot in Parliament."

Why? Because anybody who voted to remain would be ashamed of themselves?

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either"

That is not so.

you cant enter into a legally binding credit agreement until you are 18. but there is nothing to stop a person 18 or over giving an under 18 a credit or bank card on their account.

Also there are no legal restrictions on under 18's having pre paid visa cards.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Remember English Law is totally different to Scottish Law

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either

That is not so.

you cant enter into a legally binding credit agreement until you are 18. but there is nothing to stop a person 18 or over giving an under 18 a credit or bank card on their account.

Also there are no legal restrictions on under 18's having pre paid visa cards. "

Go and tell the NatWest bank your opinion, as my son has now got to change his debit card as if your under 18 you are issued with a card with prevents you doing exactly what I have said, or does he the card user and account holder not know what he is on about

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


"Why would anyone be surprised that significant numbers of probably the most openly xenophobic and reactionary voter group in the UK would be slowly coming to regret the results of their actions as it dawns on them that all that is going to change is they are getting poorer as a result of brexit. Of course there will always be some who will claim it is worth it and that they are no affected by the UK leaving the EU, single market, customs union and ECHR. Of course when they find that they can no longer ignore the consequences of their action they will find someone else to blame because its never their fault.

I don't know anybody who voted out, who now wishes they had voted remain, actually everybody who I know who voted out, can't believe we haven't yet got on with it"

Two reasons for that.

The whole process is incredibly complicated and difficult, like we told you.

The people tasked with the job are incompetent clueless dickheads, like we told you.

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Why would anyone be surprised that significant numbers of probably the most openly xenophobic and reactionary voter group in the UK would be slowly coming to regret the results of their actions as it dawns on them that all that is going to change is they are getting poorer as a result of brexit. Of course there will always be some who will claim it is worth it and that they are no affected by the UK leaving the EU, single market, customs union and ECHR. Of course when they find that they can no longer ignore the consequences of their action they will find someone else to blame because its never their fault.

I don't know anybody who voted out, who now wishes they had voted remain, actually everybody who I know who voted out, can't believe we haven't yet got on with it

Two reasons for that.

The whole process is incredibly complicated and difficult, like we told you.

The people tasked with the job are incompetent clueless dickheads, like we told you. "

I wouldn't call bright intelligent individuals who have been tasked with the process of extracting us from the burdensome EU and it's top heavy organisation as dickheads.

Also most of the peeps who I know to have voted leave are bright thoughtful caring individuals who again can't be classed as clueless dick heads, racist or xenophobic, but it's an easy stick to beat those who wish for us to follow a different path, than the unbelievable complicated path we have followed for far too long to be beaten with.

My human rights barrister training niece did exactly that, ranted at how wrong it was for what in her opinion was for the spoilt elderly who have had to good to have mostly voted to leave. She ranted how her life had been ruined by others. But she forgot to mention how her leave voting Gran and Grandad who had it oh so good, had funded all of her studies, how they had gifted her 1000,s

How her grandad had built a successful business by sheer hard work graft and determination which has now given her father a place of work, and a future which again is used to fund her dreams of changing the world whilst calling those who don't agree with her and her world views as racist.

But I'm sure you must be right, those who wish to leave are stupid illiterate dickheads who couldn't run anything, due to their racist xenophobic views

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....


I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer"

Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action."

When we are in charge Bob you can be minister for education but I'm having defence

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer"

I don't recall giving you any advice?


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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action."

Well done!...

So my strong point infant English language, but if you can just explain the scope of the following documents and how best to train them out to a group of apprentices, it would be much appreciated




BS5440 parts 1 and 2

The Gas Safety installation and use regs 1998 especially section 26/9


Cable avoidance

The BS for fixed CO detectors

The BS standard for portable gas detectors

BS 6400 parts 1 and 2




Trench support

And a few other documents, regulations and procedures my life will be enhanced and complete.

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By *isandre OP   TV/TS  over a year ago


Didn't answer my question about racists and xenophobes.

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By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


"Why would anyone be surprised that significant numbers of probably the most openly xenophobic and reactionary voter group in the UK would be slowly coming to regret the results of their actions as it dawns on them that all that is going to change is they are getting poorer as a result of brexit. Of course there will always be some who will claim it is worth it and that they are no affected by the UK leaving the EU, single market, customs union and ECHR. Of course when they find that they can no longer ignore the consequences of their action they will find someone else to blame because its never their fault.

I don't know anybody who voted out, who now wishes they had voted remain, actually everybody who I know who voted out, can't believe we haven't yet got on with it

Two reasons for that.

The whole process is incredibly complicated and difficult, like we told you.

The people tasked with the job are incompetent clueless dickheads, like we told you. "

Unlike the remainers....who aren't incompetent clueless dickheads.

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


The 18-24 year old age demographic was the lowest turn out in the EU referendum. That tells me of all the age groups it's the young who don't really give a toss about the EU (not enough to drag themselves down to the polling station to vote on it anyway).

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By *oi_LucyCouple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


The 18-24 year old age demographic was the lowest turn out in the EU referendum. That tells me of all the age groups it's the young who don't really give a toss about the EU (not enough to drag themselves down to the polling station to vote on it anyway)."

But it had the higest proportion of remain votes. How do you interpret that?


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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either

That is not so.

you cant enter into a legally binding credit agreement until you are 18. but there is nothing to stop a person 18 or over giving an under 18 a credit or bank card on their account.

