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Biden nominations.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Anybody else who saw the Democratic Party Convention think the tour of the states nominating him looked like a shit version of Eurovision votes??....nil points!

And the "senior" democrats speeches were nowt more than Trump Bashing.....didn't actually have owt positive to say about Biden himself.

Yanks had a shit choice between Trump and Hilary last time.....possibly worse choice this year!

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Anybody else who saw the Democratic Party Convention think the tour of the states nominating him looked like a shit version of Eurovision votes??....nil points!

And the "senior" democrats speeches were nowt more than Trump Bashing.....didn't actually have owt positive to say about Biden himself.

Yanks had a shit choice between Trump and Hilary last time.....possibly worse choice this year!"

long post coming!

they have 4 days to do what they need to do....

day 1... speak to 3 different groups:

lost republicans... cue john kasich and never trumpers... check!

progressives not sure.... cue bernie sanders... check! (and that is the best bernie speech i think i have seen in a while!)

suburban women and black women... cue michelle obama ... check!! (and good speech with subtle epic shade thrown in... told it like it was and what you are going to need to do!)

on night 1 you could see that was a work in progress and some bits worked better than others... the amtrak guy, the daughter who's dad died from covid, george floyds relatives speaking

i don't think the group discussion bits worked as well!

in this format the speeches were, get in... get your bullet point out, and get out! a lot tighter then they would normally be and i liked that

day two.... introduce joe!

as a political wonk... and a member of the democratic party... i thought the way they did the roll call of states was fantastic (honestly... go back and look how they have done it at every other democrat and republican convention ... the thing takes hours!!!!!)

and again the little bits you get to find out about joe... the mccain friendship film, the ady barkan piece, and the jill and joe story followed by jill biden speaking

the only trick i think they missed last night was having AOC speak about supporting biden, but in the norminating bernie role that was going to be hard!

and for as good a speaker bill clinton is (and it was again very good) i am not sure who he now appeals to...

anyway... night 3.... ladies night, introduce kamala harris to the nation, and president obama gets to take the gloves off!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dit dit diddle diddle dit dit der der.... And the circus rolls right on into town... 2 cheeks of the same arse and one fights for 'supremacy' over the other

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By *ercuryMan  over a year ago


I like the look of Kamala Harris.

She'll make a good President one day.... hopefully!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anybody else who saw the Democratic Party Convention think the tour of the states nominating him looked like a shit version of Eurovision votes??....nil points!

And the "senior" democrats speeches were nowt more than Trump Bashing.....didn't actually have owt positive to say about Biden himself.

Yanks had a shit choice between Trump and Hilary last time.....possibly worse choice this year!"

Something we can agree on.

If America and democrats want rid of trump so bad then why are they putting up candidates that are absolutely awful and have the most chance of losing.

The joe biden videos ive seen doing the rounds on internet where he cant complete a full coherent sentence and then the videos of the way hes touching kids and they are pulling away or looking so uncomfortable.

Is the US having live leader debates this year?

If so that should be interesting as i think trump will destroy biden in those.

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Utter shambles.

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


It was Amazing to watch President Obama rip in to the trump

Basically calling him a false & selfish reality show - conman.

A U.S president has never ripped into a sitting president ever - before.

Obama was also stating the fact that trump only looks after himself and " friends " and not the U.S people.

It was jaw dropping......

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Anybody else who saw the Democratic Party Convention think the tour of the states nominating him looked like a shit version of Eurovision votes??....nil points!

And the "senior" democrats speeches were nowt more than Trump Bashing.....didn't actually have owt positive to say about Biden himself.

Yanks had a shit choice between Trump and Hilary last time.....possibly worse choice this year!

Something we can agree on.

If America and democrats want rid of trump so bad then why are they putting up candidates that are absolutely awful and have the most chance of losing.

The joe biden videos ive seen doing the rounds on internet where he cant complete a full coherent sentence and then the videos of the way hes touching kids and they are pulling away or looking so uncomfortable.

Is the US having live leader debates this year?

If so that should be interesting as i think trump will destroy biden in those.


