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Tobias Ellwood - Conspirist?

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


At 4mins into video, Tobias suggests our undersea Energy supply infrastructure is at risk of attack.

Wasn't this guy put forward as a candidate for PM a couple of years ago?

How dare he even suggest sabotage, a preposterous idea. Does he have shares in renewables somewhere?


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By *oubleswing2019Man  over a year ago


A friend of mine who works in CyberSec showed me a number of websites where you can see cyberattacks in real-time across the globe, and in the UK of course.

And those are the ones that are "caught" and denied, then logged and uploaded to aggregate sites.

There are quite literally thousands of attempted intrusions every second. And we only see the ones that didn't get through. The ones that do slip under the radar don't get telegraphed on the aggregate websites.

Of course our undersea energy infrastructure and interconnectors are at risk of attack. Physical and cyber.

Tobias is not wrong in that regard at least.

Chances are, they've been attacked over 20 times already whilst writing this post. Such is the nature of the online world.

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


You're absolutely right, it doesn't need to be explosions under the sea.

Remote control electronic or physical attacks, just simply strange or even 'everyday incidents' could or would give the same outcome. Seem to remember the Gasoline pipeline in the USA being down due to a ransomware attack earlier in the year causing fuel shortages and panic. Texas LNG plant being offline due to a mysterious accident.

Sabotage is best done anonymous and the options available are vast and have likely been planned over many years.

But talking like this, which is most likely the reality, draws conspiracy accusations from those with Rose Tinted glasses or simply short sighted or even brainwashed against reality of a situation.

Our four biggest adversaries seem to now have something in common, this being Russia, North Korea, Iran and China. Combined, they are capable of significant remote or direct damage.

It is in all their interests to damage The West. Hitler, Franco, Musolini then Hitohito alighned as an Axis against us.

Pearl Harbour, who'd have thought it was possible in 1941?

Twin Towers in 2001, wasn't it suggested that 9/11, that they had assistance from one or more Middle Eastern government?

State sponsored Terrorism and Sabotage has been happening for years.

But then, even suggesting reality makes you a fear mongering conspirist!! Hysterical was the accusations towards anyone even suggesting Russia was about to invade Ukraine in January- it was Russian propaganda in order to prevent preparations. USA saw right through it, Zelensky didn't to the detriment of the Ukrain people.

That while planning or carrying out bad things, you counterclaim with denials and accusations of hysteria to generate 'smoke-screen' for max impact to have you enemy unprepared.

How many times, Salisbury poisonings, Litvinenko, MH17 and all the other Russian State sponsered dabblings, murders and sabotage. Russian denial is playbook and repetitive - events happen and it is 'offensive' to Russia to be accused.

In respect to power rationing and powercuts here over Winter, plan an event but put it out there 'it will never happen' - many will believe it won't happen, fail to prepare themselves and call out others trying to warn them as conspirists. Thus causing maximum impact and pain on an unprepared population when it does happen.

Are these people blinkered or simply frightened of reality?

Wasn't there rumours of powerlines, motorway bridges being the target of terror attacks here a number of years ago?

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


Operation INFEKTION was a Soviet disinformation campaign to influence opinion that the U.S. invented AIDS. The U.S. did not actively counter disinformation until 1980, when a fake document reported that the U.S. supported apartheid.

Haven't we had similar that the "US created and started the spread of COVID in China".

Influencing the US, EU and UK elections. President Trump?, who'd have thought it.

Influencing Brexit - Putin's dream to break up the EU.

Anti-vaccine conspiracy in regards all kinds of day to day vaccines, especially COVID.

Create a smoke-screen to downplay the risk or cover up an event. Then people don't see the facts staring right in front of them. That NORD STREAM was at first a US operation to benefit Gas sales, but now more convenient to blame the UK to justify some kind of retribution.

Rupert Murdoch also has interfered with all our Elections, including Brexit using his media influence as well as Fox news in the USA brainwashing Americans.

Russia Today - state sponsored propaganda that should have been taken off air many years ago.

Millions of people can die from a lie, Ukrain is commemorating The Holodomor this weekend - a fake and false accusation the Ukrainians were withholding grain from Russia by Stalin. Up to 6 million people died as a result of the starvation- something I firmly believe was genocide, as is the genocide happening now of freezing a population into submission by destruction of its energy infrastructure.

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By *rDiscretionXXXMan  over a year ago


"Up to 6 million people died as a result of the starvation- something I firmly believe was genocide..."

Then you need to learn what 'genocide' means. It means 'the systematic killing of all members of a given racial, or genetic, grouping.

You can use "mass killing", or "slaughter", or even "extermination" if you want a more emotional word, but unless you can point to some characteristic that Ukrainians have that isn't shared by their Slavic neighbours then you can't use "genocide".

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan  over a year ago

golden fields

"Up to 6 million people died as a result of the starvation- something I firmly believe was genocide...

Then you need to learn what 'genocide' means. It means 'the systematic killing of all members of a given racial, or genetic, grouping.

You can use "mass killing", or "slaughter", or even "extermination" if you want a more emotional word, but unless you can point to some characteristic that Ukrainians have that isn't shared by their Slavic neighbours then you can't use "genocide"."

Maybe there can be a new semantic section in the forums for people who are interested in arguing endlessly about apostrophes, semantics and the like?

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


UN seems to define it as:


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So, which genocide are we referring, the current 2022 version, the Syria or the 1932 Ukrainian one?

Seems Russia have used the article as a guide book to follow.

Is removing families and children not defined?

Indiscriminate bombing causing terror defined?

Is torchure and execution of a specific group defined?

Is the destruction of a population by starving and freezing defined?

I'll just check the full stops are in the right place!!

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By *uddy laneMan  over a year ago


"At 4mins into video, Tobias suggests our undersea Energy supply infrastructure is at risk of attack.

Wasn't this guy put forward as a candidate for PM a couple of years ago?

How dare he even suggest sabotage, a preposterous idea. Does he have shares in renewables somewhere?


He is just spouting his statecraft and endless rants about the endless threats that he thinks about in his own head and expects everyone else to think the same.

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan  over a year ago

golden fields

I think you could argue that some of these semicolons should have been full colons.

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


As I've previously been accused of copy/paste offences, I should leave as posted by the UN otherwise, I could then be open to comments for making changes.

I may have missed a comma in there somewhere?

However people want to define it, genocide, mass murder, mass suffering, collective punishment-the sentiment is the same.

Cruel and callous.

If the USSR had not overrun, suppressed, and occupied Eastern Europe - colonising it with Russian Speaking people for over 75yrs, probably none of this would be happening today.

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.

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By *rFunBoy OP   Man  over a year ago


On the subject of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain:

You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.'

- To Neville Chamberlain

- Winston Churchill

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By *rDiscretionXXXMan  over a year ago


"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group..."

Sigh. It looks like you're right, nowadays the definition of 'genocide' includes national groupings. It's like the users of these words just don't care about their Greek origins.

And I see that they've created the word 'ethnical' as well, presumably because they though 'ethnic' was too loaded.

Every day's a school day.

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