Also there are no legal restrictions on under 18's having pre paid visa cards.

Go and tell the NatWest bank your opinion, as my son has now got to change his debit card as if your under 18 you are issued with a card with prevents you doing exactly what I have said, or does he the card user and account holder not know what he is on about"

My son has had one since he was sixteen. He was in further education but also earning enough money to have his own account ....

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action."

Easy to remember the difference: crocodile swimming .... noun, verb

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action.

Well done!...

So my strong point infant English language, but if you can just explain the scope of the following documents and how best to train them out to a group of apprentices, it would be much appreciated




BS5440 parts 1 and 2

The Gas Safety installation and use regs 1998 especially section 26/9


Cable avoidance

The BS for fixed CO detectors

The BS standard for portable gas detectors

BS 6400 parts 1 and 2




Trench support

And a few other documents, regulations and procedures my life will be enhanced and complete.


Send them through, be happy to oblige

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action.

Well done!...

So my strong point infant English language, but if you can just explain the scope of the following documents and how best to train them out to a group of apprentices, it would be much appreciated




BS5440 parts 1 and 2

The Gas Safety installation and use regs 1998 especially section 26/9


Cable avoidance

The BS for fixed CO detectors

The BS standard for portable gas detectors

BS 6400 parts 1 and 2




Trench support

And a few other documents, regulations and procedures my life will be enhanced and complete.

Send them through, be happy to oblige"

Thanks for your offer but I have the subject well and truly in hand, but you are welcome to down load the copyrighted documents at £60+ a pop

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"Would you say racists and xenophobes lack a lot of intelligence though, just as a general question?

I don't think everyone who voted brexit was racist and many are highly intelligent, by the way.

The politicians driving it on the other hand....

I don't think all that voted to leave are racist (although I would guess a lot might be). But someone mentioned on another thread about their friends who voted to leave as a protest vote against zero hours contracts. My first thought was that they my be a fucking imbecile, but I guess people do strange things when cornered in life. And many people have said that this referendum was a collective cry of discontent.

The problem being is that rather than look at the outcome and say 'Wait a minute, people are unhappy' and try and work out what the root cause of the matter is... we now have this... leaving the EU. And we have the fuckwits that just keep yelling 'will of the people' and 'the majority have voted, deal with it'. And can't seem to fathom why people question the legitimacy of the referendum.

Then we have people trying to justify the leave cause by making up bullshit that we are supposedly not allowed to do due to the EU (drop VAT on fuel below 15% for example). Or start blaming our successive governments lack of funding of key issues on the EU. Or say 'I voted for the future of my kids' despite the fact that the vast majority of young people don't want to leave the EU. But clearly grandpa knows best. And because grandpa successfully built a business that employs his son and funds his grandkids legal education, clearly he must be right.


I'd definitely take his advise over yours that's for sure, I'd take the advise of some one who has queens award for service to charity over anything that comes out of your ranty keyboard

I'd take the advise of a guy who has spent time and efforts endlessly proactively helping those in need over your advise

I'd take the advise of a guy who would cycle 20 miles over the Pennines to visit his then girlfriend over yours

I'd take the advise of guy who has created jobs and incomes for others over any advise that you could offer Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice.Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action.

Well done!...

So my strong point infant English language, but if you can just explain the scope of the following documents and how best to train them out to a group of apprentices, it would be much appreciated




BS5440 parts 1 and 2

The Gas Safety installation and use regs 1998 especially section 26/9


Cable avoidance

The BS for fixed CO detectors

The BS standard for portable gas detectors

BS 6400 parts 1 and 2




Trench support

And a few other documents, regulations and procedures my life will be enhanced and complete.

Send them through, be happy to oblige

Thanks for your offer but I have the subject well and truly in hand, but you are welcome to down load the copyrighted documents at £60+ a pop"

You just said you wanted help. I was charitably offering as I have worked as an adult ed tutor and helped people with their literacy and numeric skills. Now you are trying to get money out of me for it .... is it a scam????

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By *oorland2Couple  over a year ago


"You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either

That is not so.

you cant enter into a legally binding credit agreement until you are 18. but there is nothing to stop a person 18 or over giving an under 18 a credit or bank card on their account.

Also there are no legal restrictions on under 18's having pre paid visa cards.

Go and tell the NatWest bank your opinion, as my son has now got to change his debit card as if your under 18 you are issued with a card with prevents you doing exactly what I have said, or does he the card user and account holder not know what he is on about

My son has had one since he was sixteen. He was in further education but also earning enough money to have his own account .... "

Good for your son, my son also has is own account and was re-roofing houses from 16, and is now an apprentice account. But it's nice to know your son is doing well and making his own way in the world

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By *awandOrderCouple  over a year ago

SW London

"You can't get a bank card that allows you to buy fuel at pump until your 18 either

That is not so.

you cant enter into a legally binding credit agreement until you are 18. but there is nothing to stop a person 18 or over giving an under 18 a credit or bank card on their account.

Also there are no legal restrictions on under 18's having pre paid visa cards.

Go and tell the NatWest bank your opinion, as my son has now got to change his debit card as if your under 18 you are issued with a card with prevents you doing exactly what I have said, or does he the card user and account holder not know what he is on about

My son has had one since he was sixteen. He was in further education but also earning enough money to have his own account ....

Good for your son, my son also has is own account and was re-roofing houses from 16, and is now an apprentice account. But it's nice to know your son is doing well and making his own way in the world "

Maybe change banks then as he has no problems at all and never has

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