If you think this week is something wait till next week.... because I am betting it will be 4 days of doom and gloom... and basically bringing up the name of hunter Biden again and again to the point they will try and make you forget which Biden is running for president

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"It was Amazing to watch President Obama rip in to the trump

Basically calling him a false & selfish reality show - conman.

A U.S president has never ripped into a sitting president ever - before.

Obama was also stating the fact that trump only looks after himself and " friends " and not the U.S people.

It was jaw dropping......"

That.......... was........epic!

That was throwing shade and then some..... you know trump would have been triggered big time

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I just think it's hilarious watching the likes of Sanders and Harris grasping at any straw to stay in the game so to speak. If you watch all the previous interviews of Harris with regards to Biden, then watch her accept VP nomination, makes you think wtf!? Which ever side of the aisle, they are all disingenuous 40 faced actors.

In my opinion of course.

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


" the president " will have been jerking big time - on his twitter world - as Obama pointed out.

This is not how you run the richest country in the world unless you are certifiable wacko loonytunes.

Listening to Obama ripping him to shreds.

Was Epic......

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By *rSinCityMan  over a year ago


Only thing that would be epic, if Trump gets re elected

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

looks like democrats will win but think they need to address the issue of dealing with the large amount of violence they have in their own run states which the media fail to mention

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

the meltdown of trump last night on twitter was spectacular.... irony being it proved the entire point obama was making....

also... good decision for the dems to swop the speaking order last night so that obama went before harris... that way harris didn't have to be the attack dog, and obama basically handed the baton to the next generation of democratic leaders...

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Steve Bannon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"looks like democrats will win but think they need to address the issue of dealing with the large amount of violence they have in their own run states which the media fail to mention"

Harris circa 2013....more jail space & more police.....Harris 2020...less jail space & defund the police....

who's memory is fading the fastest? Harris or Biden?

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


Exactly _abio the orange one cant help himself and has nailing his own coffin thank god - with the bile spewing from his twitter world.

Oh yes & now his very close friend and White House chief advisor is now this very evening being ARRESTED over " the wall " con scam

Oh the lord does move in mysterious ways

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just watched the Obama speech. It's a glaring contrast between the way he speaks and the way Trump does, isn't it? Obama can actually speak.

He seemed genuinely angry at times, too. He wasn't shouting or ranting. But you could feel it.

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By *wisted999Man  over a year ago

North Bucks

Of course the real test will be when Biden speaks. It’s going to one interesting run in.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Watching the Harris speech now. It's nowhere near as good As Obama's. She's just rambling.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

She comes across as a lot less genuine than Obama too.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think it's all the fake smiling that's making her look insincere. (Advisors should never tell politicians to smile unless it's a natural reaction. It never comes across well.)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The Julia Louis-Dreyfus bits were fun haha. It felt like she just made it her mission to piss off Trump and get furious tweets from him.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop! "

How confident are you _abio of biden becoming president?

I recall you was just as confident for hilary last election.

If you are very confident would you be willing to make a friendly bet with me?

Not for money or anything like that maybe somthing like if you are right and biden becomes president then i can not post in forums for 2 weeks (or a month if thats not to rich for you :p)

And if trump stays president then you can not post for agreed amount of time.

I honestly dont think biden will become president.

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


Fabio your 100% correct

Trump is the last man - criminal standing - infact.

With his chief White House senior advisor now in handcuffs locked up " " last night behind bars...

For million dollar fraud. " the wall " & Crminal acts.

One rat to go on the sinking ship - jeez trumps wife must be shitting herself, can you imagine crawling into bed with trump errrrr fuck that poor poor women.


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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop!

How confident are you _abio of biden becoming president?

I recall you was just as confident for hilary last election.

If you are very confident would you be willing to make a friendly bet with me?

Not for money or anything like that maybe somthing like if you are right and biden becomes president then i can not post in forums for 2 weeks (or a month if thats not to rich for you :p)

And if trump stays president then you can not post for agreed amount of time.

I honestly dont think biden will become president. "

you thinking someone is going to bump off biden before nov 3rd like????

see... i like the forums so wont put up that bet... but i am willing to put up a bet.......

and since you are one of the near normal one... i would make you bet the really evil bet that i would put to make people put up or shut up.....

so how this....

I do believe that biden will win this... so for every "point" the victory margin is in the electoral college you will give 50p/£1 (you can choose) to a charity of my chosing

if you really believe trump will win.... i will put up the same amount in reverse and give to a charity of your choice....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop!

How confident are you _abio of biden becoming president?

I recall you was just as confident for hilary last election.

If you are very confident would you be willing to make a friendly bet with me?

Not for money or anything like that maybe somthing like if you are right and biden becomes president then i can not post in forums for 2 weeks (or a month if thats not to rich for you :p)

And if trump stays president then you can not post for agreed amount of time.

I honestly dont think biden will become president.

you thinking someone is going to bump off biden before nov 3rd like????

see... i like the forums so wont put up that bet... but i am willing to put up a bet.......

and since you are one of the near normal one... i would make you bet the really evil bet that i would put to make people put up or shut up.....

so how this....

I do believe that biden will win this... so for every "point" the victory margin is in the electoral college you will give 50p/£1 (you can choose) to a charity of my chosing

if you really believe trump will win.... i will put up the same amount in reverse and give to a charity of your choice...."

Ok I'll take that bet

Rather than the 50p/£1 per margin shall we just make it a flat £20 to the chairty of choice to who ever wins the bet?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop!

How confident are you _abio of biden becoming president?

I recall you was just as confident for hilary last election.

If you are very confident would you be willing to make a friendly bet with me?

Not for money or anything like that maybe somthing like if you are right and biden becomes president then i can not post in forums for 2 weeks (or a month if thats not to rich for you :p)

And if trump stays president then you can not post for agreed amount of time.

I honestly dont think biden will become president.

you thinking someone is going to bump off biden before nov 3rd like????

see... i like the forums so wont put up that bet... but i am willing to put up a bet.......

and since you are one of the near normal one... i would make you bet the really evil bet that i would put to make people put up or shut up.....

so how this....

I do believe that biden will win this... so for every "point" the victory margin is in the electoral college you will give 50p/£1 (you can choose) to a charity of my chosing

if you really believe trump will win.... i will put up the same amount in reverse and give to a charity of your choice....

Ok I'll take that bet

Rather than the 50p/£1 per margin shall we just make it a flat £20 to the chairty of choice to who ever wins the bet?


its good to see those that might have slightly different views having a fun and friendly debate and respecting each other views instead of being aggressive towards each other like what has been going on over the past few months.

good work lads

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Biden absolutely crushed that speech.... that was the best speech of his career

And the thing is that trump and his slappies set the bar so low getting thru just breathing was a win..... but that was a hell of a speech full stop!

How confident are you _abio of biden becoming president?

I recall you was just as confident for hilary last election.

If you are very confident would you be willing to make a friendly bet with me?

Not for money or anything like that maybe somthing like if you are right and biden becomes president then i can not post in forums for 2 weeks (or a month if thats not to rich for you :p)

And if trump stays president then you can not post for agreed amount of time.

I honestly dont think biden will become president.

you thinking someone is going to bump off biden before nov 3rd like????

see... i like the forums so wont put up that bet... but i am willing to put up a bet.......

and since you are one of the near normal one... i would make you bet the really evil bet that i would put to make people put up or shut up.....

so how this....

I do believe that biden will win this... so for every "point" the victory margin is in the electoral college you will give 50p/£1 (you can choose) to a charity of my chosing

if you really believe trump will win.... i will put up the same amount in reverse and give to a charity of your choice....

Ok I'll take that bet

Rather than the 50p/£1 per margin shall we just make it a flat £20 to the chairty of choice to who ever wins the bet?

its good to see those that might have slightly different views having a fun and friendly debate and respecting each other views instead of being aggressive towards each other like what has been going on over the past few months.

good work lads "

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Ok I'll take that bet

Rather than the 50p/£1 per margin shall we just make it a flat £20 to the chairty of choice to who ever wins the bet?


cool... that is good with me.....

I would say good luck.. but... ya know!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not wanting to stir up anything, but I think the DNC have gifted Trump with Biden and Harris, I didn't watch the full speeches, there were a few great snippets, but didn't hear much about policy, just a lot of trump bashing, which is fair enough.

Reading more into Harris when she was prosecutor, and governor, I think she is a horrendous choice, she may have changed her stance on many things, like legalising pot, or not prosecuting parents who's kids skive school. But to still say she stands by withholding evidence that would of kept a man off death row is shocking, not to mention other similar cases.

Given that Biden can barely form a speech on his own, this is the lady that will be running the US

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There is a YouTube video doing the rounds that says any idiot can read off a teleprompter...

Apparently some idiots can't...


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By *az080378Woman  over a year ago


I really like Biden's speech,I'm probably one of those gullible people that politicians love.

But surely Trump can't win the next election?....

I can't find anything likeable,selfless,logical or hardworking about him and if I liked in America would seriously struggle to find any reason to vote for him.

Saying that, my brother has lived in the states for the last 20 odd years and thinks Trump has done lots of positive things for the country

Our conversation stopped there as arguing is not my strong point....

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


I see that Biden helped out a fellow stutterer - teenager kid who has sufferd badly with it effecting his everyday life.

Biden helped him by showing how to write down his words and phrases, and to use his slower breathing.

Only showing people that you genuinely care about others - let alone your whole country.

The trump failed this test on corona virus by thinking only of how it effects him - a sad selfish excuse of a human being.

U.S approaching 200,000 american deaths on his watch & charge.

The failed lying - commander in chief.

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By *ebbie69Couple  over a year ago

milton keynes

Don't really follow American politics but seems by what others are saying trump is in his final months. The only person that can beat Biden is Biden himself. No idea what he stands for or direction he wants to take

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I see that Biden helped out a fellow stutterer - teenager kid who has sufferd badly with it effecting his everyday life.

Biden helped him by showing how to write down his words and phrases, and to use his slower breathing.

Only showing people that you genuinely care about others - let alone your whole country.

The trump failed this test on corona virus by thinking only of how it effects him - a sad selfish excuse of a human being.

U.S approaching 200,000 american deaths on his watch & charge.

The failed lying - commander in chief."

That is a good thing. Has he given up on curing cancer? The pledge he made around a year ago. 'vote for me and we will cure cancer'... Just wondering if that's still Biden policy.

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By *ice__blokeMan  over a year ago


Trumps sister a top judge has just took to the new wires !!!

The last " crooked " nail in foot

Saying he is the biggest fake walking, paid other students to fake his exams lol

He has no credentials at all - might be done for tax evasion - locked up after deposed. after all all of his team have been locked up


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By *ionelhutzMan  over a year ago


Be interesting to see what happens if he does lose..will the law finally catch up with him.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Trumps sister a top judge has just took to the new wires !!!

The last " crooked " nail in foot

Saying he is the biggest fake walking, paid other students to fake his exams lol

He has no credentials at all - might be done for tax evasion - locked up after deposed. after all all of his team have been locked up



His supporters don't care. It's all about "owning the libs".

Making yourself poorer to own the libs.

Giving yourself covid to own the libs.

Electing a Russian shill to own the libs.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Trumps sister a top judge has just took to the new wires !!!

The last " crooked " nail in foot

Saying he is the biggest fake walking, paid other students to fake his exams lol

He has no credentials at all - might be done for tax evasion - locked up after deposed. after all all of his team have been locked up


His supporters don't care. It's all about "owning the libs".

Making yourself poorer to own the libs.

Giving yourself covid to own the libs.

Electing a Russian shill to own the libs.


More than a passing resemblance to Brexiter logic.

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By *estivalMan  over a year ago


"Be interesting to see what happens if he does lose..will the law finally catch up with him."

i doubt it very much any president that has done wrong just walks away.nixin was a wrong un and just hoped on his helicopter and flew off into the sunset and all the evidence of watergate was there for everyone to see

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